It is hard to create a successful online business. The competition is very fierce in most industries.
You have to worry about taking on companies that have been established for many years.
However, that is not the only hurdle you will need to overcome. There are also many new businesses just like yours that are springing up every day.
This makes the market even more crowded than it already was.]
Why Your Business Needs SEO
You need to do everything possible to set your company apart from your competitors. You need to let the world know that your website exists.
One of the best ways to do this is by using search engine optimization (SEO).
Here are some of the biggest reasons every small business needs SEO to rank their websites.
If you’re here, you’ve likely heard of SEO or search engine optimization. Search Engine Land defines SEO as:
“The process of getting traffic from the “free,” “organic,” “editorial” or “natural” search results on search engines.”
The term SEO originated back in the 90s when websites started to crowd the Internet.
Since there were fewer websites back then, getting a website to show up in search results was a new and simple process.
Marketers were not considering making SEO part of a their strategies.
Flash forward to 2009. Marketers started seeing why they need SEO and slowly begin taking advantage of it.
As the years went by, SEO grew into being a must for companies looking to grow.
Cathie Dunklee-Donnell has been involved with SEO for over 10 years, as the owner of Calgary Online Marketing.
She helps her clients get on the first page of Google. Here’s why she believes in SEO.
SEO has a proven track record
Whether they intended to or not, almost all websites have used SEO at some point.
Some used it better than others – refer to sites on the first few pages of the search engine results pages.
As noted by Search Engine Land, through the years SEO has:
- Connected users with valuable information near them (local SEO).
- Improved usability, offering users more relevant content.
- Given users engaging web experiences.
SEO is cost-efficient
Some would say SEO is ‘affordable,’ but since that term is in the eye of the beholder, I’m going to say SEO is cost efficient – especially in comparison to other forms of marketing.
A billboard or radio advertisement, for example, could cost tens of thousands of dollars, while on average, SEO costs much less per year.
Even after a new website is set up for SEO, it is necessary to continue to build visibility and monitor incoming links.
While AdWords and other PPC (pay-per-click) can immediately bring traffic and buyers, you have to keep paying indefinitely.
SEO can be less expensive over time, but can take many months to get results.
Do your homework before investing. Learn what to consider when hiring an SEO company.
SEO is targeted
Go to Google. Type in ‘top sports cars.’ Now, have a friend do the same thing. 9 times out of 10, you will each get different results.
Google personalizes search from user to user. While users have mixed feelings about this (just 39.1% of respondents in a survey cited by Search Engine Watch said they liked the idea of personalized searches), it’s a genius move on Google’s part.
I’ve found that personalized search is especially beneficial in helping small, local businesses earn revenue.
One of the factors Google looks at when showing websites to users is their location.
Personalized search is unique in that it show results based on where that user is searching from at that time.
You competition uses SEO
Do you want your competitors showing up before you in search, getting business that could be yours? Of course not.
But, this is what has happened to many businesses and what can happen if your website is not search engine optimized.
Expect your prospects to use a search engine when looking for your products or services.
With 60% of consumers starting their research on a search engine before heading to a specific website, your business needs SEO on more than just its website if you really want it to stand out among your competitors.
Other places to implement SEO include:
- On your blog
- On all your social media profiles and activities
- In email marketing communications
In closing, SEO is no longer a ‘nice to have.’ It’s a must and needs to be part of your digital marketing strategy.