PostRank Connect Identifies Social Media Influencers

Bloggers and businesses in the same niche can use Blog Outreach to benefit each other.  I will be sharing tools for identifying influencers and allow us to track the effectiveness of our efforts. One I recommend bloggers join now is PostRank Connect. You may already know about PostRank.

This tool offers free Social Media Analytics numbers useful to bloggers and allows businesses to identify the influencers most active in their industries. I must have done something right lately as PostRank Engagement Points keep jumping. The image below shows I am up +33,121 points for February – an increase of 186%.

Post Rank Engagement PointsThe image above is a snapshot taken from the page below. Click on the images to see larger versions that are easier to read. Sending you to the actual page won’t work because you would have to be logged into my account to access it.

PostRank Connect Businesses can use PostRank data to pull up this type of information about any blogger by searching on their Web site URL. Below the Engagement Points section is another section that lists the Top Recent Posts on that blog and the engagement points by post:

PostRank Top Recent PostsThese posts provide an instant clue into what is most popular on that blog. If it is related to what your business does or what you write about in your own blog you have found a potential collaborator.  PostRank has plans to make it easy for businesses to connect with bloggers. That feature hasn’t been launched just yet but you can get an invitation to see it as soon as it is available.

The Connect with this Publisher function is not live yet, but you can currently request notification by going to, searching on any blog URL and clicking the Green Connect with This Publisher button (on the right side of the page) that looks like this: Connect with this Publisher Button

Once thatfeature is live (probably by March-April 2011), that button will be live.

Published by

Gail Gardner

Founder of GrowMap, Small Business Marketing Strategist, freelance writer and BizSugar Mastermind Community Manager.

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