What blog or online business couldn’t use more visitors? There are so many little ways to plant seeds of growth that no list can be comprehensive, so we’ll just start with some off the top of our head and count on our readers to add their best ideas. Feel free to leave links to related articles and posts in the do follow comments.
As you visit other bloggers be sure to share the best posts you find at your favorite Social Networking site. I favor the FriendFeed bookmarklet. The better your shared items the more people will want to read what YOU write. Take a little extra time and make your FriendFeed posts more valuable to readers.
Here are Five easy to use tools to make the results of your time online more fruitful:
- Go to FFHolic to find the Most Discussed, Most Liked, Most Commented, Most Popular and Most Active discussions at FriendFeed. Select those that are related to your areas of interest and get involved in the discussion. Others reading your comments are likely to subscribe to you, read your feeds, check out your blogs – maybe even write about you or link to you. ACTIVE participants get shared!
- Go to Twellow and find others with the same interests as you. If you want to see all the bloggers you can find it under Media. The more powerful blogger Twitter users you follow the more you’ll learn – and the more who will follow you. Visit their blogs and leave pertinent comments. (If that is sounding repetitive it is because it is VERY IMPORTANT.)
- Use Twitaholic to visit the Top 100 Twitterers. There is a reason they’re top Twitter users, so even if you aren’t interested in their topics DO pay attention to what they’re doing to get ideas on how YOU can be more successful.
- Set up Twilerts for the subjects you are interested in to get an email once a day with related tweets. Remember to add any names or users you use so you can see when someone is interested in you so you can follow them. If they recommended you be sure to thank them.
- Use Zuula Blog Search to find the most recent AND relevant blog posts on any topic you’re interested in. Blog an answer and link them in and drop by their blog and comment. Wouldn’t you like the reader of the posts you most enjoy to be your readers too? With blog commenting and linking they can.
Have your own favorite way to grow your online networks? We would LOVE to hear from you. Drop your ideas including YOUR links and links to resources you use and recommend in the comments.