Tools Wanted for Power Bloggers, Social Networkers

Donation Coder Duck Mascot
Donation Coder Cody the Duck Mascot – Click to visit Cody’s site

I just wrote this request up at DonationCoder in the Donation Coder Forum. They offer free software and allow anyone to request what they call coding snacks – custom code written by volunteers on a donation basis.

My thanks to April Russo (Twitter) of Cranial Soup, for telling me about donation coder. She has some other great sites you may want to check out:

  • SnailWare blog where she writes about newer software that will run well on older PCs and phones
  • Mom’s Cookbook for great recipes
  • Beautiful graphics including wallpapers, tubes, skins, tiles and games

I decided it makes sense to put the word out here too. We (serious bloggers and Social Networking users) REALLY need some tools built. I belong to a private blog club of really sharp power users who will gladly alpha and beta test them and with my persuasion I have no doubt that we would also be interested in promoting the tools developed to the public.

Although I posted this at donationcoder, these tools would be highly marketable and we could set up an affiliate program and get power affiliates to sell them for the developer(s). The founder of our group has an affiliate marketing blog and company that is often ranked number one and some of the others are power affiliates.

We need two things:

  1. A way to identify specific blogs we want to interact with consistently and track our comments and links in those blogs. Ideally this tool would include Blog Name, hot-linked URL, PR, DF, CL, KL (PageRank, Dofollow, CommentLuv, KeywordLuv). We could add that data manually or a really slick tool would identify and update PR and toggle DF, CL, KL Y/N or on/off.
  2. Blogging Group tool with these features:

a) Ability for each member to add and update their site URLs and the most important Keyword Phrases and specific page/post to link to each phrase.

b) Ability for each member to add and update their Social Networks (ideally where they only have to add their user name and NOT the entire link – the tool should know how to format it)

c) Section for members to share requests to spread only their most important, most recent content. If that section could allow other members to check off that they chose to share that specific item and where (columns for Tw, SU, Fa, Fr, Di, De, Re where those abbreviations stand for Twitter, StumbleUpon, Facebook, FriendFeed, Digg, Delicious and Reddit) that would make it even more valuable.

What we need is a fast, effective way to be consistently productive. Members need to focus on what is most important and this tool would hone in on that. Every business, corporation, Search Marketer, blogger could really use a tool like this.

If you know of anything that does this today or can develop it do let us know.

If you are a freelance coder or want to hire a freelancer, you can connect at RentACoder. Thanks to Web Designer Jake Rocheleau (Twitter), who published this great interview with Rentacoder Founder Ian Ippolito in his dofollow Web Design blog.

Published by

Gail Gardner

Founder of GrowMap, Small Business Marketing Strategist, freelance writer and BizSugar Mastermind Community Manager.

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