Twitter bird + Hand on knob turning up the leads = profit How to Generate and Close Social Leads

How to Generate and Close Social Leads On Twitter

If social media is not delivering the return on investment (ROI) you expect, the problem isn’t the social networks. Just as a blog won’t make money if it isn’t monetized, you can’t expect social media to generate income for you unless you are using it to drive leads and sales.

Twitter bird + Hand on knob turning up the leads = profit How to Generate and Close Social Leads

Following many people or tweeting great content can get you followers, but what you need is to turn those followers into leads. This can be done manually, but only if you are wise about whom you followed in the first place.

Why You Should Choose Your Followers Carefully

Don’t fall into the trap of just wanting tens of thousands of followers. While this is useful for influencers, even they focus on followers interested in their particular topic or niche. If you operate a local business, you want to follow people in your geo-targeted area.

For your business, you want to follow almost exclusively only the people who are interested in the products or services you offer. This is done by searching for people by their location, titles, what hashtags they use, what Twitter chats they participate in, and what they share.

But that is only the first step. To turn a follower into a customer or client requires building a relationship by interacting with them. Most small businesses fail to do this because they don’t want to invest that much time in social media not knowing for certain there will be a pay-off.

Failure to build a relationship with their followers is where most fail at using social media. Click To Tweet

Reaching out to and connecting with your followers is simple. Keeping track of your interactions with each follower is the challenge. If you have only a few followers and a great memory you might do fine for a while.

But as the number of followers grows, remembering them all becomes difficult.  You can use something like to keep track of interactions and manage multiple Twitter accounts. It suggests new followers, but it wasn’t really built for lead generation.

There are many excellent marketing systems for tracking leads, but they do not typically integrate with social networks. Fortunately, there are now solutions that capture your social media activities for standalone use, or to feed them into your marketing system.

How to Get Social Media Followers Into Your Sales Funnel

They key is to identify who your target audience is, seek them out, and interact with them. This can be done manually, but using a social media solution built specifically to do this is a lot easier – and it can track your results.

Screen capture of Socedo Audience Targeting options showing leads already captured

Socedo is a new automated lead generation platform specifically designed to identify potential leads based on their Twitter activities. It automatically favorites one of their tweets, waits an hour and then follows them.

When they follow back, it sends them a personalized tweet to either start a conversation or suggest they visit your landing page. Socedo adds them as potential leads for sales and tracks whether your sales team decides to approve (follow-up), decline (not worth following up with) or select later (lower priority potential leads).

Based on your actual results, Socedo can modify your targeting to better qualify your leads. This video explains:

Video Highlights:

  • Tell Socedo who your target audience is and what goal you want to drive
  • Use existing audience templates or create you own
  • Choose a goal:
    • Drive website visits: Inbound marketers drive new leads to existing landing pages
    • Start conversations with prospects: outbound sales reps can start conversations directly on Twitter
  • Qualifies prospects through an automated engagement system based on their interactions:
    • Socedo favorites their tweet immediately
    • Then follows them an hour later
    • An hour after they follow back, Socedo sends your prospect an automated, personalized tweet as a conversation starter or with a link to your landing page
  • Platform pulls in new, real-time prospects based on your search criteria which you then rate: approve, decline, later
  • Edit your chosen keywords, hashtags and upcoming events based on whether they generate quality leads or not
  • Prospects can be filtered to select only people in particular locations or whose bio includes a specific title or company name
  • Socedo updates the targeting information as it learns more about your business and conversion results
  • Socedo qualifies your leads; you approve prospects and focus on those most likely to become customers or clients
  • Socedo reports:
    • Prospects discovered and acted upon
    • Clicks to your landing pages, DMs and follow backs
    • Growth of Twitter followers and LinkedIn connections
    • Lifetime A/B Testing
    • Keyword reports on conversational keywords, bio keywords and location keywords

Socedo integrates with Google Analytics, Marketo and Salesforce so your sales team can use your existing marketing system to follow up with the social leads Socedo generates.

Socedo customers are seeing conversion rates of 20-30% or 10x average email conversion ratesClick To Tweet

Because Socedo continually refines which Twitter users are considered leads, conversion rates can be exceptionally high and continually increase as keywords, hashtags, prospect companies or titles are adjusted and additional locations are added.

Built-in reports on prospect activity and conversions make it easy to determine what changes to make to your targeting. Instead of doing this manually, it simply makes sense to use an automated tool that continually adds new leads to your sales funnel.

The screen capture below shows the Socedo dashboard. What is shown is explained in the video above, but easier to examine in the image below:

Socedo Lead Generation Dashboard ReportsThe video contains so much information you will likely want to play it more than once. Use the image above to really examine how this solution works. Now that I have seen this, I can’t imagine not having a small business or B2B use this instead of doing this all manually.

Best of all, a business will finally know exactly how effective their time spent on Twitter actually is. Socedo also has a LinkedIn lead generation platform in beta testing.

Published by

Gail Gardner

Founder of GrowMap, Small Business Marketing Strategist, freelance writer and BizSugar Mastermind Community Manager.

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