5 Ways to Establish Your Credibility and Trust in the Marketplace

5 Ways to Establish Your Credibility and Trust in the Marketplace

Why do you even want to do that?

5 Ways to Establish Your Credibility and Trust in the Marketplace

Yes, YOU — reading this article. Exactly why do you want to establish your credibility and trust?

Is it to make more money?

Or to inspire more people?

Is it to spread the word about your cause?

Well whatever your goals might be, I’m going to show you 5 ways you can apply today to enhance your reputation in the marketplace.

Let’s begin…

1.     Have A Face

There are two reasons for this…

Actually, hold on, what do I mean by “have a face”? I mean build a personal brand rather than just a corporate brand and here’s why…

Reason #1: People trust people and people do business with other people.

Reason #2: When you build a personal brand, it’ll be easier to grow your other ventures. Think of Elon Musk or Steve Jobs who saved their empires from falling. Or Kylie Jenner who became the youngest billionaire due to the massive personal brand she’d already built before launching her cosmetics brand.

I don’t know what to say. Would you like to harness the same power by building your personal brand?

Action: Having a zoomed in high definition photo will make it easier for people to instantly recognize you.

2.     Add 5X Value

To build a loyal fan base you must add value to other people’s lives.

If you only takeaway one thing from this post then it’s this.

Think of all the people YOU follow on social media or whatever platform you frequent.

Those that educate you, make you laugh and give you a boost of inspiration.

You want to become the same for YOUR target audience.

Ask yourself this question… would you follow yourself?

Action: Think of how you can offer 5 times more value than your competitors.

3.     Don’t Be Flaky

Whether you’re looking to build a personal brand or a corporate brand it’s all about the reputation you’ve built…

Wait for it…

Over time!

That’s right, there’s no overnight success. A brand is built over time.

It doesn’t have to take years to see results, but it does take time to build something substantial.

That’s why publishing content on a consistent basis is key.

Imagine your brand as your credit score, you need to have a history of spending and paying back on time. That consistency is what helps you build that credit score.

It’s the same thing with building a brand.

Action: Create a publishing schedule that you will stick to so you can maintain consistency.

4.     Build A Social Library

When you talk about yourself, it doesn’t really mean much. I mean nobody is gonna say “I suck, don’t buy from me.” On their website. It’s always about how great they are and what successes they’ve achieved.

People have heard that so much that it no longer holds any weight.

But when somebody says something good about you, it’s not just you tooting your own horn.

Now there are other people tooting your horn.

And the more people who praise you, the more others will get intrigued to find out more about it.

In fact, if after working with every single person, you just asked them for a testimonial or to shoot a quick video briefly talking about their experience working with you… over time you’re gonna build yourself a library of social proof that you can just slap on your website.

Action: Ask everyone you work with to create a testimonial for you, briefly talking about their experience with you. Make sure it’s genuine and coming from the heart. No scripted fake stuff.

5.     Be A Trouble Maker

Not by picking fights with people, but by voicing your strong opinions on your topic… because that’s how real people are. Nobody likes people who are vanilla (well I love vanilla ice cream) but when you don’t stand for anything or have a strong opinion on something you won’t stand out.

Will your strong opinions offend people? Of course! In fact, there is only one guarantee when building a powerful brand – you’re going to get haters.

On the other hand, your strong opinions will attract your fans who believe in what you believe – and that’s who you’re serving. Because haters aren’t going to pay you – your fans will.

Action: Have an opinion and don’t be afraid to share it with others. Embrace the hate and the love. Being neutral doesn’t stand out.


You now have 5 actions to take to improve your credibility and trust in the marketplace.

Are you going to just jump onto the next article looking for more information or are you going to implement what you’ve learnt?

I mean isn’t that the point of knowledge? So, it can be applied and produce results for its reader?

So, what are you going to do today?

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