Little Guy sitting on a pile of money from his Big Profits

How YOU Can Generate Sales By Launching New Products Like An Expert

You know I usually ignore new launches and hype because so often they over-promise and deliver little of substance. In this case, though, I personally know Eric Larson. He sold hundreds in his first product without having affiliates or his own list. But the launch isn’t where the real money is made. I’ll elaborate…

By selling the first product at a low launch price, you can generate cashflow and testimonials you can use to promote that product and others. The real money is made with “backend offers” – additional offers you know the buyers would be interested in based on what they bought.  That first success allows you to get others to promote your product. Little Guy….Big Profits explains exactly how this is done.

Little Guy sitting on a pile of money from his Big Profits

The problem with most products is they tell you WHAT you need to do, but not how to actually get it done. Often, the strategies they share require you to already have a huge mailing list and/or relationships with others who do. Or they tell you to launch on Warrior Forum without instructions on how to do it.

Eric explains exactly how to keep your launch at the top to maximize sales. (Yes, you have to invest some cash – but not a lot of cash.)

I have personally never used Warrior Forum or launched a product. I don’t like to see people falling for hype and buying products that don’t make them any money. Eric’s book is a fun read with entertaining images throughout (like the one above) that will hold your attention. If you’re the type of person who likes to dig in and do it yourself, he shares tips that will work that I haven’t read anywhere before.

For my readers who would prefer to watch a video about this new product, here is the one I liked best:

I read his ebook cover to cover. My favorite tip is to have the images created first. Use them as your screensaver on your desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile device. You could even print it out. Having that visual right in front of you all the time can keep you motivated during the process of creating your product (or having it created for you).

If you will do what he teaches, you can do a product launch yourself and make more money than you would have without it. If you don’t want to spend time learning his methods, I would recommend contacting him to do it for you. Either way, his ebook is worth the $7 cost. ($7 is the launch price today as I type this – it will likely go up and then become unavailable because that is usually how these kinds of products are managed. So if you want it, buy it now.)

Launch ends 5/3/2015 at 11:59 PM EST – the price is likely to go up after that. So if you want this how-to guide at the $7 price you should buy it now by clicking this link or on the banner below.

How YOU Can Generate Sales By Launching New Products Like An ExpertDisclosure: I was not paid to write this post. I did receive a free review copy because Eric told me he was writing it and I sincerely wanted to read it. There are no affiliate links in this post; however, you can sell this product as an affiliate. (Details on the launch page you can reach by clicking the banners if you would like to do so.)

Published by

Gail Gardner

Founder of GrowMap, Small Business Marketing Strategist, freelance writer and BizSugar Mastermind Community Manager.

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