How to Secure Your Workplace Cell Phone

How to Secure Your Workplace Cell Phone

Having a workplace cell phone can be exciting, especially if you’ve never had a cell phone from your employer before.

How to Secure Your Workplace Cell Phone

However, it’s still very important to remember that security should always be your top priority. This is especially true if you use your device to make purchases. You also need to be cautious if you perform other activities that require you to input your personal information.

Each and every day, smartphones become more and more like portable computers. Because of this trend, security and privacy are even more important when you are using a mobile device.

Unfortunately, if your phone has the ability to browse the internet and check email, there is always a possibility it will be subjected to a cyber attack.

Protecting Your Workplace Cell Phone

Here are some essential safeguards you need to put into place in order to keep your sensitive information secure.

Update Your System, Always

Making sure you have an updated mobile system is what will allow you to really enjoy your phone’s greatest features and protect your private data.

Ensure your software is constantly updated, not only on your mobile device but also on your personal computer.  

Use Security Applications

Security applications are another great way to make sure your mobile device is not only operating efficiently but that it is also operating much like a small computer.

It is important to keep in mind that it is computers that are the most vulnerable devices. The more your mobile phone resembles a computer, the more prone your device is to hackers and/or thieves. The best apps on the market help you to prevent these threats, as well as protect your data.

Don’t Click on Anything Suspicious

The mobile threats that you are most likely going to face on your mobile device (specifically on your work phone) are threats that come in the form of phishing campaigns.

Many hackers are creative and innovative. They come up with ways to make clicking on malicious links increasingly appealing. Don’t fall for any links that are obviously spammy or are from senders you don’t recognize.

And before logging onto a website, make sure the URL begins with “https” prior to entering any sensitive information.

Avoid Using Public Networks While Banking or Shopping

Many of us travel or enjoy using public Wi-Fi in coffee shops and restaurants. But it’s important to keep in mind that just because a Wi-Fi signal is public doesn’t mean it’s secure.

There are people out there just waiting for you to do something careless in a public place where it is easy for them to intercept your information.

Because of this reality, you need to make sure you are limiting your activities. Do not make any transactions that would require you to send private information, including your account’s login credentials.

Only Download Apps from Trusted Stores

One of the benefits of having a smartphone is that you have the opportunity to download apps for all sorts of functions. As the saying goes, “There’s an app for that.”

There are lots of applications currently on the market to meet practically every need you have, both personal and professional.

One of these categories is mobile banking apps. It’s extremely important that you be careful about which apps you download and which ones you add to your phone.

Some apps are growing more popular through independent and unmonitored channels. Because so many people see these sources as opportunities to get “cheap” apps, they download the apps without knowing they’re putting their mobile devices at risk.

Before you download any app, especially from a third party, make sure you know for a fact the app store is reputable.

A few of the most reputable app stores include, but are not limited to, the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.

While there are other reputable stores out there, you will want to make sure they are verifiable. Before downloading anything from them, confirm that these app sites are not simply mimicking real app stores in order to trick you.

What other methods have you found to be useful for protecting your mobile device? Leave your comments below.


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