How to Use Topsy to Find Collaborators, Best Hashtags

Topsy Twitter Search
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Those of us who use Twitter know how important it is to find influential collaborators in our niche. We can also increase our own influence and followings by using the best hashtags.

Fortunately for us, we can use the same free tool to do both: Topsy.

I love Topsy and use it just about every day. It is the fast, easy way to see who retweeted any post so you can connect with them.

Find out who retweets your content. Simply type your blog URL into their search box to get all the details shown in the image below:

Topsy search results for GrowMap

The number on the far right in orange is the number of retweets for that post. I wish you could sort by most retweets and date.

Click on any individual post to see details for just that one URL. Once you’re on this page you can paste or type any URL into the search box to see similar data for any post or page.

Topsy Analytics Graph for GrowMapTopsy provides this graph on the pages for individual blog posts.

Note that this graph is NOT specific to that post – it is for your entire site for the past 30 days.

Topsy offers a pro version of their analytics which I have not seen yet.

Everything I am sharing with you in this post is absolutely free and every blogger should be using it.

The graph above appears on the far right when you check individual pages. The screen capture below is the data shown for each post:

Topsy analytics and social search individual post data

Be sure to click the more button at the bottom to see ALL of the retweets. Also note that you can check “Show influential only” to find influencers who shared that post.

I encourage you to click on any of the above images to actually go to
Topsy and check out the data on your own blogs and posts.


By typing hashtags into the Topsy search engine you can find out which variations are being used the most and by whom.

I often check to see which of these is more popular as this particular set of hashtags changes over time:

  • #smallbusiness 6,890
  • #smallbiz 8,305
  • #smbiz 2,777
  • #smb 10,219

The numbers are the current number of retweets in the past 30 days using each of those hashtags. Not too long ago, #smb was used far less and #smallbiz was the clear leader.

By using this tip you can find out which hashtags to use to reach more of your intended audience. Use all the variations and you can multiply your audience!

I encourage all my blogging friends and collaborators to start using Topsy regularly. We need to make a point this year of forging stronger relationships with those who support us.

A special thanks to all those who have retweeted my content and especially those who are my regular collaborators. Without working together, none of us would be where we are today.


This is for those who don’t know many other bloggers yet. We are really easy to get to meet. Just tweet at us on Twitter. Comment in our blogs. Share our content on your social accounts.

While we may not answer right away, rest assured we DO appreciate you and eventually we will connect. If you want that to happen faster, reach out to us by adding @GrowMap to your tweets.

Our collaborators – the ones you see in Topsy – are really friendly folks who love to help other bloggers. They’re a great group to connect with so just pop into their blogs and say hello.

Published by

Gail Gardner

Founder of GrowMap, Small Business Marketing Strategist, freelance writer and BizSugar Mastermind Community Manager.

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