Here it is more than a month later and the TwiTip Construct Your Own Top Ten Niche Must Follow Twitter Lists is STILL getting new comments. I just added all the new submissions to the TwiTip Top Ten Niche Twitter Users list here. Every person who took the time to blog a list or add one to the comments there has picked up at least two links, potential followers and/or subscribers and who knows how many new visitors.
If you don’t take time to check out posts like that one – those with enormous potential to spread virally, you may miss a huge opportunity. Who might have visited you from that one link? Or shared your latest or best blog post far and wide?
If you didn’t even read it you would have missed this real jewel way down in the comments:
BloggingMom67 said “type in your town/city (country may work, not sure) you can find out the top tweeters in your community by rank. (Rank is based on number of followers verus followees and how frequently you tweet).”
Many may have missed the significance of this comment – a key to Twitter Local! Go to Twitter Grader Search, type in any location and you can find the top 100 Twitter users indicating they are in that area. Why should you care?
- You may want to ask them something specific to that geographic location.
- You might want to create a Twitter profile for your area to make it easier for others to connect.
- If your business is localized you may want to reach out specifically to others in your community.
To create a Geo-Local Twitter connector, someone has to be willing to set it up. To show you how to do it I just created Twitter DallasMetro and FriendFeed DallasMetro. Ideally I would also set up a WordPress blog but for now the URL in the Twitter account is for the FriendFeed account.
Using the search above I’ve already started following major Twitter users known to be in the Dallas metro area. Others are likely to follow who are interested and soon these DallasMetro Twitter and FriendFeed accounts can become major resources for anyone interested in using them.
While it is best to jump in immediately when an opportunity like the TwiTips Niche Twitter Lists gets announced, as long as comments are still open it is not too late. That post is so popular and has so many incoming links that it will continue to drive traffic – and send YOU incoming links – for years to come. Head over and add YOUR Twitter List!
While you’re in list mode why not add your FriendFeed List to our FriendFeed Friends Challenge? Don’t know how to use FriendFeed yet? All you need to know can be found linked from our post How Using FriendFeed Benefits You – Don’t Miss These Top FriendFeed Users.
If you like Twitter you’ll LOVE FriendFeed – especially if you have your own blog.
NEW: Tweet Me Local: 8 Tools That Enable You to Build Twitter Groups by Geographical Location
NEW: TwitSeeker: Search for Who You’re Looking For by What They’re Tweeting About – Use their advanced search function to find Twitter users by Location (by number of miles or kilometers of a particular place).