How to Correctly Manage Industrial Waste Dumpster Photo

How to Correctly Manage Industrial Waste

Disposing of industrial waste is an important part of operating any business. While larger industries may create more waste, even small businesses can benefit from reducing and correctly disposing of their industrial waste.

How to Correctly Manage Industrial Waste Dumpster Photo

Depending on your industry, the type of waste your business produces can vary from liquid to solid, organic, hazardous or recyclable.

Finding the best way to deal with your specific type of waste can be difficult. With strict rules in place for responsible waste disposal, it’s often easier just to leave it to the professionals.

However, depending on your business there are many ways that you can help to dispose of your industrial waste and minimize its creation in future.

Industrial Waste Water

Industrial waste water refers to water that has become contaminated through industrial processes. This type of waste can be particularly difficult to deal with as it’s not easily collected by normal methods.

Specialized liquid disposal trucks can vacuum up liquid waste and floodwater from blocked sewers and grease traps, making collection and transport easy. Companies which provide this service will generally also be able to dispose of the waste for you, leaving your business free to continue operating.

Solid Organic Waste

If your business is involved in the hospitality industry, such as a café or restaurant, more than 60 percent of your industrial waste could be attributed to food.

Other businesses such as landscapers can also produce a large amount of organic waste.

Organizing a composting strategy for your business can help to reduce the amount of organic waste which ends up in landfill.

Composting allows for organic waste to decompose naturally over time and creates an effective fertilizer which can be used or sold.

If your business creates large volumes of organic waste, the by-products of composting it can even be used to generate electricity or bio-fuel.

Hazardous Waste

While dealing with hazardous waste is typically a concern for larger businesses, nearly every business will need to dispose of hazardous material at some point. Examples can include:

  • Petrol
  • Motor oil
  • Cleaning chemicals
  • Pesticides
  • Tires
  • Batteries
  • Asbestos

Waste in this category can be particularly difficult to dispose of, as it’s not only harmful for people but also isn’t easily broken down.

Because of this difficulty, its often better to prevent the need for hazardous materials entirely. Investing in non-hazardous alternatives where possible can be a much more practical strategy than disposal.

If hazardous waste already exists or is unavoidable, licensed waste disposal services can collect and dispose of your waste, although it’s likely to be expensive.

Some hazardous waste can be disassembled, sorted and recycled or incinerated. However, the most common method is merely to store the waste safely in a remote location.


Wood, paper, plastic, cardboard and glass are also common types of industrial waste. While they are generally less harmful to the environment than hazardous waste, if improperly disposed of they can still cause environmental damage.

Segregating and recycling common materials such as paper and plastic is not only good for the environment but can also save your business money.

Properly recycling material will reduce the need for disposal services and space required in landfill.

If your business is large enough, recycling timber, steel and other waste can become a cost-efficient way to reclaim materials.

With a little creativity, there are many ways to swap normally disposable items in favour of reusable ones.

Waste Minimization Strategies

Reducing your business’ waste can be done with a few simple changes. If you incorporate packaging in your processes or products, you can consider optimizing it to reduce unnecessary amounts.

Changing products and packaging to environmentally friendly alternatives will also make them much easier to dispose of.

Choosing recycled paper or plastic options rather than new can also benefit the environment. They may be available at a reduced cost.

Introducing a waste reduction and recycling program for your business can help to get your employees involved.

Get them working together for a good cause while also reducing your waste disposal costs as a business.

A greener company can reduce its costs, find new ways to profit and benefit from an environmentally conscious image.

With the right strategy in place, any business can improve their waste management system.

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