To participate, search for #TwitterSmarter on Twitter and then click “Latest”. Or just use this link.
Has your small business considered using Twitter chats to raise their visibility? How about to generate leads? What about to interact with journalists and influencers?
Did you know that almost all of my influence grew from my usage of Twitter? My collaborators and I were singled out way back in 2011 by Yahoo! Research and Cornell University in a study of who was influential on Twitter.
Are you aware that the best way to meet influencers is by participating in Twitter chats? #TwitterSmarterClick To TweetWhat about journalists? So many journalists are on Twitter that a study of how journalists use Twitter became a dissertation that led to a book.
In a 2019 survey of journalists:
- “39 percent expect to spend more time on Twitter in 2019. While 50 percent expect to spend less time on Facebook.”
- “Twitter is a good source for news as it is happening.”
- “online newspapers and magazines were their primary news source (60 percent), followed by Twitter (25 percent).”
Some journalists even “wonder if their profession is tweet-crazy“! Others “call for journalists to stop tweeting“. But until that happens, Twitter is your fast path to reaching journalists and influencers.
How much could your small business benefit from having a journalist mention you in print, on radio or television. Think of the increased visibility and credibility you would enjoy.
Find out all the ways participating in Twitter chats can benefit your #smallbiz by participating in the #TwitterSmarter Twitter chat tomorrow, Wednesday, March 28 from noon to 1:00 p.m. CST. Click To TweetHow to Participate in a Twitter Chat
Read my tips in this BizSugar post: Why Small Businesses Should Use Twitter Chats
Then all you have to do is show up at the appointed time and add #TwitterSmarter to your tweets. Those tips cover how to make sure you see all the questions from the host and answers from the guest. And what to do if you forget to add the hashtag to your tweet. (We’ve all done that!)
Guess who the guest is on #TwitterSmarter Thursday 3/27/19 Noon CST: ME! Gail Gardner @GrowMap Be there or be square! Click To TweetTo participate, search for #TwitterSmarter on Twitter and then click “Latest”. Or just use this link.
Here are the questions for this Twitter chat:
Questions for #TwitterSmarter Chat
Q1: What are the benefits of participating in Twitter chats? #TwitterSmarter
Q2: How do you find Twitter chats? #TwitterSmarter
Q3: What tools are best when participating in chats? #TwitterSmarter
Q4: What are some Twitter chat best practices? #TwitterSmarter
Q5: Should I start my own Twitter chat? #TwitterSmarter
Q6: What can you promote by creating your own chat? #TwitterSmarter
Q7: Why is having a good hashtag important? #TwitterSmarter
Q8: What can you do to grow your Twitter chat community? #TwitterSmarter
I look forward to seeing you on the Twitter chat. If you have questions about how Twitter chats work, you can message me before it starts on Skype (username growmap) and I’ll give you a hand.
During the chat I’ll be too busy to respond because #TwitterSmarter is a smokin’ fast chat. They’ve been around a long time and have a lot of loyal influencers, freelancers, SaaS platforms and business owners and employees who are there almost every week.
Think of all the great people you can meet. See you there!
To participate, search for #TwitterSmarter on Twitter and then click “Latest”. Or just use this link.