Setting Up Space Where You Can Be Creative The Home Office

Setting Up Space Where You Can Be Creative: The Home Office

More and more individuals are choosing to work from home.

Setting Up Space Where You Can Be Creative The Home Office

The reason why is there are more and more entrepreneurs and freelancers entering the workforce.

Some do so out of necessity. Some do so out of pure enjoyment or thrill. There are also some who do so part-time to help augment their household incomes.

Whatever your reason, it is not as though you can snap your fingers and get work done. You need a place to work, even if it is just a place to set a notepad and use your cell phone.

You need some sort of space to call your own, right?

Not all of us are blessed to have a place that is truly a separate room called a home office, or simply an “office.” And even if your house is equipped with a home office, maybe it is inconvenient.

It could be too close to a loud air conditioner or near where your teenage kids and their friends like to make noise. You might need to find another place to call your own for times when you need peace and quiet.

The Bedroom

For some, it works to convert a corner of the bedroom into an office. If you live alone, you might even prefer to work from your bedroom.

Doing so has many advantages, such as when you have those late night moments of inspiration and come up with your most brilliant ideas.

Instead of wandering through the house to your office, you can pull out a sticky note at your desk in the corner. Then you can write down the idea right away so that it is ready for the next day.

Some of you don’t want to be ruled by the need to work during the day.

You like the idea of working from your bedroom with your favorite cup of tea or other drink. You like being cozy while you get your work done.

Working at night also allows you to be more global and work with those halfway around the world.

For a bedroom office, all you really need is a desk. If you have a corner, you could face the desk outward, toward the bedroom, and put a nice lamp on the desk or a tall lamp in the corner.

You could purchase a small rug or a rolling mat for your fancy office chair. You can create ambiance even in that small corner.

If you do not have that large of a bedroom, you can still create your space by putting a desk along an empty wall in the room.

Place a motivational painting or whiteboard on the wall in front of you, allowing for space to dream as you work. Or maybe you can place your desk facing a window so you can see the view and get some fresh air.

The Attic

Another creative idea that you could consider is converting the attic into office space.

Not all houses have attics. But if yours does, working in it could be a creative way to reclaim the space.

An attic can also feel like a secret hideaway where no one else can find you. It will feel like a true out-of-the-way office space.

Depending on the access to the attic, working in one might not be ideal in if you’re in your later years of life. But maybe at that point, you can convert it into a fun hideaway for the grandkids. Then you can convert an unused bedroom into your office space.

No one ever said that your home office has to be permanent.Click To Tweet But if you have an attic (or a basement), it makes sense to use that space for something.

The Guest Room or Dining Room

This idea perhaps should have been listed first. It is the obvious choice besides an actual office. What is it? It is the guest room, unused former bedroom, or even the dining room.

Some houses are equipped with these extra rooms, and maybe you are not inclined to have a dining room. If that is the case, this kind of room is a perfect location for an office.

Even if that room does not officially have a door (like the other half of a split living room), you can create one with Oriental screens. These are room dividers that create a private little alcove that works perfectly as an out-of-the-way office.

The Mobile Office

Some of you might be most comfortable moving around.

Maybe you are the type who likes to work in the kitchen this week and then the living room the following week. Maybe you actually travel quite a bit, so hotel rooms become your office.

If this description fits you, you might want to make sure that you have TV trays available. That way you can work from one of the rooms in your house that does not have a convenient table.

Even a card table or some other type of foldable table will work. Then again, if you have a lightweight laptop, maybe you don’t want a table at all and you will just use the laptop.

Consider what you need for your mobile office, so that what you need is easily available.

Maybe while you are home, you have a simple bag where you store your necessary items. That way you can grab the bag when you have decided to change to a different room.

You might also use a sturdy satchel that can handle air travel, protecting your laptop. By using some sort of bag, you can have your pens, sticky pads, and anything else you might need for your office ready for you at any time.

And, of course, that mobile phone!

Garages or Outbuildings

If you are blessed to have outbuildings, even stables, they can provide an option for an outbuilding-to-office conversion. It is possible to set up a desk in one of these outbuildings, but depending on the building, you might want to actually convert it.

It is possible to grab a desk and set it up in one of these outbuildings, but depending on the building, you might want to actually convert it.

In doing so, you could consider putting up sheetrock and fresh paint and really take the opportunity to do it up right, creating a fresh new office.

It is like you are building your own office from scratch, but the foundational building already exists.

Some people prefer an office in a building that is separate from their homes. That way, you can invite clients to the office without having them visit your home.

You might even want to consider adding a restroom, a portable drink area (ice cube maker, refrigerator, coffee maker), and a waiting area (using those portable screens).

In Conclusion

Wherever you decide to create (or recreate) your office, doing so is about finding a place where you feel comfortable.

If you feel comfortable, you will be more likely to be able to create. Just remember: your office space doesn’t have to be permanent. Follow your dreams, even if you dream of a new office space idea every year. If that works for you, go with it!


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