Surfer SEO Content I Write Ranks Top of Page 1 on Google – 30% Off NOW ONLY!

Surfer SEO content optimization is how content I’ve written for clients immediately ranked for keyword phrases that generate income for those businesses.

Even better, that content is STILL in position one or two whenever I check. It has been over a year since I optimized some of it.

And it still ranks!

I’m not talking about easy to rank for content, either. These are highly competitive keyword phrases for clients with dozens of competitors.

Does Surfer SEO Content Optimization Work? YES!

Based on that, I have to say that content optimized using Surfer SEO does rank well. Keep in mind that this is NOT AI generated content.

This is content that I either originally wrote and then optimized later. Or that someone else wrote and I optimized it later.

Do I Recommend Surfer SEO Content Optimization?

Yes, I do. In fact, I would love to optimize content for many more small businesses so that they can increase their incomes — especially in tough times like now.

In the interests of full disclosure, the content I optimize is important to my clients. So it does already have some incoming links.

It is likely that you need incoming links if you are targeting competitive keyword phrases.

Surfer SEO Discount 30% Off Until 4/24/24 8 a.m. EDT

If you want to optimize your own, right now is the best time to try it out because it is 30% off – but only until 9 a.m. EDT the morning of Wednesday 4/24/24.

There is no risk because you can use the 7 day free trial and cancel before you pay if it isn’t for you!

Surfer SEO Free Trial

😮 Risk-free 7-day trial: Customers can try Surfer and still get the discount!

Benefit from:

Greater Visibility

✅ More Clicks

Additional Traffic

✅ Extra Conversions

Surfer SEO 7 day free trial

The Surfer SEO 7-day free trial includes:

You can sign up for the free trial using the 30% Off link to lock that in before it expires.

See Surfer SEO from the Inside

Want to see inside? Check out this short review video:

Have questions? Ask me in the comments. Save this post as I’ll be updating it and adding more details in the near future.

What I’ve Learned Running a Digital Marketing Agency for 2 Years

Before starting my digital marketing agency around 2 years ago, I had no experience running a business.

I didn’t know how to build a website or how to optimize a website for SEO rankings.

And most importantly – how to market and accurately show the value of the services I was offering.

I had been working in New York City at a few large investment banks. After around 5 years, I was ready for a change.

And I was sick and tired of the:

  • Forced long hours
  • Micromanagement
  • Way that people were treated at some of these larger companies

Fast forward 2 years later. It still amazes me to this day how much I’ve learned from running this business.

And those fundamental lessons can be applied to any single business venture out there.

These are the best lessons that I’ve learned over the years:

Lesson 1 – Don’t Let Your Ego Get in the Way

It felt surreal at times. I had been working in a prestigious investment bank right on Wall Street.

All of a sudden I was making cold calls in the group study room at the local community college.

After dealing with all of the people telling me I was, “throwing my life away”, it was difficult to have the persistence to keep going when I was getting brutal cold call rejections.

My personal favorite was when I was speaking to a potential lawyer client to redesign her website.

And when she found out I used to work on Wall Street she told me, “why would you ever leave that… that was a good and well-respected job and this isn’t”.

Letting an ego get in my way would’ve absolutely crushed any results or progress. I was so close to getting in the beginning stages.

I’ve seen it far too often in this industry, people think they are above cold calling, networking, or any other means of getting their first clients in the door.

Know Your Why

I knew it wouldn’t be easy, but I had my “why” figured out for why I was pushing myself like never before to make this work – I wanted my freedom back.

I knew that I could make this business work and I knew that this would lead to me getting the freedom back to travel whenever I wanted.

No longer would I be forced to wake up to the sound of an alarm clock at 6 am every morning.

And most importantly, I wouldn’t be wasting 50-80 hours a week doing something that made me miserable.

The better this business did, the more likely it was that I would never have to go back to that lifestyle in the corporate world.

So, why do you want to start a digital marketing agency?

Lesson 2 – No One Does it Alone

When I knew nothing about starting a business and entrepreneurial ventures, I always had this image that a business owner would just lock himself in his basement and come out months later with this golden idea.

I couldn’t have been further from the truth. What I’ve learned is that the individuals who get the best results in the quickest amount of time
are those who find a mentor and learn from them.

In the digital age that we live in, this has never been easier. Why do it all yourself when someone has walked the exact same path before and can provide invaluable information for how you can severely cut your learning curve?

When I first started, I purchased online courses, joined website design forums, and read sales/marketing books like crazy.

I tried to absorb all that I could, but I of course still made a lot of beginner mistakes as I was finding my way.

After a while, it was easy to identify who the real veterans were of the groups and it amazed me how often people were willing to help beginners if they saw that you were committed and trying your best to make this business work.

Get Feedback

I’d post anything I could think of and run it by people in these groups – sales emails, mock website designs for clients, my cold call script, etc.

Some people were surprisingly afraid to post their work in these groups for ridicule, but I just didn’t care at all.

I had no ego attached to any of this work. I just wanted to get better. And I wanted to do the best job possible for the first few clients who took a chance going with me.

Reach out and you’ll be surprised how people can recognize effort and dedication and help you take your business to the next level.

Lesson 3 – Take Consistent Smart Action

There are two extremes here to exemplify this point. Both won’t get sustainable results.

One is the entrepreneur who constantly procrastinates taking any real action. He or she will do anything and everything to avoid REAL action.

If they need to get clients, instead of picking up the phone and calling, they will do everything else:

  • Get their own website perfect
  • Work on getting the perfect logo
  • Make a huge Excel spreadsheet of prospects to call

But they will NEVER get to the point of actually making that first phone call. They let their fear of rejection get in the way. And it, of course, leads to no success.

What Isn’t Smart Action

The second example is often glorified in entrepreneurial circles, but it really shouldn’t be.

I’d see it all the time in these online groups and forums I was in – someone would boast that they did “100 calls in one day” or “sent 1000 emails in one week”.

They were spinning their tires but going nowhere fast. What’s the main mistake this entrepreneur made?

They didn’t ADJUST their approach, at all. Yes, they were taking action, but it was leading to absolutely awful response rates.

What’s the Happy Median Here?

The entrepreneur who takes action but is constantly adjusting his approach and learning nonstop.

Instead of just making the same 100 calls in a day, this individual who does it the right way will make 10 calls, record himself for one of them and then
post for feedback.

He or she will question everything, such as how to improve their script, their
tone of voice, the businesses they’re targeting, overcoming objections, etc.

They’ll question if cold calling is general is the most effective use of their time.

I can’t stress this point enough – it’s key to take action every day in the right direction but make sure that you are constantly adjusting and learning on how to improve!

Difference Between Success and Failure

The difference between a successful and unsuccessful digital marketing agency is not major at all.

If you look at it purely from revenue, profit margin, and other yearly metrics it seems like the gap is huge.

It simply comes down to what you’re doing day by day. That adds up to a whole year of good or bad habits.

Keep it simple, take consistent action in the right direction every single day and constantly adapt and adjust when you have enough data to see what is working and what isn’t.

Ready to Start Your Own Digital Marketing Agency?

Your first step is to decide what kind of digital marketing agency you want to run.

Will your focus be SEO or something else?  Seriously consider choosing a specialty so you can stand out from the crowd.

Don’t be just another generic digital marketing agency. Be “the” SEO agency for a particular type of business.

For example, some businesses have very specialized needs. Consider all the various specialties a dental SEO agency would need to know.

Choose one type of business and learn all you can about that one vertical. Brand for that industry.

Then pitch potential clients who are in that business, but also others who serve those businesses.

Build that out and then choose a totally different kind of client. You may even want to launch a separate site and brand.

The reason for that is to be more resilient during a lock down or economic downturn.

Think ahead and choose one niche that would be affected by a lock down and another that will not.

Or get active in an industry that thrives when the economy is growing, but another that is resistant to downturns.

There is no time like the present. Get started today.


Originally published 10/13/19; updated restored version `1/8/23.

Why Dentists Need to Hire an Authoritative Niche Dental SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is far more complicated than the typical dentist or other small business owner knows. But how do you find a qualified dental SEO expert?

It is sad to see so many hiring unqualified “SEOs” who could be anything from blog comment spammers to private blog network (PBN) operators.

Read on to find out why you must be very cautious about who you hire — and how to evaluate their abilities.

For best results, they should know your business and what is important to your patients and potential new clients or customers.

Types of SEO Expertise

Beyond the incompetent, there are individual and SEO agencies who have expertise in and knowledge about:

    • Technical SEO
    • Local SEO
    • Google My Business (GMB) – now also known as “Business Profile Manager” (BPM) — but most still refer to it as GMB
    • Particular niche industries

Every good SEO should have a working knowledge of technical SEO including Core Web Metrics.

And they should also know local SEO unless they specialize only in online sites with no physical location.

Niche SEO Knowledge

But do they know anything about your niche? Whatever niche your small business is in, faster results come from hiring someone who already knows your industry.

The other option is to hire someone willing to learn about your business and niche. But that takes time that will cost you.

For the purposes of this discussion, I’ll use dentistry because there are available case studies with details to support results from particular strategies.

But these concepts apply equally well to any small business niche.

Why a Dental SEO?

While most people have been to the dentist, they aren’t experts in what types of dental services dentists offer.

How can they even know what keyword phrases are relevant to your practice if they know nothing about dentistry?

Specializing in a particular niche leads to years of experience knowing what works — and just as importantly, what does not work.

Why pay for a dental SEO to gain experience at your expense when you can hire one that already knows your business?

Dental Practice SEO Strategy

Dental SEO Justin Morgan, who founded the #1 dental SEO company, shared niche dental case studies and his specific strategy for ranking dentists at the top of page one in the SERPs.

His four step process used to successfully rank dentists even when they launch a new brand and domain is:

1) Assessing Your Competition

Researching phrases your competition is ranking for is a shortcut to discovering what to focus on.

Premium SEO tools are used to compare how your content, traffic, and rankings compare to your competitors.

But knowledge of the industry is critical to using these tools. That is especially true if your SEO is running ads for you.

You never want to be paying for impressions or clicks on keyword phrases that are not relevant!

2) Marketing Analysis

The point of an SEO marketing analysis is to look for opportunities to increase your income using SEO.

What services do you offer? Are they mentioned on your website? Do you have pages or blog posts that rank for those services?

Unless you can bring in new patients, there is no point in spending money on SEO.

The good news, though, is that local SEO and especially Google My Business (GMB) / Business Profile Manager (BPM) are a gold mine for local businesses including dental practices.

3) Setting an SEO Strategy

Two dental offices offering the same services in the same city may need very different dental SEO strategies.

This is because of the way GMB / BPM works, and also how many dental practices are in your immediate area.

For example, if you’re in a small town and few other dentists are located near you, ranking might be fast and easy.

But the larger the city and the more dentist offices you’re competing with, the more time and money it will take to rank.

Gaining visibility is even tougher if your practice is located further from the center of a city than your competitor’s offices.

I once had small business clients whose location was centrally located equidistant from three major cities.

But because of that, they could not appear on any of the maps for those cities where their buyers were located.

That same issue can occur even in cities if you have many competitors closer in than you are.

An excellent dental SEO can often overcome those challenges.

4) Implementation

Unless you have an unlimited budget, it is of utmost importance to prioritize when implementing your strategy.

Focus first on what will increase income in the shortest amount of time. Creating and optimizing your GMB listing is a great place to start.

But that alone will not allow your business to rank if you have much competition.

Also, keep in mind that SEO for each specialty within a niche can vary substantially.

For example, are you a dental specialist such as a prosthodontist or oral surgeon whose patients come from referrals?

If yes, your target audience is other dentists rather than the public.

Are you a pediatric dentist? Your target audience is probably a mom who will be researching. So you don’t need to rank #1 because moms will be calling multiple dentists to choose one!

Always keep your intended audience in mind when deciding on an SEO strategy to adopt.

SEO Requires Continuous Improvement

You will need a long-range plan of continuous improvement. That plan would include:

  • Regularly updating your GMB listing with new content and offers
  • Creating listings in trusted local directories
  • Claiming your social media profiles
  • Installing a blog and publishing quality content regularly

Some SEOs offer all of the above services within their agency or by working with freelancers.

Others may refer you to experts they trust for the above services and those mentioned below.

Additional Strategies to Consider

Even if your SEO does not offer all of these, they may advise adding them to your marketing mix:

  • Email marketing: Few small businesses build and utilize their mailing lists properly. The easiest person to sell to is an existing patient, client or customer!
  • SMS marketing: Fill last-minute cancellations by offering last-minute discounts to existing clients who can fill those spots!
  • Upselling: Do your dental hygienists set new appointments? Are you collaborating with them to encourage patients to complete treatment plans?

Always ask for referrals to a trusted provider whenever your SEO suggests a new strategy to add to your marketing plan.

Ready to Interview SEOs Now?

My goal in writing this post is to hopefully keep dentists and other small businesses from bad SEO practices.

Doing dental SEO wrong can severely damage your online presence and tank your income!

Be prepared when you contact an SEO. Many are very secretive, but if you ask direct questions hopefully you can get honest answers.

Write down your questions in advance. Ask them what SEO tools they use and what exactly they will do for you.

If someone says they “do SEO” and that is all the detail you can get out of them, give them a pass and find someone else!

How to Improve Your Rankings When Your To-Do List Is Already Packed

You know your website rankings are important. If you didn’t, you probably wouldn’t be reading this in the first place, right?

How to Improve Your Rankings When Your To-Do List Is Already Packed

Even with that knowledge, though, finding a way to get it done can be a challenge.

Who has time to focus on their website when there is so much to do?

You need to deal with the finances, hire and train people, create products, market those products or services, network, and so on.

If you have a family, you probably want to spend some time with them, as well. And at some point, you probably want to sleep.

How, then, can you find the time to:

    • create and optimize content
    • do keyword research
    • build domain authority
    • generate inbound links
    • and do everything else your website needs you to do?

The answer is simpler than you might think: outsource.

Outsourcing is hiring an expert to manage parts of your business – or even your personal life – that you either don’t have the time to do, don’t have the skills to do, or simply do not want to do.

If you don’t have the time, energy, or expertise to pour into your website, an SEO company like can take care of it for you.

If you’re into the do-it-yourself route, you might be a bit averse to having someone else manage such an important role.

But there are several benefits to making this move. They include the following:

You Get Expert Knowledge and Experience

One of the most challenging parts of running a website and having it rank well is not knowing what to do.

Sometimes, it’s not actually writing content or managing the site that takes up a great deal of time – it’s the research, trial, and error.

By outsourcing to an SEO company, you can skip that part. These companies spend their time and energy learning and mastering the art of ranking.

You can take advantage of that knowledge and those skills.

You Get to Save Time for Other Important Tasks

That long to-do list you haven’t probably isn’t going anywhere any time soon, so it’s important that you find ways to save time.

Allowing an SEO company to help with several of your important tasks gives you the opportunity of focusing your time, energy, and creativity on other priorities.

You’ll Likely Find That You Make More Money

If your website isn’t ranking well, it can significantly impact the amount of money your company makes.

That’s not going to change until you’re able to focus on your website rankings.

And with a full to-do list, that might take much longer than you would like.

However, by outsourcing to an SEO company, you have people working on your website.

This is something that can help you see your profits soar much more quickly.

You Can Learn As You Go

As you get an SEO company to help you out, you can pay attention to what they are doing with your content and entire website.

Once you get an idea of what helps your website, you can decide if you want to take over management of it.

You can also let them continue to work, but if you like doing things yourself, this is a great way to learn what to do.

These Companies Meet You Where You Are

It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting out or if you’ve already built your website, SEO companies can help.

They can work on your website from the beginning and put everything in order before you even launch it.

If you’ve already filled your website with content and it’s just not performing well enough, they can help you there, too.

They can dive into your existing content and features to determine what should be improved.

And, they can then make the necessary improvements, and get your website ranking well.

SEO-Optimized Infographics: A Blogger’s Best Friend

SEO-optimized infographics are a blog post powerhouse.

SEO-Optimized infographics blog headerThey drive massive traffic to your site, get tons of engagement, build your brand, get lots of backlinks and more.

Most of all, they help your blog content land on Google’s first page consistently.

Not by luck, not once in a while, but intentionally and frequently.

Why does that matter? Because the average traffic share of Google’s first page is 91.5 percent (basically everybody).

And if you’re the first result?

The first result gets 32.5 percent of search traffic!

That’s a major leg up on your competitors.

So how do you do that? It’s not by writing a hundred blog posts with a hundred infographics (or even a thousand).

It’s by writing one blog post that features an engaging, SEO-optimized infographic!

That’s right, focusing on SEO-optimized infographics is a reliable way to drive traffic and grow your audience.

It’s something all content creators and business owners can do …but don’t!

What you need at your disposal is an understanding of how visual content and blog posts come together to land on Google’s first page of results.

That’s what this post is all about.

Everyone loves a budget-friendly content marketing strategy

You might be wondering why SEO-optimized infographics over other types of content?

Why not run paid ads on your blog to expand their reach? Create cool videos on YouTube? Sponsor conferences and networking events to get your name out there?

Two words: accessibility and scalability.

Learning a few SEO basics is free, and it’s very easy to design SEO-optimized infographics.

There are a lot of online design tools that provide you with easy-to-customize infographic templates, a simple editor and tons of educational design resources to help you out.

You’d be surprised at the kinds of professional designs bloggers can create on their own today.

On the other hand, paid ads get expensive very fast.

You can purchase links on other sites (sometimes for hundreds of dollars per link) at the risk of receiving a Google penalty.

Purchasing links goes against Google’s guidelines and if you get caught, it’ll drastically reduce your organic traffic for months!

Not worth it.

Hiring professional designers or graphic design agencies is not risky. But a single infographic design can cost you a few hundred dollars or a few thousand (and that’s just the design, not the research or SEO-optimization).

That’s not something you can really scale.

Understanding a bit of SEO, creating your own SEO-optimized infographics and getting free links is risk-free and budget-friendly.

Once you see that it’s working, you can also double (or triple, or quadruple) down on it to ramp up your results without any hassle.


Then let’s get to it!

What’s so special about SEO-Optimized infographics?

Convincing Google your post should be on page one is what SEO is all about.

When it comes to SEO, Google and other search engines have specific ranking factors – factors they use to determine the value of online content.

These factors aren’t a secret, and by following best practices, you can easily satisfy Google’s requirements.

Here’s where infographics come in.

In Brian Dean’s latest list of Google’s ranking factors, he shares a ton of factors that infographics easily impact. Here are just a few:

  • Mobile optimized
  • Keyword in description tag
  • Number of backlinks
  • Page loading speed
  • Keyword in title
  • Title tag starts with the keyword
  • Keyword density
  • Image optimization
  • Keyword appears in H1 tag
  • Bounce rate/Dwell time
  • Keyword in the title tag
  • Repeat traffic
  • Keyword in URL

SEO-optimized infographics absolutely impact these ranking factors.

Let’s start with everyone’s favorite – backlinks.

Backlinks are just links on other pages pointing back to your content.

A solid, well-researched, informative and original blog post has high chances of being shared as a post or linked back to as a reference. And, guess what?

Infographics are one of the best, cost-effective ways to get quality backlinks.

Infographics are the most shared form of content online for a reason.

Since infographics are so popular and engaging, more publications are willing to syndicate them or share them in their own content without even being asked (over other types of content).

There are also some technical steps you can take to make your infographic SEO-effective.

Focus on a long-tail keyword and make sure you’ve placed it in the H1 tag, the body text of your infographic post, the URL and so on.

Now for the indirect ways SEO-Optimized infographics influence SEO factors.

Infographics are visual and captivating. That’s how they affect dwell time (the length of time people spend viewing your post), along with repeat traffic (how often they return).

The more time people spend viewing your content and coming back to it, the more relevant and valuable it appears in Google’s eyes.

Social media shares don’t directly impact SEO since Google doesn’t factor in shares and likes.

Of course, with more shares and likes, the higher the chances that your content gets viewed and linked back to.

If you’re creating content that has a tendency to get shared more, you have a clear advantage.

That doesn’t mean an infographic about any random topic will work (hence the SEO-optimization).

It also boils down to the actual value of your content. If you’ve got good data and meaningful insights, then your infographic will take off.

That brings us to the process of creating SEO-optimized infographics.

I’m going to show you ways to do a bit of research for your infographic, along with how to format your infographic to make it as effective as possible.

Good research, facts and stats are the heart of SEO-optimized infographics

Cool looking visuals might lure unsuspecting viewers to check out your infographic.

But without any real meat or relevance, people will bounce (bounce rates, also a ranking factor).

Your infographic won’t pick up any steam, publications won’t want to share it or syndicate it and Google won’t care about it.

Insightful and compelling content is how you reward your audience for clicking and encourage them to comment, share, link back to it and more.

My research phase has three essential stages

  1. Choose a topic your audience actually cares about

Why rank for “things cats do” if you sell an online invoicing tool?

Unless there’s a really interesting overlap between small business owners and avid cat lovers, I’d focus on something more relevant.

Let’s say you’re a real estate agent targeting new homeowners. What do homeowners ask questions about? What issues are important to them today? How would you find out?

You can use tools like FaqFox to scrape forums for questions directly related to your topic.

First, enter your topic. Then enter any relevant sites/online forums where people would ask questions about it.

You can even click on one of the tags that appear for a few site suggestions. Then hit search:

FAQFox pulls up popular posts on your topic that you can check out and start brainstorming over.

This is a great way to find out what kind of questions your target audience is asking and what kind of content has been created.

I also like Brian Dean’s suggestion of checking out Udemy courses. While he’s talking about choosing blog post topics, it certainly applies to infographics as well.

You can search for courses by keywords or categories and Udemy shows you the most popular ones.

Best of all, people are paying for this content so clearly it’s valuable to them!

He breaks down that process for you in his recently updated blog post.

  1. Select a long-tail keyword

Once you’ve got a topic in mind, you have to choose your angle. More importantly, you’ll need to determine a long-tail keyword for your infographic.

Keyword research is important because it’s the only way people can find your content.

If you use terms that people don’t use for their searches, then Google won’t understand how your content is relevant to what people search for.

  1. Conduct original research on your topic

The whole point of research is to make a new discovery, or put old ideas to the test. To do that, there are tons of research methods for you to use to get your answers:

  • Ask industry professionals
  • Analyze various sources of existing data
  • Survey or poll your users/subscribers
  • Run your own experiment and share your findings

I’ll elaborate on a few of those research methods.

Asking your industry

A great way to add value to your infographic is to get insights from industry experts.

‘People’ is a vague term, but when you can say “300 homeowners share their favorite tools for budgeting” or “300 real estate agents share tips on finding helpful home insurance policies”, then your infographic has some appeal and real validation.

Survey or poll your users

There are a number of tools out there like Survey Anyplace, Survey Monkey or Pollfish that make conducting surveys simple. Even with free versions, you can design and send out a professional-looking survey to collect data.

Running your own experiments

Running your own experiment is a great way to validate yourself as a leader in the industry.

You get to establish yourself as a direct source of new, helpful information.

Plus your unique findings are exclusive to you, which makes promoting your infographic much easier.

You can also check out this in-depth resource on doing online research (including finding reliable stats, sources, quotes and visuals) to find relevant data the old-fashioned way.

Part 2: Format your infographic post for search engines

In a lot of ways, when it comes to SEO, you can treat your infographic like any other blog post.

Using headers, inserting keywords, determining a URL structure are all ways to influence your infographic’s SEO power.

Let’s take a look at that list I shared before:

  • Mobile optimized
  • Keyword in the title tag
  • Number of backlinks
  • Keyword in description tag
  • Page loading speed
  • Keyword in title
  • Title tag starts with the keyword
  • Keyword appears in H1 tag
  • Image optimization
  • Keyword density
  • Bounce rate/Dwell time
  • Repeat traffic
  • Keyword in URL

If your blog is already mobile-friendly, then you’re all set. If you’re not sure, run this test to find out and make the necessary changes.

Some of the factors in that list you can directly influence, while others depend on the quality of your content, the topic, how readable it is and so on.

Make sure your infographic is relevant to your niche and target audience. What you share with a dental SEO would be different than what you share to the patients of a dentist.

Once your infographic is ready to be shared, here are a few essential tips for posting an SEO-optimized infographic.

Insert your long-tail keyword in the right places

Like any blog post, you want your long-tail keyword to show up where it counts – the introduction, the URL, in the H1 header and so on.

Be sure to write up a brief introduction (100-150 words) explaining what the infographic is all about, too.

This lets you include your long-tail keyword, other relevant terms, and link out to helpful resources. An intro is also helpful to your audience, as well.

Below is an example of a brief intro for one of our infographic posts that has done pretty well.

It shares results of a survey on visual content marketing. I’ll share some data regarding how that infographic post has performed later on.

Use SEO plugins to help optimize your post

For WordPress, a simple tool like Yoast lets you tweak important sections (the meta description and URL slug) and it also lets you know what could be improved/added.

There are actually a few alternative SEO plugins that you can use. You can also check out Brafton’s roundup of SEO marketing tools to give your content that SEO edge.

You have to optimize the infographic itself – the image file

Your infographic itself also needs to be optimized. Here are a few SEO factors that matter.

Like any image in a blog post, you want to include your alt text. Alt text tells Google what an image is all about so it knows when to pull it up.

Typically, you can just use your long-tail keyword as the alt text.

Page loading speed is another ranking factor. Your page loading speed will be impacted by the size and file format of your infographic.

Your infographic should be a small image file (less than a MB), with a resolution around 72-100 PPI, and an optimal file format (PNG, JPEG or GIF).

Tools like let you reduce the size of images. This is helpful if your infographic is a little large.

Promote your awesome, SEO-optimized infographic and get even more backlinks!

Finally, as I mentioned earlier, backlinks are a major contributing factor when it comes to your content ranking.

The more authoritative sites that point to your content, the better. Backlinks tell Google your content is valuable, engaging, and well-liked for that topic.

Beyond just asking people to link to it as a reference, you should pitch your infographic to sites, offer to write a post on the topic pointing back to your infographic, or encourage sites to syndicate your piece.

Those are just ideas, but you want a backlink outreach strategy in place for any major pieces of content you publish.

Pro-Tip: If you conducted a survey to create your infographic, then reach out to all your respondents and ask for a backlink. They’ll likely be interested in the results and it’ll provide value for their audiences so they’ll be happy to do it.

Content marketers understand the value of visual content, particularly infographics.

They know that featuring SEO-optimized infographics on their blog or sharing it on their social pages will easily engage their audience.

If your content is relevant to the topics they typically cover, they’ll be receptive to your request.

So how did our visual marketing statistics post do anyway? Great! We secured over 1000 backlinks for the post according to Ahrefs:

And we’re dominating the first page of Google search results.

So it does work, in case you were wondering! Now let me know what you think. Have you tried a similar strategy and seen worthwhile results?

Or is there something my approach is missing that would make it even better? Comment and let me know!

Boost Your SEO and Increase Rankings with TextOptimizer

How do you come up with unique blog content that Google will send you visitors to read? It can be a daunting task to regularly create new and unique content.

However, it is a necessity to remain relevant, get higher search engine rankings, and grow your business.

The process of improving your ranking is evolving as Google’s algorithms become more sophisticated. Historically, optimizing your content for search focused on getting as many backlinks as possible.

Search engine ranking today takes user intent into account. Simply building links to your website is no longer enough. Welcome to the age of semantic search.

What is Semantic Search?

Semantic search goes beyond just using keywords to bring up search results. It refers to search engines taking into consideration both the intent and the contextual meaning of the phrases users put into a query.

The purpose is to improve the accuracy of and deliver the most relevant results to users on the Internet.

Try TextOptimizer: A Semantic SEO Tool

Using this tool will help you write content containing meaningful words. It keeps you focus more on topics than only keywords or phrases.

It is a content optimization tool that helps you improve your existing content using semantic analysis. Or you can start from scratch and use it when creating your content.

How Can TextOptimizer Help?

TextOptimizer is a simple to use tool for those who are not SEO experts. It helps you know how your content will fair in search engines before you publish it.

The content you write is broken down by different types of search intent such as “compare”, “go”, and “buy”.

Where your content shows up on search results depends upon how well it matches the possible intents of users.

Your content is analyzed and classified by TextOptimizer. It lets you know whether your content meets users’ intent and recommends changes.

Click on the image below to watch a short video.

Video Text Optimizer

How to Use TextOptimizer to Increase Your Rankings

The tool is so easy-to-use and straightforward, I was amazed. I am not an SEO, and if I can use it, anyone can. Compared to SEMRush, this tool is less complicated and made more for non-technical people.

Below we will outline the process for optimizing existing content.

TextOptimizer looks at the content at the URL you provide and compares it to Google SERPs. It then gives you an optimization score between 0 and 100.

To try out the product for free, go to and enter the URL of your content.

For this post, I will use the URL from this article: 7 Simple Strategies To Improve Rankings to Get More Leads From Your Website.

Try TextOptimizer

TextOptimizer then shows you the main semantic topics that your text is about and why.

TextOptimizer Shows What Your Text is About

The tool then analyzes your content to determine who is most likely to have their search expectations met from reading your content.

Search Expectations

Content Format Analysis

Well-formatted and well-written content is essential, especially with most people reading on mobile devices.

If your content is not laid out in an easy-to-read format, you will lose readers. Sentences that are too long will appear on mobile as a massive block of text.

TextOptimizer makes this easier by evaluating your content and giving it a score based on the:

  • Richness and diversity of the words used
  • Number of sentences
  • Variety of used verbs
  • Sentence length

Text Format

TextOptimizer then shows you some examples of semantically related words that are missing from your content.

By adding some of them, you will increase the chances of being found in search by those looking for what your content offers.

Examples of missing words

You will need to upgrade to sufficiently increase your chances of ranking because you need to see all the missing semantically related words. See screenshot below.

The words that are in gray are already included in your text. Try to add between 15 and 25 of the other words with the white background.

Word to add to already existing content

Optimize Your Content for Search Engines

With TextOptimizer, making sure your content is optimized for search is a straightforward process. The tool accomplishes this by:

  • Suggesting words to add and remove
  • Analyzing search engine results
  • Comparing the results with your content
  • Telling you what steps you should take to optimize your text

The processes behind the scenes of TextOptimizer analyze:

  • Patterns
  • Semantics
  • Intent
  • Concurrency

When you get your results, next click “Optimize my Text Now”.

Optimize Your Text Now

Select the Search Engine

In this step, you can choose the search engine where you want to improve your rankings. We recommend you select Google because they have the lion’s share of searches. (Later, you may wish to optimize for Bing.)

Google or Bing

Your next step is to choose which term you want to rank better for and optimize for search. This would be the focus keyword phrase used in your SEO plugin.

improve rankings search

As you can see in the screenshot below, the search term I chose for this step is “improve rankings” because that is the keyword phrase used in the Yoast SEO plugin.

improve rankings keyword

This content scores “fairly optimized” with a score of 76%. However, there is room for improvement.

According to Ann Smarty, the minimum score you should aim for is 90% or higher.

There is no need to worry because TextOptimizer will help you rank for your chosen phrase or phrases by suggesting semantically related words for you to add to your content.

Word to add to already existing content

TextOptimizer also suggested action phrases for you to add to your existing content to encourage action on the part of the reader.

actionable words to add to your existing content

You should select the words that fit best and make the most sense. Avoid adding any that don’t sound natural.

Repeat the process until the results of your analysis reach at least 90%. You can also repeat the same process for additional related phrases.

New Feature: Build Full Sentences, Not Just Concepts

Not only will TextOptimizer suggest words and concepts for you to add to your content, but it has also gone one step further.

With the addition of their new feature, you will also be given entire sentence and phrase suggestions to add to your content as seen in the screenshots below.

ability to build sentences new feature

add whole phrases_sentenced to your bucket

Do You Use Chrome?

Make optimizing your text easier by using the Chrome Plugin. You can download it from your TextOptimizer account.

Download TextOptimizer Chrome App

Or you can download it directly from Chrome as a browser extension.

Chrome Extention for TextOptimizer

You Even Get Suggestions for Future Blog Topics

TextOptimizer does not only help you create new or modify existing content for better SEO and value for readers. It also gives topic suggestions for new articles and blog posts.

Answering questions that searchers are asking can help you get more eyes on your content and increase your rankings.

In addition to suggested questions for you to answer, TextOptimizer also tells you the number of your competitors who have already posted an answer to the same question.

suggested questions increase rankings

Optimize New Content Before You Publish It

If you choose to check your potential rankings before you write your content, TextOptimizer has you covered.

Start by selecting the search engine where you want to rank higher, just like you did with your existing content. Again, we suggest starting with Google.

Google or Bing

The next section is also the same as before: enter your chosen search term.

improve rankings search

From the next screen shown below, select “new text” and add your search term.

Optimize your text

TextOptimizer will return to you a list of semantically related optimized words to choose from when writing your new content.

Words to add for new text

Below are actionable semantically related word suggestions for you to add to your new text to encourage action by the reader.

Action words for new content

Follow the same recommendations given previously for existing content.

Suggestions on How Best to Use TextOptimizer

As stated above, this useful tool will check the search results in Google and use semantic analysis to extract related terms and topics.

You can use these as subheadings for your post. Try to use about 20 related terms in your article.

You can also run the content ideas tab to generate suggested questions your article can answer based on what searches your users are making.

When you have completed your article, use the “paste in text” option and rerun the tool. TextOptimizer will suggest ways to improve your content for both your readers and the search engines.

The tool will encourage you to use technical and specific terms and avoid vague words. Your goal is to score above 90%.

Are you ready for your content to rank higher in search? TextOptimizer is the easiest way I have seen to make that happen.

7 Simple Strategies To Improve Rankings to Get More Leads From Your Website

Witness a jump in your rankings by applying high impact strategies in the development of your website.

A higher ranking equals more traffic which results in more leads.

Focus on the performance of your website to see the difference in the number of leads it generates through an increase in the number of visitors it receives.

Website Performance Factors

  1. Increase page speed
  2. Adapt to Googles liquid landscape
  3. Create content that equates to value
  4. Use the Renovation Method
  5. Earn high-quality backlinks
  6. Master your on-page optimization
  7. Brand your business

1) Increase Page Speed

One of the first things that comes to mind is the mobile-first update. The number of mobile searches has officially surpassed that of desktop.

Mobile searches account for 58% of total online searches. Increasing page speed is a direct factor for how to improve your website’s rankings.

Page speed becomes a major factor in User Experience(UX) when 64% of mobile users expect a website to load in less than 4 seconds.

Ranking results are, therefore, rewarded with performance in page speed and penalized when a website doesn’t meet the standard.

Monitor your website’s page speed through tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights which will test the mobile and desktop speed of your site.

This tool will produce a report indicating where you are losing speed and how you can improve it.

There are a lot of technical terms and tasks involved in improving page speed. You may not be familiar with CSS, JavaScript or how to reduce image sizes, etc.

If your site is built on WordPress, the best solution is to use plugins to do most of the work for you. One of the top plugins that will speed up your pages is W3 Cache.

In addition to this plugin, use the Speed Booster Pack and Autoptimize. These three plugins are able to increase page speed. Simply install and activate them.

2) Adapt to Google’s Liquid Landscape

The search landscape has become slightly less predictable by producing a variety of search displays on the first page of results.

The rotating features that occupy the top spots on the page alter the potential for success for any given query.

The items that tend to occupy the top positions for the first page of results range from:

  • featured snippet
  • knowledge panel with questions and answers
  • local listings
  • advertisement carousels
  • video carousels
  • paid advertisements
  • organic listings

The potential for organic clicks to a website changes with each of the different displays.

When a search is performed in which the answer can be found in a short paragraph, the featured snippet may soak up the majority of clicks out of the total search volume.

If the first result on the first page is a video carousel, it indicates that video is the best option for satisfying search intent.

This influences the content strategy when pursuing a keyword that produces a carousel of videos as a top position in the search results.

Video becomes the obvious option for content to create to receive the majority of the clicks for that search.

The amount of pixels above the fold that are being given to organic results is on the decline.

Google is responding to searches with their own products in the top positions in order to serve user experience with more efficiency.

This liquid landscape Google created has triggered a deeper focus on identifying the search intent behind the keywords we use to build traffic.

Investigative research is required to select the keywords a business chooses to pursue in order to produce content that best satisfies search intent.

Targeting the correct keyword phrases can ensure an adequate volume of traffic to your website.

3) Create Content that Equates to Value

Creating great content is the foundation of every great website. More emphasis continues to be placed on content due to higher expectations from website visitors as well as search engines.

The bar has been raised for what defines great content. In order to captivate your audience, there has to be value found in the content you produce.

This goes beyond adding an image to your text. Images do help readers retain 65% of information as opposed to 10% of what they read.

Value is found in helpful information that contributes to the quality of life a person experiences.

Providing a high level of quality in your content requires researching what will resonate with your clients by adding value to their everyday lives.

The trend has been to provide long-form, in-depth content that teaches and informs a reader about a specific subject in its entirety.

How-to guides, case studies, and infographics are only a few examples of the structures for building evergreen content.

This type of content is more widely shared and generates a steady stream of traffic over time.

Creating content that connects with clients starts with a focused content strategy which is effectively developed through keyword research.

Identifying what people want when they search specific phrases is one aspect that gives businesses insight on how to deliver that information.

Researching what people are experiencing in social media groups and forums provides insight on specific topics and issues to include in content.

Use this to respond to your target audience’s problems with real solutions.

Search engines are now reading the content of an entire website to determine the ability of the site to satisfy search intent.

Google uses these stats as an indication or how well a website is satisfying what users want for specific keyword searches:

  • dwell time (how long a visitor remains on a website)
  • bounce rate (the percentage of visitors that back out of a website before clicking further)
  • click through rate

Since the decline of clicks to organic results, many companies have shifted a heavier focus on increasing their click-through rates and conversions which result in better rankings.

This heightened awareness of the value a website contributes has raised the standards in how we produce content.

Great content involves planning and keyword research to determine search intent. Study the search landscape to choose the best method of delivering that content to potential clients.

4) Use the Renovation Method

This concept is contributing to a more competitive environment in search and forcing websites to provide more value in the content they are producing.

The Renovation Method is a content writing template that outlines the planning and creation of content.

The strategy includes setting routines such as daily reading to stay up to date on the latest trends and points being discussed.

Renovating content means matching and exceeding the standard of quality set by your competition by covering the topic more thoroughly.

With the addition of new information, a reader can take away more value after reading content that has been renovated.

Improvements can be made in a number of ways such as the optimization of the content, the level of engagement, amount of information provided, entertainment value, etc.

5) Earn High-quality Backlinks

Growing awareness in the search engines has wiped out many link schemes that may have worked in the past. We are now operating in an era of white hat backlinking.

Backlinking remains one of the largest ranking factors in organic search results.

A backlink should serve as a referral from another site with similar content that provides readers with a related source to enhance their user experience.

Guest posting is a widely practiced strategy that can result in acquiring high-quality backlinks for your website.

There are many high authority websites in every niche that accept guest posts. As a guest author on a reputable site, you not only gain a backlink but you gain credibility and authority in your niche.

6) Master Your On-page Optimization

In order to maximize traffic, your on-page optimization needs to take voice search into account.

The future of online searches will predominantly be screenless and that journey has been ignited by voice assistants.

The major update to optimizing for voice search is providing a more conversational tone in the phrases in which your website is optimized.

The featured snippets appearance has been largely influenced by voice search. 40% of searches posed as questions result in the featured snippet on the first page of results.

Tagging questions and answers as titles and subtitles have increased the likelihood of being featured in position zero.

Lists, tables, charts, and structured data are used as methods of optimizing for the featured snippet when applicable.

To enhance on-page optimization, the use of Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords are more effective than repeating a specific keyword.

Over-optimization penalties are still common occurrences. Search engines have become more efficient at determining search intent and assessing the quality of your site’s content.

7) Brand your company

Brand recognition improves your click-through rate and can be the determining factor in a visitor’s decision in choosing your business over another competitor.

The more comfortable a person is with your company, the more likely they are to buy from you and continue their loyalty.

Successful search engine optimization campaigns result in effectively branding your business in related searches.

When multiple searches are performed by the same person and in every result, they see your website, the association between your company and the product they are looking for becomes stronger.

The development of a strong brand should include a story attached to the image of your business.

The story should give clients an idea of how your company developed through personal experience or through how your business has helped its clients.

A story will make your company more relatable by establishing a strong identity.

Brand recognition leads to the phenomenon of “leapfrog clicks”. These result when a searcher skips a higher ranked website and click on yours because they recognize your brand.

Take into account how the search landscape is changing the distribution of clicks as well as the way the search results are viewed.

Branding will not only improve the click-through rate of your website but increase conversions through familiarity and a higher level of trust.

Next Step: Learn SEO or Hire an SEO

We would all love to just focus on our business. Some of us simply love to create great content.

But ignoring SEO today means little or no rankings. So to improve rankings we either need to learn SEO or hire an SEO.

Choose wisely which path to take. Start with how to Identify Search Intent To Fuel The Growth Of Your Business.

And if you choose to hire an SEO, find one familiar with your niche. That is especially true for specialties like dental SEO.

You need someone with connections in your type of business. And they need to be knowledgeable about specifics and terminology.

Importance of Technical SEO to Improve Rankings [Infographic + Video]

Is your business already on the web? Great! Studies by BIA/Kelsey show that 97% of consumers search online for products and services they need.

It goes without saying that targeted leads are what the majority of businesses desire. Those can be attained through effective technical SEO.

Importance of SEO: improving your organic search rankings

A report by Outbrain tells us that Google is the top traffic source to content pages, contributing on average of 68% of a website’s traffic.

The beauty of SEO is that smaller sites stand a chance against big brands in ranking on the results page. Hence, when used as a engine for growth for startups and SMEs, SEO can be extremely powerful.

We all know that Google loves quality content. In fact, you must have heard a million times that ‘content is king’. So ever since you started thinking seriously about SEO, you have been fervently producing content.

However, the focus on content completes only part of the SEO puzzle. In order to give your content ‘wings’, you must not overlook the importance of technical SEO.

Apart from getting your website ready for easy crawling by Google, technical SEO efforts give you substantial structural leverage for better visibility on search engines.

History of Technical SEO

Just a few years back, all a website needed for higher search engine ranking was a well-developed structure, images, keyword rich meta tags and keyword stuffed pages.

But now, the scenario has changed. As illustrated in the infographic below, recent years have seen a lot of new requirements on the technical SEO scene.

As part of their effort to provide users with better quality websites on the search engine, Google has been raising the bar for webmasters and becoming less tolerant of suspect practices.

For example, if you are trying to hide links or stuff your pages with keywords , Google is going to pick it up quickly. Advances in technology has also improved the spiders’ ability to pinpoint these issues.

Most recently, even interstitial ads and call-to-actions (CTAs) have been classified as misconduct from an SEO perspective.

Sites using them will see declines in rankings. Needless to say, thousands of sites have been adversely affected.

Technical SEO

If you look at each of the items outlined in the infographic, it is not to hard to predict Google’s next move.

Everything they roll out is in the interest of users, whether we are talking about the mobile update or the new requirement in security.

Interestingly, as a webmaster, SEO benefit aside, the implementation of the requirements is actually to the advantage of your website and its users.

For example, Reddit found that, every time they increase site speed, their page views and users increase. It is a direct relationship.

Hence, technical SEO guidelines may just be Google’s way of telling webmasters how they can serve their users better.

After all, this tech giant is about making the web a better place.  As such, you may want to seriously look into the individual items in the infographic to improve the functionality of the website.

Who knows, your income may just go up. Higher Google rankings would definitely be a sweet bonus.

What To Do Now ?

Is the term ‘technical’ making you somewhat uneasy? There’s absolutely nothing to worry about. It involves everything that is done on your website apart from the content and link building.

It takes into consideration a number of things, namely loading speed, mobile-friendliness, versions of site, and uniqueness of content, amongst others.

If some of these aspects are not taken care of, there is even a high possibility that you will be penalized by the search engines.

Not technically SEO inclined? Then be sure to send this infographic to your web developer!

If you are game for some DIY work, the use of WordPress and its endless list of plugins can do wonders for you. For a start, be sure to install the Yoast SEO plugin.

Go beyond keyword rich meta titles, optimized images, keyword filled pages or well-developed website structure, and start thinking ‘technical’ for increased targeted traffic.  By doing so, it is only a matter of time that floods of highly target traffic will come your way.

For more elaboration and recommendation of technical SEO best practices, see the infographic below. Click on it to see the original in a higher resolution.

Importance of Technical SEO 2019 and Beyond [Infographic + Video]

Originally published Mar 26, 2017. Reviewed for relevancy and video created and added 5/18/19. Edited 12/2/22 to restore missing infographic.

How To Decide What Blog Content To Delete; 89% Traffic Increase

Intro from Gail

When a blog has been around for years, or in the case of this one, over 10 years, it is a good idea to clean up some of your older, time-sensitive, less relevant, or weaker content.

But how do you know what to delete? You don’t want to lose any incoming links.

Redirecting them helps, but if you remove the content someone originally linked they may still delete your incoming link.

I know many other bloggers and small businesses are struggling to answer this question, too.

Also read Content Audit Success: A Step-by-Step Guide [Videos].

So I reached out to an expert on the subject, Helga Moreno, Content Marketing Specialist at Ahrefs, and asked her how to decide what content it is safe to delete. This is that post.

How To Decide What Blog Content To Delete

All of us are struggling to increase the search traffic to our blogs. Does it grow slowly no matter how much content you post? How often do you post? Is it nearly four times a week?

We, at Ahrefs, experienced the same issue. The strategy we implemented led to an 89% organic traffic growth in just 3 months.

I won’t tell you about all the strategy stages in order to not make this article too long to read. I will cover only the first one. The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, doesn’t it? Let’s make it together.

Sometimes It’s Time to Part with Your Content

Even if you created your content with love and devotion sometimes you need to delete it. We deleted 179,158 words of content at the beginning of the campaign I’ve mentioned above and never regretted it.

By the way, have you ever used this feature available in the admin dashboard of your WordPress blog?

There’s really nothing secret about the ‘Move to Trash’ option. Just wanted to make sure that you know about it.

I must warn you that it’s a pretty devastating step. Why should you take it? Because the rules of the game change and if you want to win, you should adjust to them.

For instance, back in 2013, we posted frequently, wrote articles of a decent quality, 500+ words, targeted to multiple keywords. The tactic “the more content – the better” worked.

Hummingbird Changed Everything

But everything changed with the Hummingbird update. Google started to understand the content itself and not only keywords. Just think about it – nearly 2 million blog posts are created daily, which means that this approach doesn’t work anymore.

The takeaway is that lots of mediocre content will do more harm than good to your blog.

But that’s not all.  We must consider that user signals are getting more and more important to Google over time. So all those posts with 0 visits and engagement are not sending it good vibes.

I’m sure there are many posts like these on your blog if it has been around for a while.

Our Personal Experience

When we started to implement the strategy we deleted nearly 300 blog posts.

I know it may sound crazy, but what’s more important for you is to know how we decided which posts to leave and which to get rid of…

What We Did Was Conduct a Content Audit

There was too much content to skim through, so we needed to simplify this process. A low hedge is easily leapt over, isn’t it?

Ok, here’s what we did:

First, we created a spreadsheet and put the URLs of all our blog posts into it.

We recorded the following data for each URL:

  • Title
  • Word Count
  • Views (last 30 days)
  • Views From Search (last 30 days)
  • Referring Domains
  • Author.

We collected the view data from Google Analytics. We collected the data on referring domains using Ahrefs Batch Analysis Tool. It helps to grab data for lots of URLs at once.

Our next step was to sort the spreadsheet by several criteria:

  • number of views from search
  • total views
  • referring domains
  • word count

    We sorted from the lowest to the highest and ended up with posts that had 0 views and 0 referring domains (links) at the top of the spreadsheet.

Of course, we manually checked each of these posts for the hidden gems and found a couple, by the way.

Then we just highlighted all low-quality articles that performed poorly in red, preparing them for deletion.


We deleted the posts marked in red.

However, we needed to preserve link equity, so we 301 redirected the URLs of the deleted pages with referring domains to either a relevant post or the blog’s home page.

That’s it. I’m sure you would like to get some advice on how to apply the technique to your own blog.

Applying the Tactic To Your Blog

The strategy is applicable only to blogs that have been up and running for some time. They should have a reasonable number of pages (at least 50 of them).

Does your blog match the criteria? Well, it’s time to run a content audit to improve its rankings.

Where should you start? Find low-quality blog posts that are under-performing and require updating or removing. Check them for the hidden gems that might just need a little clean up/renovation/promotion to get them ranking.

Please never forget to think twice before deleting anything because it’s a very tough option.

Side Note: Further reading: The Secrets Of Creating Linkbait Content

Over To You!

Are you struggling to grow your blog’s organic search traffic? Are you ready to give the above strategy a chance? It worked for us, which means that it can work for you, too.

Ok, let’s utter it once again. How to decide what blog content to delete if you love all of your articles? This is no place for our personal ties when it comes to things like SEO, marketing, competition, business, and money.

A good blogger should be guided by targeted audience pains and interests. In other words, cater to people’s needs and wants rather than your personal vanity.

The takeaway is – analyze all the blog posts on your site, reveal those that are just a ballast for your web ship, and get rid of them. This will let your vessel move faster.

The strategy described above takes careful planning, focus, and hard work, but you’ll see that your efforts will be rewarded as soon as the curve in Google Analytics starts to head upwards.

Have any questions / suggestions regarding the strategy? Ready to share your personal experience of applying it? Your comments are welcome right below!

Found this blog post useful? Share it with your friends and colleagues on social networks!


Search UX or User Experience Emerging Importance in SEO

Firstly, I just want to make it clear that I am NOT saying SEO is dead.

A few years ago, I touched upon a subject that had been in my thoughts for a while; the term ‘SEO’ needed a rebrand.

At the time my article didn’t receive a great reception, but I’d like to think I had a fair argument. Since then, I feel the industry has been taking step after step closer to what I call ‘Search UX’.

In fact, if you do a quick Google search you notice that popular SEO blog sites including Search Engine Land, Yoast & Search Engine Journal have also picked up on the increasing importance of UX in the SEO landscape.

The Negative Connotations Behind ‘SEO’

Even in the early days of the internet, UX was an important consideration for any brand that wanted to maximize the traffic coming into their website.

Albeit, until the last 6-7 years or so you could still make it to page one of Google with a shocking user experience by using tactics that focus on manipulating Google’s algorithms.

Back when keywords and links were the highest regarded ranking signals SEOs would typically focus on spamming and manipulating these, even though there was a risk of receiving a penalty from Google.

Global brands including The Washington Post, BBC and even WordPress have been penalized for using these ‘black-hat’ techniques in the past.

A lot has changed since those times. But if I’m being honest, I think this is where a lot of the bad connotations with SEO have originated.

Even today, we still have people asking us “can you get me 50 links a month focusing on X keyword?”. As all SEOs know, it simply doesn’t work like that.

The fact is, there’s no one thing that can get you to the top of Google, and there probably never will be.

Back in the early 2000s, you could do it by prioritizing keywords and links, alongside a few other factors such as onsite technicals and content.

This has evolved into a careful balance of offering a good user experience as well as a huge list of other factors, some of which include social media optimization, reputation management, and site architecture.

These changes have paved the way for SEO as a whole, meaning, the job of an SEO is a lot broader now than it was ten years ago; there are so many more signals and considerations.

Understandably, this means the role has become a lot more difficult.

It’s about offering the right content in the right format, providing the right experience that matches modern search intent, and delivering it faster than ever before.

The Move Towards Search UX

Google’s move towards prioritizing UX began back in 2011, with the release of their Panda algorithm.

This was an early signal that Google was adapting to a more user-focused experience, with the update focusing on the quality of content.

Shortly after Panda came Penguin, an update to Google’s algorithm that moved link manipulation and black-hat techniques to the forefront.

This was Google focusing specifically on what they had identified as a problem long ago. Just now they were publicly warning that link spam would be punished.

Within the next 3 years, Google introduced the Hummingbird and Rankbrain updates; both focusing on delivering search results that would answer users’ questions.

The updates meant that Google’s algorithm would follow more human-like search patterns, taking into account context, subject matter, and even synonyms.

Search now favors more conversational searches.

If you couldn’t answer a question with the information that your website is providing, or the actions you’re presenting users with, then your website wouldn’t rank as highly in the SERPs.

At this point, it was clear that the industry was moving towards a focus on relevance and good user experience.

It seemed the algorithm was becoming pretty accurate in interpreting human search behaviours, or at least more accurate than it was a few years ago.

This theory was further backed up by the Rankbrain update, which introduced machine learning as a major ranking factor.

How Can Brands Find the Right Balance Between SEO and UX?

From an agency perspective, this all means that it’s now a lot more difficult to manipulate the SERPs.

Brands have always had to play by Google’s rules, but never to the extent they do now. That’s why it’s important for brands to take note of this shift and adapt their SEO strategies to match it.

Technical SEO and UX go hand and hand with each other now more than ever, which makes sense.

If Google’s algorithm is ultimately trying to mimic human search patterns, then it’s going to take into account things like a website’s loading speed, the site structure and whether it’s optimized for mobile.

That means you must ensure your site is optimized for the audience you’re reaching — not simply the niche.

For example, if your audience is dentists, they do not use sites the same as a dental site targeting potential patients. All dental SEO is not the same.

And this holds true for every niche and audience. UX is more important than ever so you need to get this right!

And this algorithm is only going to get more advanced, taking more human-orientated factors into account.

SEO’s might have to unlearn the SEO approach and replace their thinking with a more human / searcher approach.

Whilst on the surface this may sound like a lot more work for us marketers, that’s not necessarily true.

In the past we’ve had to please both Google’s algorithm and users visiting our site through different strategies.

But with the algorithm prioritizing user experience more, this has sort of combined into one broader consideration; Search UX.

Of course, there are literally hundreds of other considerations, but if you focus on providing a good user experience you shouldn’t go wrong.

This will only resonate more over the coming months and years as Google’s focus on UX escalates.

What Does the Future Hold for Search?

The way people are searching is changing. And it’s changing fast. People don’t just search on desktops anymore.

In fact, mobile search overtook desktop way back in 2016. Google reinforced this change even further by moving to a mobile-first index in early 2018.

This means that your site should work better on mobile than desktop, not just ‘work’ on mobile. But it’s not going to stop here.

There are so many different devices and formats for people to search through; people search with their watches, tablets and even with their voice.

And these devices and formats are only going to become more popular, therefore becoming more influential in the world of search.

With this influx of devices and formats to consider, SEOs are going to have to spread their skillset across a much wider area.

This means looking at things like UX and site speed across each of these different formats. It’s important to remember that modern attention spans are nothing like they were even 5 years ago.

If your website doesn’t load within 2 seconds on each of these different platforms then you’re going to lose a lot of traffic.

While SEO folks have been saying “think about it from the user’s perspective” for a while, now they have to really mean it!

All in all, it really is good to see that Google is starting to move towards a focus on user experience.

Pay attention to the SEO’s that are accepting this change and remaining quiet; these are the people that will learn and move forward with the right strategies.

The SEO’s who complain or continue to talk about non-compliant techniques will start to get left behind. Google will continue to move towards a user-centric experience and that’s certainly a good thing.