Add a Twitter Field to Your Comments

I would love to see more WordPress bloggers add a Twitter ID field in the comments of their blogs. It is fast and easy to install using the WP-TwitIp-ID Plugin created by Andy Bailey who also created the CommentLuv plugin we recommended for making your blog more interactive.

Why would you want Twitter IDs in your comments? Here are the benefits:

  • Save time searching for Twitter accounts
  • Makes it easy to find out if you are following your readers
  • Follow up on comments or let readers know you have replied or updated a post they were particularly interested in
  • Easily find and follow interesting commentators
  • Another way to reward your commentators – lets your readers find and follow them at Twitter

This plugin “auto-magically” adds your commentators Twitter IDs to all of their previous comments, providing them with far more visibility in posts that are already indexed in the search engines. Anyone serious about adding readers and followers could visit existing posts, make intelligent comments, create a dofollow link with their choice of anchor text and thereby use this blog to drive traffic to their own blogs and businesses.

Something spammers don’t understand is that only quality comments relevant to the post where they appear work for generating real people to visit!

What some don’t realize about power Social Networking users is we automatically pay it forward by sharing whatever benefits others. When someone else takes up our causes we seek out worthy causes they support and share them with our users. Have you ever wondered what gets shared online and why? Now you know!

THIS is how the few can improve the world. You can join us by simply sharing what helps others. When you take action for them, we will take action for you.

Published by

Gail Gardner

Founder of GrowMap, Small Business Marketing Strategist, freelance writer and BizSugar Mastermind Community Manager.

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