Image Credit: Mission Izhar
Until now, most have kept their personal beliefs and their businesses separate because so many are intolerant of others’ beliefs.
It is time that we were no longer silent on this because those of us who are older and wiser can more clearly see how far the world has degraded in only the past 40-50 years.
Younger people have nothing to compare today’s world against so they can’t see it. Even those of us who ARE older have been immersed in clever disinformation our entire lives.
What we have been conditioned to believe is illogical –
but sold as being based on science and logic.
It is NOT true and we need to wake up!
The most discerning thinkers among us can accumulate evidence in our quests for the truth – but what do we do when – after following that evidence – we end up with two conclusions that are equally valid but mutually exclusive?
Yes – there really IS a solution – and we are learning what it is thanks to Social Media. Our conditioning made us all separate. We feel safe in the little boxes we live in and the little boxes we travel in and confident in the belief that we can do anything all alone.
Image Credit: BizChickBlogs
Social Networking is teaching us
that we aren’t nearly as clever
as we thought we were.Others we meet know things we don’t. They have skills we haven’t learned.
Humans were meant to live in community and help each other – not to think they are all-knowing “gods” capable of creating abundance out of thin air.
No one is successful working alone.
No business works by having only one person involved. And our lives only get worse when we think we can do it without anyone else.
So social media has taught us what our conditioning made us forget. That we need each other. That others matter.
We need communities again because
they are the solution to all our challenges.
We avoid people because so many have blindly accepted the conditioned values of selfishness and the willingness to do anything to anyone to get what you want.
WHO Can We Trust?
Now we have to figure out WHO can be trusted – and the odds are against us because the trustworthy are a very small percentage of the total global population which just passed 7 billion – probably about .02% – but .02% of the worldwide population is ~14,000 people.
So somewhere out there are 14,000 people worth trusting who can help you figure out where the Truth lies – what to believe – and what is misleading you.
I started out seeking those who were far enough along to choose to be dofollow even when they knew it might hurt them. They chose it anyway because they wanted to help others more than themselves.
But it makes me sad that many who are trustworthy have accepted conditioning that will lead to their downfall.
While their hearts are in the right place, many of them are obsessed with the bright, shiny objects of this world that do not matter or in trying to be beautiful.
You can’t BECOME beautiful by painting toxins on your face or working out obsessively or wearing clothes that are ridiculously uncomfortable, tying a noose around your neck or ruining your knees and back wearing “stylish” shoes.
You already ARE beautiful. Yes, those things change your appearance – but they do not change the real you – who you are in your heart.
They do other things, though, that are far worse. Little girls are made up to look like street walkers – and many think that is “normal”. They strive to be unnaturally thin, die their hair blond – or revolt against the unattainable and become goths instead.
Promiscuity has been the norm since I was in high school back in the ’70s but our parents had no clue and most of them let television, movies and schools provide our standards. Making out in public was “normal” – now sex – even in public – is as common in schools as kissing was back then – and “sexting” is a big issue.
You can use Hulu to look up the TV shows you watched as a
child and see how you ended up with the “values” you have.
Look at those mini-skirts – REALLY?
Lost in Space is an excellent example. The son never does what he is told and is rewarded for it. He is considered smarter than his parents. His Mother and Sister – although supposedly scientists in their own right with advanced degrees – are portrayed as helpless and shown gardening, cooking and cleaning – and look at what they are wearing. Gee – I wonder where those stereotypes came from in my generation?
Even back then when married couples had twin beds, the housewives wore mini skirts and were always dressed up like they were going out to pick up a man – no matter what they were doing. Come on – do you wear a dress and pearls to clean house?
We had I Dream of Jeannie – another sexualized image of a way to instantly get whatever we want. We were raised with Disney fantasies of being a princess and having our Prince Charming show up on a white horse.
The shows we thought were “harmless” – weren’t.
Image Credit: CrazyAboutTV
Let’s take another example: Bewitched. Look how Samantha dressed. Think about the episodes when her cousin Sabrina shows up. That show introduced witchcraft as benevolent and attractive – as a way to instantly get whatever you want.
Now look at today. Movies and shows are even more sexualized and there is more and more occult and witchcraft as though that were normal – and for many of our peers being a Pagan or a witch or a Goth or an extremely sexualized appearance IS the norm.
It is NOT my intention to offend any of my readers who believe that is who they are today – only to encourage them to take the time to really think about their priorities in life.
Are any people around you living a REAL life instead of some illusion of “having it all” while drowning in debt?
If having more could make people happy, where are the examples of celebrities and the rich and famous who truly ARE happy? Most of them use power, things, and substances to blot out the world so how happy could they really be?
Are you still striving for “The American Dream”?
If anyone can get rich in America then you should know some who have already made it. I mean ordinary hard-working people you personally know – not the carefully crafted back-stories of the rich and famous.
No? You don’t personally know anyone who got rich through hard work and being intelligent?
Neither do I.
I do know many wealthy people and they all got rich through taking advantage of others. I’m not saying that all wealthy people are unethical, but those who value money over human life almost always are.
Please stop and think. Step out of the rat race for a while and take a long, hard look at how you’re living your life.
It does not matter what labels you apply to yourself today – do yourself a favor and do this.
Stop believing in an illusion and realize the Truth.
Find others you can trust and discuss what Truth is!
That is especially important if you consider yourself a Christian because most who claim they do NOT live like they are. They have fallen for a trap and need to get out while they still can. There is a specific warning to NOT be a Lukewarm Christian and you can read my take on why most are just that in The United States of America – Land of Lukewarm Christianity.
Those of us who do know Jesus personally are encouraged to spend more time with Him. Be sure you understand what He has called you to do. And understand that even if we are fulfilling that calling, when He said we should “bear more fruit” I believe He means we need to be the light that brings those we know and influence to the Truth.
One way we can do that is by supporting the efforts of others who are sharing how to apply our beliefs in the real world. I am personally asking those who believe to support Sam Berrier in his project to create videos to teach others how to live a Christ centered life.
- Share ConnectwChrist across your social networks.
- Write about knowing Jesus and share this project with your readers – even if you – like I – have always kept your beliefs and your work separate until now.
- Go to Kickstarter and give what you can. Only $5 multiplied by many makes a difference – and what easier way to “bear more fruit” could there be?
The way Kickstarter works, if enough money is not pledged the project is not funded, all pledges are returned, and this needed video series will not get ANY of what is pledged. One person already pledged $1000 – can we not all pledge at least a little?
NOTE: Unfortunately, if you do not have a credit card you can’t
support this project. I will ask Sam for an alternate method.
CONNECT with CHRIST aka ConnectwChrist Info:
- ConnectwChrist Kickstarter project page
- ConnectwChrist Twitter account
- ConnectwChrist Facebook fan page
Drop by and encourage Sam’s project. He is not a blogger or social media influencer so he needs our assistance to reach his Kickstarter goal and to spread the word about this much needed project. Most have no idea how to integrate a relationship with Christ into a modern life. You can be instrumental in providing a way for them to find out.