Until now, many bloggers have focused on expanding their skills at blogging and using Social Media. What we need to do now is to put together collaborations of bloggers by niche and location.
More reach = more income and
more influence to build a better world.
Perhaps you don’t think of yourself as a leader or even an early adopter – but many reading this are. Maybe you believe there are others with more experience or talent. I have found that the brightest are often the most modest and under-appreciate their own abilities.

They also may not realize how quickly skills grow through working together. If you are willing to consider leading a blog collaboration for your niche or geographic area please contact me. Leaders will communicate with the bloggers in their group and work directly with me.
If you have an existing collaboration you may call on me for ideas or strategies and so that I may promote your efforts. Whether you just want some links and recognition and to continue to do your own thing or you would like to bounce some ideas around be assured that I don’t want to change or control you or your group.
Each group will decide what works best for them
and benefit from what other groups know and do.
Please add your blog(s) to the database of bloggers by niche and location. If you have an existing group – no matter how informal – mention that in your listing there and also leave a comment in this post. If you have a site, post or page about what you’re doing please include links.
Examples of blogging collaborations:
- Kelli @3boysandadog Couponing Bloggers – What Kelli has to say about the couponing bloggers collaboration
- Rohan @365thingstododc Washington D.C. Foodies – 44 food blogs participating and a Food Blogger Survey
If you don’t know me and don’t understand why I give away so much of my time working to bring bloggers together and supporting small business a just-published interview done by Pace Lattin and published on Technorati could give you some insights:
- Gail Gardner and Her Map to Small Business Growth Interview Part 1
- Gail Gardner and Her Map to Small Business Growth Interview Part 2
What works for large businesses is usually totally wrong for small ones. Bloggers and Small Business working together can improve our economy and standard of living for all. Contact me to find out how.