MEME: LinkLuv to My Fav Bloggers Favs


Link Luv Chain

What if you could easily do one thing today that would greatly benefit your favorite bloggers?

Would you do it?

Would you only do it if it benefited you directly or would you be generous, knowing that paying it forward really works?

When I saw AussieSire‘s new Wassup blog post Why I No Longer Link to the Likes of Problogger and John Chow in Kikolani‘s latest Fetching Friday link round-up post I knew I had to read it.

When I found this paragraph within the post I decided to kick off my new LinkLuv Meme by sharing some of his favorite blogs with you. Sire (Twitter) shared these thoughts on each blogger:

There are so many other great bloggers who are not as well known, and who have a greater need of my link luv than any of the probloggers. These are just a few of those bloggers who are great at what they do but do not get the recognition of the so called ‘big boys’.

  • Extreme John: Now this bloke is bloody entertaining. He’s not scared of telling people how it is and won’t stand for any lip. He also understands, unlike those problogger snobs, what link luv is all about, as can be seen from his 12 Bloggers that Share Link Juice post.
  • iBlogZone: This is a blog that is full of great information, and DiTesco is another blogger who is not afraid to share a bit of link luv. His post Google AdSense Webinar – Free Online Seminars is just one of  many posts that are aimed at helping others to improve the earning potential of their blogs.
  • Kikolani: Kristi the owner of this blog does weekly updates where she shares with others all the interesting posts that she has come across during the week. She calls them her Fetching Friday posts, but other posts such as 5 Bad Reasons To Quit Blogging show that she has a wealth of information to share.
  • Social @ Blogging Tracker: Ching Ya, like the majority of women , loves to mix it up in the social networks and her posts, like 6 Twitter Lists Applications to Expand Your Network helps others to share in her expertise.
  • I’m Just Sharing: Mitch is a blogger who is all about sharing and his posts are many and varied. My only complaint is that I don’t have the time to keep up with all his posts. One you might find interesting is How He Writes Blog Posts.

Of course there are many more, too many for me to name here. What I am trying to show is that because there are so many really talented bloggers out there, men and women who cover almost every subject imaginable, I don’t need the likes of those so called Probloggers. I have a pool of bloggers that I enjoy reading, ones that I know recognize my presence when I visit their blog and are not afraid to pop in on occasion to say hello by leaving a blog.

As far as I’m concerned blogging is more than sharing your ideas or ideals in a blog post. It’s also about conversing with them and dropping in on them once in awhile to see how they are going.

Would you love to find more exceptional blogs to visit? Why not start with those others recommend? As an added benefit most dofollow bloggers interact with each other so many of these blogs are going to be dofollow and have CommentLuv, KeywordLuv and possible Top Commentator plugins installed.

Are YOU a generous blogger? Do you have a post like this one you want to share with my readers so we can spread the linkluv far and wide? Leave me a comment in this post and yours could be next. You may want to use the same keyword tags I am using: linkluv meme

Spread the LinkLuv - Tweet this using #linkluv hashtag - Image Credit Vectorific
Spread LinkLuv – Tweet this using #linkluv hashtag – Image Credit Vectorific

Spread the LinkLuv by Tweeting this post using the Twitter hashtag #linkluv – write your own linkluv post and use that tag and I’ll search and reblog your links too!

Published by

Gail Gardner

Founder of GrowMap, Small Business Marketing Strategist, freelance writer and BizSugar Mastermind Community Manager.

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