As I moderate what is being shared on it occurs to me that many people – even bloggers – do not really understand what to tweet.
First it is important to keep in mind that there is one thing you really need to know about Social Networks:
They are called SOCIAL networks because they are about
RELATIONSHIPS – actually interacting with other people.
People don’t like advertisements so don’t advertise on Twitter. In other words, your tweets should not SOUND like advertisements! Here are some examples of what does NOT work on Twitter:
What NOT to tweet:
- Just a link with no text – no one is going to click on that – at least no one with online experience who knows better
- Automated programs offering to grow your Twitter followers or Facebook friends
- Sales pages like – if you want to recommend something WRITE A POST or SHARE A REVIEW but don’t share a sales page because people will think it is a scam. The key to ethical marketing is HONESTY.
- Only your own blog posts – people are rarely interested in the self-absorbed – see How to Share Interesting Content on Twitter
- Only links to or tweets about your business – see Why You Should NOT Just Keep Tweeting About Your Business
If you want more tips on how to use Twitter
see my comprehensive Twitter Best Practices post.
- 10 Things You Should NEVER Share on Twitter or Facebook
- What NOT to Tweet: Ways to Commit Social Media Suicide
- Things You Need to STOP Tweeting About – Remember your audience – if they are bloggers and social media influencers tweeting about Twitter, small business and social media IS interesting to them.