- Daily COS: Stop CISPA – MUST READ info on what CISPA does and why it is even WORSE than ACTA SOPA and PIPA were.
- EFF: Cybersecurity Bill FAQ: The Disturbing Privacy Dangers in CISPA and How To Stop It
- EFF Starts #CongressTMI Campaign To Raise CISPA Awareness
- Reddit CISPA Action List – what to do NOW!
- Add a Twibbon to your Twitter Avatar protesting CISPA
We need to send a clear message to Rick Santorum and his ilk that the Internet has been just FINE thank you since 1993-4 so we sure don’t need clueless politicians meddling with it now.
The best thing we can do politically is replace them all – every last one of them – who support the creeping fascism and loss of freedom that is overtaking countries around the world. They are traitors to their countries – clear and simple – and they ALL need to go.
“CISPA would allow ISPs, social networking sites, and anyone else handling Internet communications to monitor users and pass information to the government without any judicial oversight,” said EFF Activism Director Rainey Reitman. “The language of this bill is dangerously vague, so that personal online activity – from the mundane to the intimate – could be implicated.”
- NEW: WebProNews: Why CISPA Could Do More Harm Than Good ~ Ryan Radia: CISPA threatens privacy and 4th Amendment rights
- NEW: WebProNews: White House Openly Criticizes CISPA After Cybersecurity Briefing
- What is wrong with CISPA
- ACLU: Stop Cyber Spying
- YubaNet: Stop Cyber Spying Week Launches to Protest CISPA