On the 4th of July 1776, the world was forever changed when a new country was established with the signing of a document containing this legendary quote:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…”
This was the beginning of The United States of America.
Before it became the biggest economy in the world and the so called “land of milk and honey”, it was THOUGHT into existence.
Before you can become the biggest blogger in the world or at least make some you’re going to have to overcome resistance.
Just like the original signers of the Declaration of Independence you might have to fight some battles and win a war against an extremely formidable foe.
The problem is the person that you’re matched up against
is staring at you in the mirror.
No, you don’t have to win all the battles against them but you’ll have to win the war when it comes to critical issues like:
Discipline and confidence. If you don’t think you’ll be successful the bad news is you’re right. The good news is you can change your mind.”
Here are the 3 important lessons the Declaration of Independence can teach you about blogging:

#1 – Start with a very important reason or a “big idea”.
The best blogs are the ones that have an important reason for existing and then stick to this reason over the long term.
Even in the naming of the document, “the declaration of independence” establishes its distinct reason and purpose.
Your blog should do the same, here’s how:
Use the BEST name.
A good name may be “your name dot com”but if your blog is really all about restoring and selling vintage video games then wouldn’t a better name be one that reflects this?
Example: Carol Tice writes about how to make a living writing, what did she name her blog? makealivingwriting.com.
The whole point of an idea is for people to find that they first understand and then agree with it on it’s own merits. Therefore as a blogger your whole point is to continue to explain your idea in increasingly more interesting ways.
You can’t do this effectively long term if you’re not passionate about the topic.
The original signers of the declaration of independence were so passionate that they signed their name on a document that they knew would result in mortal consequence but they did it anyway because of their passionate regard to the idea of independence.
How to find your passion?
Answer these questions:
- What do you find yourself seriously reading about on the internet when you are not goofing off and wasting time?
- What debates do you find yourself getting into with friends and family over most frequently?
- What topics of discussion do you constantly bring up until the point where people say stuff like, “do we have to talk about that now?”
This is what you are passionate about.
#2 – Collaborate

There were 56 people who signed the original Declaration of Independence.
This just proves that you can’t do anything important alone and the more important whatever it is you’re trying to do the more people you’ll need to help you.
Here’s how to collaborate effectively:
The best way to build a connection with an influential person is through an interview. For best results FIRST make sure that you have your own blog completely set up and basically have your “act together”before you start sending out requests.
You only have one chance to make a first impression. Interviews will help your blog in numerous ways. Credibility and recognition are two of the strongest side effects of arranging and publishing interviews.
Associating your blog with influential and successful people helps it grow by osmosis.
Get Help
No. You don’t need slaves like most of the original signers of the declaration of independence possessed, but when it comes to digital, sharecropping is what it is.
The truth is you can buy decent quality articles that you can use to build your blog for less than a candy bar.
Due to the economic disparities across the globe, there are an abundance of people willing to do all sorts of “internet” work for pennies. From completing time extensive research to writing endless blog articles you might be shocked at what you can have done for $100.
I don’t recommend taking advantage of people, but if you have work that needs to be done I don’t see anything wrong with publishing your project requirements and awarding the BEST most qualified bidder the contract.
In this case the individual sets their own price.
How to do it? I recommend: Elance and PeoplePerHour.
Gail keeps lists of writers, virtual assistants, and experts with various skills in many countries. Contact Gail to be added or to find people to hire. Some she has personally used and can strongly recommend.
To have your blog added or find bloggers with whom you can collaborate, leave a comment using the form in Bloggers Promote Your Blogs Here.
#3 – Keep it short and sweet.

Size matters.
It’s critically important even though some continue to deny this fact.
One of the best lessons that you can learn from the declaration of Independence is size. If you ask 10 bloggers how long should you write an article you’ll probably get 10 answers.
The declaration of independence is less than 1400 words and it’s the most important document in the country and maybe the world.
How long should you make your blog post?
In my opinion it doesn’t need to be any longer than this.
Just think if this document laying out the grounds for starting a new freaking country and it can be done in less than 1400 words what in the world are you doing rambling on and on for over 2000 words?
If your posts are getting up over 1400 words then that’s a good sign to create a NEW post.
This is also a good opportunity to edit your post and see what can be removed.
Condense your content down to the best juicy meatiest parts and cut the fat before you publish it or submit it as a guest post.
Here’s how to keep your blog posts short and sweet like the declaration of independence:

Itemize key points and terms.
If you read this amazing document even though it was written in the 18th century it is still a magnificent piece of literature today.
In less than 1400 words it lays out very quickly a background of why it was created,
“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands…”
It then goes directly into its primary point,
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…”
It clearly identifies the problem:
“King of Great Britain … Tyranny over these States…”
Then it presents it’s solution,
“… these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States.”
You can follow this example and create engaging blog posts that keep your audiences’ attention.
- First lay the foundation or background to what is happening.
- Then present the problem or question that needs to be solved. Explain why the idea is important and mention the results of other attempts at trying to solve it.
- Now present your big idea. Explain how your solution will resolve the problem or answer the question.
- Always have a call to action.
The last paragraph of the declaration of independence contains a “call to action”, after it explained who was involved and what was being done in the paragraph it is written:
“we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor….”
Effective blog posts will always contain a clear call to action.
Whatever it is that you want the reader to do must be clearly stated so that they will actually do it.
For more examples on how to get your readers to respond to your calls to action download my free ebook at Your Online Biz.