Serious Social Media users, bloggers, and business owners can use specific strategies to greatly increase their Twitter followers or possibly use a Twitter Marketing Tool to generate an income.
The free tracking and graphs in Twitter stats tools such as TwitterCounter make it easy to determine which strategies are most effective. The jumps you see here are from testing a new method:
The jump shown on February 8, 2011 is 233 followers; the larger jump on February 17 is 455 followers. Interested in what caused the jumps? I started following as many of the people following my favorite Social Media Expert Kristi Hines aka @Kikolani as Twitter would allow because Kristi and I write about very similar subjects so her followers are likely to be interested in what I write too.
Once I follow Kristi’s followers I will follow my other favorite collaborators starting with Online Business Tips advisor Michele Welch aka @NewBizBlogger who created the collaborative Business Blogging Tips ebook The Synergy of Business and Blogging. I put links to their Twitter accounts in my BizSugar post about Small Business Advice.
- I do my following and unfollowing in the wee hours of the early morning or very late at night. Apparently if you follow or unfollow too many too fast during business hours Twitter may block your access for 24 hours. That has never happened to me even though I have used this strategy at least half a dozen separate times.
- There are following limits on Twitter. If you hit the Twitter Follower Limits (when you follow 2000 or more than a certain percentage over how many follow you) Twitter prevents you from following any more people until either more follow you or you unfollow some you are currently following.
- Since Twitter prohibits automatic unfollowing and has eliminated Twitter apps that provided that functionality, the only way to unfollow non-followers to follow new followers is to do so manually. Currently the most efficient way to do that is using JustUnfollow. You can unfollow up to 50 non-followers per 24 hour time period for free or up to 100 non-followers if you Tweet that you are using JustUnfollow.
- I DO NOT recommend buying followers or using ANY “get followers fast” tool, app or strategy or following for the sake of following. It only makes sense to follow those who are interested in what you Tweet and write and whose Tweets and content you are interested in. You can modify this strategy by simply choosing the person or people you follow who have the type of content you are most interested in.
No doubt some will argue against the desire to have many followers or to follow many so I want to address that right up front. The more people you interact with the more people you can assist and influence.
For every 100 people who read something you write, only 1-2% are likely to take any action at all, so if you are interested in being an effective change agent you have to reach more than a few hundred or even a few thousand people.
Here are some additional tools that will assist those who DO understand why many followers and following many is necessary:
- Why You Should Put Your Twitter Username on Your Blog, Ecommerce and ALL Web Sites.
- If you follow many you can Use Twitter Lists to focus on just the specific section of the Tweets your followers are sending you need in the moment.
- How to use Twitterfeed to create a consistent presence and support the best content of your favorite bloggers and collaborators.
- Getting Started on Twitter Videos and How-to Use Twitter posts.
- Twitter Tools for Managing Twitter accounts including Managing Multiple Twitter Accounts – comparisons and reviews of popular Twitter tools including CoTweet, Hootsuite, Tweetdeck and many others.
- Find other influencers and monitor your influence using PostRank Connect, Klout and PeerIndex.
If you are a business or blogger and need assistance setting up an effective Twitter strategy, need training on how to use Twitter tools, or do not have the time to do this yourself and are interested in having your Twitter strategy implemented for you, contact me or leave a comment in this post.
Double your effectiveness by pairing this Twitter strategy with creating a consistent Twitter presence through Using Twitterfeed. If you’re new to Twitter we have some great Twitter Tutorials and videos. If you aren’t sure whether you want to follow that many people or not read Using Twitter Lists.
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