Five TED Speakers You Can Hire

Ted Talks ~ Light Bulb with Globe on It ~ Ideas Worth SpreadingYou have most likely come across the TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) concept by watching one of their extremely popular online clips which feature different speakers talking on just about any subject under the sun – and some far above it!

TED is devoted to spreading ideas by way of a global set of conferences aimed at disseminating “ideas worth spreading.”

Founded in 1984 as a one-off event, the annual conference came into force in 1990 and first took place in Monterey, California. Today, two annual conferences run – one on North America’s West Coast and another in Scotland’s capital, Edinburgh.

If you’re looking to incorporate some inspiration from this incredible event, here are five TED speakers that you can hire for your own conference:

Rachel Armstrong giving a Ted Talk

1. Rachel Armstrong

Rachel Armstrong is a Senior TED Fellow. Her reputation in the world of sustainability is based on her designs and innovations aimed for both developed and natural environments.

Using advanced new technologies such as Synthetic Biology and Smart chemistry, Rachel’s keynote speeches can challenge perceptions, presumptions and established principles while providing entertaining and informative centre pieces.

2. Ken Robinson

Sir Ken Robinson PhD is recognised internationally as a leader in the development of concepts regarding education, creativity and innovation.

Ken Robinson Ted Talk

Videos of his famous 2006 and 2010 TED Conference talks have been viewed by an estimated 200 million people in over 150 countries worldwide and he is now thought of as one of the leading keynote speakers in the world.

Working with international agencies and governments, Fortune 500 companies and some of the world’s leading cultural organisations, his important contributions include being the central figure in developing a strategy for creative and economic development as part of Northern Ireland’s Peace Process.

He was also one of four international advisors to the Singapore Government for its strategy aimed at making it become the creative hub of South East Asia.

3: Josh Klein

Josh Klein is a hacker whose work goes far deeper than the mischievous popular image the term may suggest. Exploring ideas and trends and examining systems by taking them apart, Josh puts different pieces together to produce something new and more effective.

His is the art of making hacking into a positive and productive process.

As an inspirational keynote speaker, his cross-disciplinary pattern recognising polymath skills are put to work giving a fresh insight to audiences by surprising, entertaining and informing in equal measure.

4. Melisande Lissa Middleton

Melisande has a background as a trainee Solicitor and an educational CV that includes Oxford University, Stanford University and Sciences Po.

She has quickly built up a reputation as an informed
and passionate public speaker.

Melisande Middleton Ted Talk

It is her work with the World Economic Forum that forms the basis of much of her current subject matter. As Young Global Leader (YGL), she plays an important part of the organisations workings. Melisande is also the Founder and Director of the Center for International Media Ethics (CIME)

5. Matt Parker

A ‘stand-up mathematician‘ may be a relatively quirky concept, but it is a field that Matt Parker has made his own and which forms the basis for his impressive public speaking appearances.

Matt Parker Ted Talk

Matt’s clever observations debunk the po-faced seriousness that more often accompanies any discussion of mathematics, whether he is abusing sudokus or explaining mysterious patterns in the locations of ancient monuments.

Alongside Robin Ince and Brian Cox, he has made BBC Radio4?s Infinite Monkey Cage into a crossover cult success and his maths research is regularly featured on BBC Television’s hit show QI.

Turing the world of numbers on its head by making it into an entertaining and frankly hilarious subject, he has soldout shows as diverse as the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, London’s West End, the Melbourne Comedy Festival and the London Mathematical Society.

Speakers Corner is a London based speakers bureau with years of experience providing industry experts for conferences and keynote talks. Rachel Armstrong, Ken Robinson and Josh Klein are available for book through their website.

What is your favorite Ted Talk?
Share a link with our readers in the comments.

Published by

Gail Gardner

Founder of GrowMap, Small Business Marketing Strategist, freelance writer and BizSugar Mastermind Community Manager.

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