What If There Was an Easy Way to Get Your Tweets Retweeted? There Is – And It is Fast and Free

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JustRetweet ~ The Retweeting Site for Influential Bloggers- CLICK THIS IMAGE to GO TO JUSTRETWEET.COM

Why Use JustRetweet?

What if you could share just your most important links with influencers you don’t even know yet and have them retweet them to their 1000s or tens of thousands of Twitter followers? You can.

Join us at JustRetweet.com where it is fast and easy to share what we would most like to have retweeted.

Using JustRetweet is the easiest how to get retweeted method.

  • Getting started is fast, easy and free.
  • When you have more money than time, you can buy more credits to promote your small business, worthy cause, or blog.
  • If you have more time than money, you can earn credits by paying it forward = sharing what is most important for others, following them, and checking out Websites and blogs.

The Sites and Blogs You Preview on JustRetweet
May end up being your most important collaborators!

Retweeting Tips:

  • Only share your most important landing pages.
  • Write compelling tweets that invite JustRetweet users to share them and Twitter users to click on your links.
  • Include RELATED hashtags (and additional @usernames if applicable).

Only Retweet tweets and links your followers will be interested in!
Requests go live throughout the day and are NOT pre-screened.
Do report any that you feel are inappropriate for any reason.


We just added several new features to make JustRetweet even more effective for you and your followers:

  • Refer a friend
  • Retweet buffering – When you choose ‘Post Later’ your Retweets go out gradually instead of immediately. You can schedule up to 50 retweets to be sent one at a time so they do not flood your Twitter timeline.
  • Credit Summary – allows you to see at a glance who retweeted what you have shared, who followed you, website views and how your credits have been spent.

Do NOT request Retweets of sales pages, get rich quick schemes,
unethical plugins or tools like these trackback spammers like those
commonly seen on Warrior Forum. They will be deleted.

Repeated infractions will result in account deletion.

Quick How to Use JustRetweet Reference:

Refer a friend

  1. Log into your JustRetweet account.
  2. Click on the Settings Tab.
  3. Find your referral link below the navigation bar and above the five blue buttons.
  4. lick that link to send an email or send or link to it.
  5. 25 credits will be added to your account for each referral you make.

To Request Retweets:

  1. Log into your JustRetweet account.
  2. Click on the Settings Tab.
  3. Click the blue Retweet button (in the center just above the tweet box).
  4. Type in your tweet – DO NOT include your Twitter username as it is automatically added for you.
  5. Choose how many credits you will offer – the more you offer the higher on the Retweet Exchange your tweet will appear.


  • Choose different credit amounts to spread your Retweet requests out and get more of them shared.
  • To decide how many total credits to allocate multiply how many credits you offered by how many shares you would like. You CAN edit this field to add more credits at any time.
  • If you choose a high follower count only Twitter users with that many followers will see your Retweet request. Many times Twitter users with lower numbers of followers actually have more influence with those they follow.

To Earn Credits Retweeting for Others

  1. Log into your account.
  2. Click the Retweet Exchange Tab
  3. Decide which requests you want your Twitter followers to see. If one does not fit for you, click Skip this.
  4. When you click Retweet that tweet is immediately sent to your Twitter followers.
  5. RECOMMENDED: Use Post Later most of the time so that your retweets are shared gradually.

How to Use Just Retweet
Ileane’s How to Get More ReTweets Video
Twitter Best Practices

Have questions? Use the contact us link on Just Retweet or send a regular tweet to @GrowMap and @JustRetweetCom to get a reply as soon as your question is seen. We both pop in and out on Twitter all day long. Want a faster answer? Use Skype or IM to reach Gail or use the contact tab on GrowMap.com for more ways to reach her.


There are numerous sites similar to JustRetweet. When you visit them it is not easy to tell who actually uses them. I have noticed they will display the Avatar of any Twitter account I am logged into if I visit them even though I have never been active on their site.

Look for spammy retweet requests, get rich quick schemes, and links that go directly to sales pages. If they permit that type of activity they may not be a site you want to get involved on. If you ever see such things on Just Retweet do please advise us via the contact form or by tweeting to @GrowMap and @JustRetweetCom.

None of the other sites has going for them the most important
reason for using JustRetweet ~ our influential collaborators.
JustRetweet attracts the most social media savvy bloggers.

DISCLOSURE: Valentine contacted me when he first launched JustRetweet.com and I agreed to support it and become a half interest partner because I feel the site is beneficial to small businesses and bloggers.  Other bloggers like Ileane @BasicBlogTips also saw the potential in using this particular retweet site. It is a new site and there are challenges to be overcome; however, I will do my best to help Valentine to keep it on track.

Published by

Gail Gardner

Founder of GrowMap, Small Business Marketing Strategist, freelance writer and BizSugar Mastermind Community Manager.

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