UPDATE: the new GASP Anti-Spam WordPress plugin has been released and is available in the WordPress Plugin Repository.
THIS is the ALTERNATIVE TO AKISMET that provides the SOLUTION to being Flagged as a Spammer! Spread it throughout the blogosphere and your comments will work again.
If you are unable to leave a comment, please Tweet @GrowMap or use this contact info.
If you can, please test using different PCs, Operating Systems and browsers.
You can mention what you’re using in the comment if you wish – and do please let us know what DOES NOT work so we can diagnose why.
One concern we have is if commentators forget to check the box and have to use the back button will their comment still be in the form? We need bloggers to test that specifically.
Please copy your comment (in case it doesn’t get retained) and then intentionally leave the box unchecked. That will show you a message that says you didn’t check the box.
What we need to know is when you back up is your comment still there or did you lose it?
I know how frustrating it is to lose what I write and I either don’t have time to rewrite or hate doing something over so much that sometimes I just leave instead (in a blog where I don’t know the blogger. For those I know I make the time.)
Does anyone know what controls whether what you entered is still there when you return to a page?
As soon as we know the new plugin plays nicely with other plugins and does not cause any technical problems we will have others test it and then make it publicly available.
Most bloggers who use WordPress have generally used the Akismet anti-spam plugin. Unfortunately, Akismet flags regular commentators as spammers so often that we have disabled it in all of our blogs.
That has led to being inundated with spam that is now hitting 1,000+ a day in GrowMap and hundreds a day in some of our other blogs. As soon as you manage to get any kind of visibility for a blog you WILL end up with vastly more spam.
Phil Hollows, the brains behind the Feedburner alternative FeedBlitz had a sharp idea for a way to blog spam bots and Andy Bailey from CommentLuv jumped in and wrote a new anti-spam plugin. Having tested the Bad Behavior plugin which behaved extremely badly – locking us all out of GrowMap
Just removing it was not enough – it had to be deleted via ftp and then many files manually edited. Thank goodness for WordPress experts Sammy Russo of Search Friendly Web Design who fixed it (Sammy installed GrowMap).
Special thanks to these others who offered their expertise: – they are people worth knowing:
- Blogging Expert who continually gives of his experience @BloggingJunkie
- Donna Fontenot aka DazzlinDonna who teachs how to make money blogging and offers eBusiness coaching.
- Derek Semmler who installed this and our other JV blogs. Any time you need WordPress consulting consider Derek.
Recovery was difficult enough that I realized we should NOT be testing new plugins in active blogs. They should first be tested in development test sites, then on blogs that are new like this one, and only then in your primary blog.
Please comment here and let us know so that we can ensure this plugin works and make it available to others. It is time we quit losing so much time to spammers.
If you are unable to leave a comment, please Tweet @GrowMap or use this contact info or leave a comment in the latest GrowMap blog post.
Related articles by Zemanta
- Find Out If Akismet Has YOU Flagged as a Spammer (growmap.com)
- WordPress WhiteList BlackList Plugin Wanted (growmap.com)
- Akismet Configuration: How to Turn Off Akismet Automatic Comment Deletion (growmap.com)
- Akismet Thinks We Are All Spammers (growmap.com)
- TWTPoll: SI Captcha Anti-Spam WP Plugin (growmap.com)
- Business Friendly Akismet Free DoFollow Blog List (growmap.com)