UPDATE: 46,000 Votes later, you can see the
Small Business Book Award Winners.
The fourth annual Small Business Book Awards highlights the best new Small Business books specifically beneficial for small businesses rather than applicable only or primarily to enterprise or corporate level businesses.
Instrumental in bringing us this valuable awareness of books that can make a difference are:

Anita Campell, Founder of the Small Business Book Awards and the driving force behind:
- Small Business Trends – recognized in 2005 and again in 2008 as the winner of the Forbes “Best of the Web” distinction for small business blogs.
- BizSugar small business social bookmarking, voting, and networking site for small business and medium-sized business owners and managers.
- Small Business Blogging Community BloggerTone – All three of these sites are dedicated to for Small Business and highly recommended.

Ivana Taylor, publisher of DIYMarketers.com and an exceptional writer in her own right. She is co-author of the book “Excel for Marketing Managers.” Do be sure to check out her DIY Marketers blog.
Over 200 small business books published within the last year have been nominated this year. There are my top picks – one in every category and three in Marketing:
Marketing Shortcuts for the Self-Employed
(Excellent for entrepreneurs, small businesses and their employees and managers as well as the self-employed.)
- VOTE for Marketing Shortcuts for the Self-Employed
- Marketing Shortcuts for the Self-Employed
- Twitter ID: @schwerdtfeger
- Read Tia Peterson @BizChickBlogs Marketing Shortcuts review
- BUY Marketing Shortcuts for the Self-Employed
Engagement from Scratch
- Vote for Engagement from Scratch
- Book Site: Engagement from Scratch!
- Twitter ID: @DannyIny
- Free eBook Download
- Buy Engagement from Scratch
- Win a free copy from GrowMap
Managing with a Conscience
- VOTE for Managing with a Conscience
- Book Site: Frank Sonnenberg Online
- Twitter: @A_Conscience
- BUY Managing with a Conscience
- Review of Managing with a Conscience: “This is, without question, one of the best business books I’ve ever read” ~ John Spence ~
Locavesting: The Revolution in Local Investing & How to Profit From It
- Vote for Locavesting: The Revolution in Local Investing and How to Profit From It
- Book Site: Locavesting
- Twitter: @locavesting
- Buy Locavesting
- Locavesting review on Good Reads:
“One of the best things about the book is that each chapter ends with a concise set of information on resources/next steps you can take to get involved in that particular local investing approach.” ~ Elizabeth on GoodReads ~
Duct Tape SEO: WordPress SEO Done Dirt Cheap
- VOTE for Duct Tape SEO
- Duct Tape SEO: WordPress SEO Done Dirt Cheap
- Twitter ID: @TheAvgGenius
- BUY Duct Tape SEO
Digital Impact: The Two Secrets to Online Marketing Success
- Vote for Digital Impact: The Two Secrets to Online Marketing Success
- Book Site: Digital Impact
- Twitter: @vipinmayar
- Buy Digital Impact
Become a Franchise Owner
- Vote for Become a Franchise Owner
- Book Site: Become a Franchise Owner!
- Twitter: @FranchiseKing
- Buy Become a Franchise Owner
Recommended: How to Sell Through Networking and Referrals
- Vote for Recommended: How to Sell Through Networking and Referrals
- Book Site: Andy Lopata
- Twitter: @andylopata
- Buy Recommended: How to Sell Through Networking and Referrals
And Death Came Third
- Vote for And Death Came Third
- Book Site: Andy Lopata
- Twitter ID: @andylopata
- Buy And Death Came Third
Books distill the wisdom and experience of decades into an easy to consume format; exceptional books provide actionable strategies and a map you can use to guide your small business to greater heights. I highly recommend them as the fast path to success.
I was not aware that Olivier Blandchard’s book was in the running when I originally created this post. I thought it had been out too long to qualify so I didn’t think to look for it.
I am adding it to my list as he is the only one I have seen writing about how you CAN track Social Media ROI and the impact of other actions by using timelines.
Social Media ROI: Managing and Measuring Social Media Efforts in Your Organization
- Book Site: Social Media ROI
- Twitter ID: @TheBrandBuilder
- Buy Social Media ROI
No doubt other excellent books have been nominated so feel free to share your favorites or draw attention to your own book in the comments. I did not have time to review ALL the nominations – so your book could end up in this post.
Disclosure: Many of the images in this post and the Buy links take you to Biggerbooks – my choice as the best alternative to Amazon. There is NOTHING unethical about a blogger using affiliate links provided they only recommend what they truly believe in. I do not support, buy from, or recommend the highly unethical Amazon.com. I have received free review copies of some of these books.