Boost Your SEO and Increase Rankings with TextOptimizer

Boost Your SEO and Increase Rankings with TextOptimizer

How do you come up with unique blog content that Google will send you visitors to read? It can be a daunting task to regularly create new and unique content.

However, it is a necessity to remain relevant, get higher search engine rankings, and grow your business.

The process of improving your ranking is evolving as Google’s algorithms become more sophisticated. Historically, optimizing your content for search focused on getting as many backlinks as possible.

Search engine ranking today takes user intent into account. Simply building links to your website is no longer enough. Welcome to the age of semantic search.

Semantic search goes beyond just using keywords to bring up search results. It refers to search engines taking into consideration both the intent and the contextual meaning of the phrases users put into a query.

The purpose is to improve the accuracy of and deliver the most relevant results to users on the Internet.

Try TextOptimizer: A Semantic SEO Tool

Using this tool will help you write content containing meaningful words. It keeps you focus more on topics than only keywords or phrases.

It is a content optimization tool that helps you improve your existing content using semantic analysis. Or you can start from scratch and use it when creating your content.

How Can TextOptimizer Help?

TextOptimizer is a simple to use tool for those who are not SEO experts. It helps you know how your content will fair in search engines before you publish it.

The content you write is broken down by different types of search intent such as “compare”, “go”, and “buy”.

Where your content shows up on search results depends upon how well it matches the possible intents of users.

Your content is analyzed and classified by TextOptimizer. It lets you know whether your content meets users’ intent and recommends changes.

Click on the image below to watch a short video.

Video Text Optimizer

How to Use TextOptimizer to Increase Your Rankings

The tool is so easy-to-use and straightforward, I was amazed. I am not an SEO, and if I can use it, anyone can. Compared to SEMRush, this tool is less complicated and made more for non-technical people.

Below we will outline the process for optimizing existing content.

TextOptimizer looks at the content at the URL you provide and compares it to Google SERPs. It then gives you an optimization score between 0 and 100.

To try out the product for free, go to and enter the URL of your content.

For this post, I will use the URL from this article: 7 Simple Strategies To Improve Rankings to Get More Leads From Your Website.

Try TextOptimizer

TextOptimizer then shows you the main semantic topics that your text is about and why.

TextOptimizer Shows What Your Text is About

The tool then analyzes your content to determine who is most likely to have their search expectations met from reading your content.

Search Expectations

Content Format Analysis

Well-formatted and well-written content is essential, especially with most people reading on mobile devices.

If your content is not laid out in an easy-to-read format, you will lose readers. Sentences that are too long will appear on mobile as a massive block of text.

TextOptimizer makes this easier by evaluating your content and giving it a score based on the:

  • Richness and diversity of the words used
  • Number of sentences
  • Variety of used verbs
  • Sentence length

Text Format

TextOptimizer then shows you some examples of semantically related words that are missing from your content.

By adding some of them, you will increase the chances of being found in search by those looking for what your content offers.

Examples of missing words

You will need to upgrade to sufficiently increase your chances of ranking because you need to see all the missing semantically related words. See screenshot below.

The words that are in gray are already included in your text. Try to add between 15 and 25 of the other words with the white background.

Word to add to already existing content

Optimize Your Content for Search Engines

With TextOptimizer, making sure your content is optimized for search is a straightforward process. The tool accomplishes this by:

  • Suggesting words to add and remove
  • Analyzing search engine results
  • Comparing the results with your content
  • Telling you what steps you should take to optimize your text

The processes behind the scenes of TextOptimizer analyze:

  • Patterns
  • Semantics
  • Intent
  • Concurrency

When you get your results, next click “Optimize my Text Now”.

Optimize Your Text Now

Select the Search Engine

In this step, you can choose the search engine where you want to improve your rankings. We recommend you select Google because they have the lion’s share of searches. (Later, you may wish to optimize for Bing.)

Google or Bing

Your next step is to choose which term you want to rank better for and optimize for search. This would be the focus keyword phrase used in your SEO plugin.

improve rankings search

As you can see in the screenshot below, the search term I chose for this step is “improve rankings” because that is the keyword phrase used in the Yoast SEO plugin.

improve rankings keyword

This content scores “fairly optimized” with a score of 76%. However, there is room for improvement.

According to Ann Smarty, the minimum score you should aim for is 90% or higher.

There is no need to worry because TextOptimizer will help you rank for your chosen phrase or phrases by suggesting semantically related words for you to add to your content.

Word to add to already existing content

TextOptimizer also suggested action phrases for you to add to your existing content to encourage action on the part of the reader.

actionable words to add to your existing content

You should select the words that fit best and make the most sense. Avoid adding any that don’t sound natural.

Repeat the process until the results of your analysis reach at least 90%. You can also repeat the same process for additional related phrases.

New Feature: Build Full Sentences, Not Just Concepts

Not only will TextOptimizer suggest words and concepts for you to add to your content, but it has also gone one step further.

With the addition of their new feature, you will also be given entire sentence and phrase suggestions to add to your content as seen in the screenshots below.

ability to build sentences new feature

add whole phrases_sentenced to your bucket

Do You Use Chrome?

Make optimizing your text easier by using the Chrome Plugin. You can download it from your TextOptimizer account.

Download TextOptimizer Chrome App

Or you can download it directly from Chrome as a browser extension.

Chrome Extention for TextOptimizer

You Even Get Suggestions for Future Blog Topics

TextOptimizer does not only help you create new or modify existing content for better SEO and value for readers. It also gives topic suggestions for new articles and blog posts.

Answering questions that searchers are asking can help you get more eyes on your content and increase your rankings.

In addition to suggested questions for you to answer, TextOptimizer also tells you the number of your competitors who have already posted an answer to the same question.

suggested questions increase rankings

Optimize New Content Before You Publish It

If you choose to check your potential rankings before you write your content, TextOptimizer has you covered.

Start by selecting the search engine where you want to rank higher, just like you did with your existing content. Again, we suggest starting with Google.

Google or Bing

The next section is also the same as before: enter your chosen search term.

improve rankings search

From the next screen shown below, select “new text” and add your search term.

Optimize your text

TextOptimizer will return to you a list of semantically related optimized words to choose from when writing your new content.

Words to add for new text

Below are actionable semantically related word suggestions for you to add to your new text to encourage action by the reader.

Action words for new content

Follow the same recommendations given previously for existing content.

Suggestions on How Best to Use TextOptimizer

As stated above, this useful tool will check the search results in Google and use semantic analysis to extract related terms and topics.

You can use these as subheadings for your post. Try to use about 20 related terms in your article.

You can also run the content ideas tab to generate suggested questions your article can answer based on what searches your users are making.

When you have completed your article, use the “paste in text” option and rerun the tool. TextOptimizer will suggest ways to improve your content for both your readers and the search engines.

The tool will encourage you to use technical and specific terms and avoid vague words. Your goal is to score above 90%.

Are you ready for your content to rank higher in search? TextOptimizer is the easiest way I have seen to make that happen.

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