Google Monopoly: The Google Guillotine

WHY I Warn Against Google’s Power

My regular readers know that I frequently warn of the dangers of allowing Google and other multi-national Corporations to have monopolistic control over our lives, economies and businesses.

Adotas Senior Editor Gavin Dunaway’s post Google Stands Up For Its Search on the buzz about Google not working as well as their reputation suggests prompted me to write a comment that turned into a guest post.

Google Guillotine

Gavin is featuring my post on the home page at Adotas Interactive Advertising Blog where you see the image above currently visible.

I hope you will read and share it.  (Just click the image above to go there.)

The guest post provides a concise explanation of:

  • Why WE as Internet users have collectively GIVEN Google enormous control over far too much
  • How that control is affecting our economy and the economies of every other country in the world
  • Why allowing ANY one search engine to control what most people believe can be found online means any of our sites could be invisible to the majority of all Internet users
  • What simple steps we can take to take back that control and preserve freedom of speech on the Internet
  • Why where we choose to spend our time and money can destroy – or improve – our standard of living

Please take a few minutes to read The Google Guillotine and share that post. I would not ask if it were not important for all our sakes’.

If anything is it is not clear to you I encourage you to discuss it with me in the comments at Adotas and here.

P.S. Adotas is an excellent blog and their publisher Gavin Dunaway is an exceptional blogger who writes insightful posts about important topics. I highly recommend reading Adotas and if any bloggers would like a personal introduction to Gavin for consideration of your guest posts just let me know.

Published by

Gail Gardner

Founder of GrowMap, Small Business Marketing Strategist, freelance writer and BizSugar Mastermind Community Manager.

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