8 Billion People: Global Growth Trends

In November of 2022, the world officially reached a human population of 8 billion people.

China remains the world’s most populous country, though India is close to passing them. Both countries have over 1.4 billion people.

The United States remains in a distant 3rd place, though its growth remains slow and buoyed only by immigration.

Meanwhile, the population of certain countries has been declining due to low birth rates and restrictions on immigration.

8 Billion People: How We’ve Grown

The world’s population growth was about 0.83% in 2022. That growth rate is not stagnant, nor is it driven by people having more kids.

Instead, global fertility rates have been steadily falling. Instead, global health standards have risen sharply over the past few centuries.

In 1800, the average global life expectancy was 29 years. This dismal figure was due to high infant mortality, rampant infectious disease, and poor nutrition for large swaths of the population.

Now, global life expectancy sits at 73 years. Even when COVID-19 ravaged the globe, its death toll was a far cry from plagues of history due to improved sanitation across the board.

The Healthiest Countries in the World

While just about every country is better off today than it was 200 years ago, the benefits of good health are not equally distributed.

The top 5 healthiest countries are Spain, Italy, Iceland, Japan, and Switzerland.

All of these countries are relatively wealthy, allowing their citizens to benefit from access to plentiful food and healthcare.

The 5 least healthy countries (Sierra Leone, the Central African Republic, Chad, Somalia, and South Sudan) are all countries with high levels of instability and poverty.

Nutritious food and medical care aren’t consistently available, and the options that do exist are out of reach for many of their citizens.

As a result, citizens of Spain have life expectancies of 84 years while citizens of Sierra Leone live only 44 years. Both of these figures are averages, but they paint a clear picture.

Combining health figures with population growth pictures tells an interesting tale.

By and large, the healthiest countries now have low or negative population growth. These countries are mostly located in Europe.

Meanwhile, countries with the highest growth rates also have the worst health outcomes. Most of these countries are in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Labor shortages in European countries may come to be filled by migrants from African countries in the coming decades.

In fact, increased migration between countries has already been observed. In 1960, global migration represented 2.6% of all people.

Today, that number of migrants has risen to 3.3% of all people.

The percentage change may seem small, but it amounts to 165 million more migrants today than there were in 1960.

Where the World Population Will Grow and Decline

Declines in population will prompt labor shortages, but migration won’t be the only solution for developed economies.

Longer lives lead to increased capital. Workers who live longer tend to be more productive because they have time to develop more skills and education.

If economies change their measures of success from growth to quality of life, then a declining population can also be a net good for society.

Politically, many countries are resistant to the idea of allowing too many immigrants through their borders.

Meanwhile, remittances from abroad aren’t Sub-Saharan Africa’s only opportunity to increase their incomes.

The region’s population is expected to double by 2050. Their effective labor growth rate will outpace that of Europe and the America’s over the next few decades.

The difficulty of implementing sustainable growth in Sub-Saharan Africa is that many of its countries suffer from political instability.

This instability comes from a long history of exploitation and will require intentional and targeted measures to address.

Poverty alleviation has come a long way in the past several decades, but there’s still more to do in regions like Sub-Saharan Africa.

In Conclusion

Their rapid growth rate is leading experts to predict that the 9 billionth baby is only 15 years away from being born.

After that, the UN predicts the global population will peak in 2080 at 10.4 billion before environmental and demographic challenges push the global population back down.

While much of the future remains uncertain, there’s a lot to be hopeful for in the world today. Today’s humans are living longer, healthier lives than their ancestors.

Learn more about the 8 billion people on the planet in the infographic below:

8 billion people visualized

How To Decide What Blog Content To Delete; 89% Traffic Increase

Intro from Gail

When a blog has been around for years, or in the case of this one, over 10 years, it is a good idea to clean up some of your older, time-sensitive, less relevant, or weaker content.

But how do you know what to delete? You don’t want to lose any incoming links.

Redirecting them helps, but if you remove the content someone originally linked they may still delete your incoming link.

I know many other bloggers and small businesses are struggling to answer this question, too.

Also read Content Audit Success: A Step-by-Step Guide [Videos].

So I reached out to an expert on the subject, Helga Moreno, Content Marketing Specialist at Ahrefs, and asked her how to decide what content it is safe to delete. This is that post.

How To Decide What Blog Content To Delete

All of us are struggling to increase the search traffic to our blogs. Does it grow slowly no matter how much content you post? How often do you post? Is it nearly four times a week?

We, at Ahrefs, experienced the same issue. The strategy we implemented led to an 89% organic traffic growth in just 3 months.

I won’t tell you about all the strategy stages in order to not make this article too long to read. I will cover only the first one. The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, doesn’t it? Let’s make it together.

Sometimes It’s Time to Part with Your Content

Even if you created your content with love and devotion sometimes you need to delete it. We deleted 179,158 words of content at the beginning of the campaign I’ve mentioned above and never regretted it.

By the way, have you ever used this feature available in the admin dashboard of your WordPress blog?

There’s really nothing secret about the ‘Move to Trash’ option. Just wanted to make sure that you know about it.

I must warn you that it’s a pretty devastating step. Why should you take it? Because the rules of the game change and if you want to win, you should adjust to them.

For instance, back in 2013, we posted frequently, wrote articles of a decent quality, 500+ words, targeted to multiple keywords. The tactic “the more content – the better” worked.

Hummingbird Changed Everything

But everything changed with the Hummingbird update. Google started to understand the content itself and not only keywords. Just think about it – nearly 2 million blog posts are created daily, which means that this approach doesn’t work anymore.

The takeaway is that lots of mediocre content will do more harm than good to your blog.

But that’s not all.  We must consider that user signals are getting more and more important to Google over time. So all those posts with 0 visits and engagement are not sending it good vibes.

I’m sure there are many posts like these on your blog if it has been around for a while.

Our Personal Experience

When we started to implement the strategy we deleted nearly 300 blog posts.

I know it may sound crazy, but what’s more important for you is to know how we decided which posts to leave and which to get rid of…

What We Did Was Conduct a Content Audit

There was too much content to skim through, so we needed to simplify this process. A low hedge is easily leapt over, isn’t it?

Ok, here’s what we did:

First, we created a spreadsheet and put the URLs of all our blog posts into it.

We recorded the following data for each URL:

  • Title
  • Word Count
  • Views (last 30 days)
  • Views From Search (last 30 days)
  • Referring Domains
  • Author.

We collected the view data from Google Analytics. We collected the data on referring domains using Ahrefs Batch Analysis Tool. It helps to grab data for lots of URLs at once.

Our next step was to sort the spreadsheet by several criteria:

  • number of views from search
  • total views
  • referring domains
  • word count

    We sorted from the lowest to the highest and ended up with posts that had 0 views and 0 referring domains (links) at the top of the spreadsheet.

Of course, we manually checked each of these posts for the hidden gems and found a couple, by the way.

Then we just highlighted all low-quality articles that performed poorly in red, preparing them for deletion.


We deleted the posts marked in red.

However, we needed to preserve link equity, so we 301 redirected the URLs of the deleted pages with referring domains to either a relevant post or the blog’s home page.

That’s it. I’m sure you would like to get some advice on how to apply the technique to your own blog.

Applying the Tactic To Your Blog

The strategy is applicable only to blogs that have been up and running for some time. They should have a reasonable number of pages (at least 50 of them).

Does your blog match the criteria? Well, it’s time to run a content audit to improve its rankings.

Where should you start? Find low-quality blog posts that are under-performing and require updating or removing. Check them for the hidden gems that might just need a little clean up/renovation/promotion to get them ranking.

Please never forget to think twice before deleting anything because it’s a very tough option.

Side Note: Further reading: The Secrets Of Creating Linkbait Content

Over To You!

Are you struggling to grow your blog’s organic search traffic? Are you ready to give the above strategy a chance? It worked for us, which means that it can work for you, too.

Ok, let’s utter it once again. How to decide what blog content to delete if you love all of your articles? This is no place for our personal ties when it comes to things like SEO, marketing, competition, business, and money.

A good blogger should be guided by targeted audience pains and interests. In other words, cater to people’s needs and wants rather than your personal vanity.

The takeaway is – analyze all the blog posts on your site, reveal those that are just a ballast for your web ship, and get rid of them. This will let your vessel move faster.

The strategy described above takes careful planning, focus, and hard work, but you’ll see that your efforts will be rewarded as soon as the curve in Google Analytics starts to head upwards.

Have any questions / suggestions regarding the strategy? Ready to share your personal experience of applying it? Your comments are welcome right below!

Found this blog post useful? Share it with your friends and colleagues on social networks!


Increase Conversions By Sharing Pillar Content When Your Audience is Most Receptive

The 10 Unbreakable Laws of Social Media
RECOMMENDED: Click image to read The 10 Unbreakable Laws of Social Media

Have you ever heard this advice:

You should never be so busy working IN your business that you don’t have time to work ON your business?

Most people have fallen for SEO disinformation that they must constantly churn out quantity and build zillions of backlinks.

That disinformation is intended to keep you so busy running in circles that you will never succeed.

You need to start listening to wiser people who have your best interests at heart – like the content marketing experts at Hubspot who recently wrote:

Do NOT dilute your high-quality content
with mediocre or low-quality content!

Many bloggers and business sites are busy cranking out meaningless drivel that no one has time to read. THIS is what they should do instead:


It won’t matter how wonderful your content is if it does not attract the audience you most need to reach.

If you’re selling products or services that audience is the
people who are most interested in BUYING what you sell!

To reach them, you need to know what words they would type into a search engine when they were ready to buy what you have to offer.

That is true even if they find out about you on social media or in a blog post – the right keyword phrases will catch their attention wherever they see them!

If you haven’t done this STOP whatever you are doing right now and do your keyword research!

I’m dead serious. I will provide a link to a post on precisely how to do this at the bottom of this post.

Prioritizing your keyword phrases is the FIRST step to your success!

If you don’t bother with it you are throwing darts into the entire universe hoping to hit a buyer by chance.

The first step is to concentrate your efforts where your buyers are
by focusing on what they are interested in
where and when they want it!

NOT by trying to reach the entire world by being everywhere
and hoping buyers notice you in the overwhelming din.

2. Create Pillar Content for each Keyword Phrase

Pillar Content
Click image for Paul Wolfe’s Pillar Content Pt 2

Now that you know exactly what you need to write about you need the very best quality content possible for each phrase.

This is what is referred to as pillar, cornerstone, or flagship content.

Read Paul Wolfe’s posts 0n How to Create Pillar Content (part 1) for blogs to get a better understanding of the types of content that work best.

If you have a business blog, your pillar content should answer
how your offerings are the solution to the most
frequently asked questions your buyers have.

BEFORE you write your most important content review my post on how to use keywords in that content. I will link to that at the end, too, so you will have all you need in one place.

3. WHEN to Share Content

Those who are busy cranking out quantity or wasting the time of other people trying to use automated methods to build backlinks (that will get them blacklisted and ruin their brand’s reputation) are missing the boat.

Best TIMING = Higher Traffic and Conversions

If you share your very best content at the moment
your audience most wants to see it –
when they are most receptive –
it will be most effective.

Stop spending all your time cranking out fluff and use that time to share your best answers and content WHEN PEOPLE ASK!

Answer them when THEY want to know –
not when YOU want to tell them!

4. TOOLS that enable SHARING at the RIGHT TIME

itweetlive logoThere are tools you can use to let you know when others are looking for you.

For Twitter, the best solution I have seen is to set up searches and responses in the Twitter search tool iTweetLive.

While it may take some time to get it set up the best searches that get targeted results and not too many unrelated results. See this video on how it works:

I recommend you use iTweetLive to automatically find tweets you may want to reply to but ALWAYS manually edit and approve your replies!

Tip Top LogoTwitter search tools like FeelTipTop can be used for market research and it looks like Tip Top is working on a way to search for tweets in a specific geographic area.

Much has changed there since I last wrote about how to use their site so I’ll have to do a follow up post on how to use it or you can read their Twitter search blog.

NowRelevant logoNow Relevant is another alternative search engine that is most useful for finding trending topics or the latest news about any topic because they allow you to decide how many days you want to search.

Use their search engine if you want to find the latest information about an election or legislation under consideration or whether a Nexus tax law was passed or vetoed – or what is trending NOW.

Stephanie @lambdakennels1 wrote a guest post about using Now Relevant to search for recent results.

GoSkoop Logo Go Get Your DealsBusinesses that have products or services to sell can use the small business friendly ecommerce social network GoSkoop to find out what their potential customers are searching for and reply to them.

Read my post on how to use GoSkoop find, track and share deals to get the general idea of how to use the site.

They have made improvements since I wrote that post so I will need to do a follow up post on them, too.

The best known way to respond quickly when someone is interested is to use Google Alerts (renamed Giga Alerts), but we have too much Google in our lives already.

Google really IS Evil and Google is anti- small business and consistently removing our freedom of choice – so I am searching for alternatives to Google Alerts for us to check out and share tips on how they can be best used.

Social Mention logo

Social Mention ~ Real-time social media search and analysis ~ one of the only sites found when looking for alternatives to alerts.

Click on the graphic in this short post about social mention results for an overview of the data they offer.


I am hoping my readers can suggest additional alternatives as no others are immediately identifiable (which means if they exist they need to FIX THAT – if no one can find you how do you expect to succeed?

  • Topsicle ~ No USP, no description, nothing on their about page that explains what the site does ~ usability #fail – If you don’t tell people what your site is about and how it can be used they will just leave – and usually never come back.
  • Trackle (site gone?)

If you know of others, please leave details including a link to their site and links to any reviews of their solutions in the comments. Comments with multiple links probably will be held for moderation, but I will find and approve them!


It is beyond the scope of this post to write about advanced social media monitoring solutions because there are so many of them, almost all of them are paid and very complex tools – and many of them really only suitable for Fortune 1000 or larger companies.

I will cover some that are more useful for small businesses and bloggers in future posts, but not now.


As promised, these are the two posts you most need to ensure you’re targeting the right phrases and using your keywords effectively.

They also explain anchor text and how to use it to benefit every person or company you ever link to in your own content.

  1. How to choose keyword phrases
  2. How to use keyword phrases in your content
  3. Proof that quantity and zillions of backlinks are NOT necessary: Quality NOT Quantity
  4. How to use Twitter – if you want to be serious about success you HAVE to use Twitter because that is the most efficient social network and the one used by serious social-media savvy bloggers who will spread your content for you! It is NOT hard and it does NOT have to take hours a day. See the tips next to the star in my Twitter Best Practices post for doing Twitter right.

Choosing the most important keyword phrases is critical and most people choose keyword phrases that won’t work because:

  1. The are so general they would not convert even if you ever could get search engine traffic from them – which you probably will not.
  2. So specific that there are almost no or even ZERO searches for them.

If you are not absolutely positive that you KNOW
what phrases to target GET ASSISTANCE!

I strongly recommend that you get advice from someone
with great experience to take you step-by-step through how to do

this the first time so you know for sure you are doing it right.

Hire someone to do it for you who can explain exactly how everything I wrote in this post was done in your content and point each key element in it out to you so you can use what they create as a pattern for future content.

Then you can decide whether you want to have someone else do your keyword research or write your most important content or you feel confident you can do it yourself. This is too important to do exceptionally well.

Finally, once you have that key content you can use it over and over to answer questions – the way I share links as answers and additional information here and across social networks.

Use your quality content over and over –
to save your time, share what you do, and
explain why your products and services
are the solution the person asking needs.


  • Content Marketing World: The largest and leading content marketing event on the planet. The 2012 event takes place at the Columbus Convention Center in Columbus Ohio, September 4-6.



  • Content Marketing Institute Content Marketing Blog
  • See the Junta42 Top Content Marketing Blogs List for the best content marketing related blogs

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