How to Drive More Sales Using Effective YouTube Marketing Strategy

How to Drive More Sales Using an Effective YouTube Marketing Strategy

With more and more advertisements on social media, advertisers must compete for viewers’ attention in the most effective ways possible. One proven way is through YouTube marketing.

How to Drive More Sales Using Effective YouTube Marketing Strategy

Many people have very little time on their hands. So resorting to YouTube videos to learn about various products and services seems to be the way most people find out information.

Not only is YouTube an economical way to get the word out about your product or service but it’s also well received by millions of viewers worldwide. YouTube offers a fast and often interesting way for viewers to engage with your ad.

Let’s face it. Most website users do not like to read. Any time they can get information in an easy, yet effective way, they’re going to choose that method every time.

YouTube videos have resulted in a spike in revenue as more viewers have gravitated to this form of marketing. Below are some ways that you can use YouTube videos to ramp up your sales.

Driving More Sales Through YouTube Marketing

So what does YouTube mean for you as a business owner? For starters, you might be interested to know that people process YouTube videos 60,000 times faster than they read text, according to marketing experts.

YouTube Facts

Marketers who jump on the bandwagon are experiencing more success with YouTube videos than with text alone.

YouTube Ads and Social Media

Another important fact you might be interested to know is that YouTube ads do very well on social media platforms. Take Facebook, for example. Each and every day (since June 2014), Facebook users view 1 billion YouTube ads.

Of those people, 65% use mobile devices, such as iPhones, Androids, or even tablets. What do these stats mean for you? Simply by making YouTube videos part of your marketing and advertising strategy, you increase the chance of people viewing your advertisements.


YouTube videos are also one of the most common types of advertisements people share online. That’s great news because marketers who do use videos experience an increase in their revenue.

Their revenue increases roughly 49% faster than marketers who don’t use videos. This leads us to our next point about the impact of YouTube video channels.

YouTube Channels

Another very important marketing strategy that you should be aware of for driving more sales is the use of YouTube channels. Not only do these channels build credibility but they also significantly increase your conversion rate as you build brand awareness and customer loyalty.

Using a YouTube channel allows you to diversify your overall approach when using YouTube for advertising. Having your own YouTube channel is a great way to get plugged into your target audience.

You can increase user engagement by allowing users to leave comments and reviews, ask questions, and obtain feedback from you, the expert.

YouTube channels are a great way to build a following. They also help you to continue to meet the needs of your audience members by finding out what those needs and wants are as you interact with them

Implementing SEO Strategies

Not only can you use keywords when creating site content but you can also use relative keywords as a part of your video titles in the descriptions as well. Relative keywords are a great way to get high rankings in the search results and drive more traffic to your YouTube video or channel.

Other Reasons You Should Be Using YouTube Videos

1. Large Viewer Base and Platform

Although YouTube is not the only platform for video marketing, the YouTube platform seems to be the most sought-after platform worldwide.

Billions of viewers (over 1.3 billion) use it each and every day. Thus YouTube is one of your strongest bets for launching your video ad campaign.

2. Staying Power

YouTube offers one of the largest amounts of staying power in terms of how long visitors remain on the YouTube platform.

Even when using mobile devices, a typical viewing session could last for over 40 minutes. That’s great when you’re trying to capture your audience’s attention and engage users for long periods of time.

3. Low Bounce Rate

Another great aspect of using the YouTube platform to launch your videos is that it has a very low bounce rate.

This means that once users have clicked through to your landing page or website, they become engaged. They spend a much longer time on your website after they have arrived due to your YouTube ad.

4. High Mobile Web Traffic

YouTube generates the largest amount of mobile web traffic on the web. In fact, YouTube and Facebook alone account for at least one-third of all mobile web traffic worldwide.

YouTube is leading the pack against leaders such as Facebook, Netflix, and Instagram. So many people are now turning to their mobile devices for their web experience.

That’s all the more reason to make YouTube videos part of your overall content development and advertising strategy.

5. Competitive Advantage

Another great quality of using YouTube videos is that doing so provides you with something of a competitive advantage. Within your industry, you gain an edge over those who don’t take the time to create YouTube videos.

6. Surpassing Mainstream TV

Surprisingly enough, YouTube videos have actually surpassed mainstream TV in terms of popularity. That’s because viewers are seeking entertainment as well as answers to questions they have.

7. CTA

As with other advertising tactics, you can also provide a call to action in your YouTube video. This CTA is a great lead-in to your landing page, website, or blog.

Greatest Take Away

One of your greatest takeaways should be that a YouTube marketing strategy will drive more sales because more people will turn to you for a variety of reasons.

YouTube a great and economical way to build your brand. But it also puts you in a position to become the expert in your industry. After all, you are providing your audience members with engaging and compelling information that they actually need.

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