Black-Hats and Cyber Attacks

Cyber Warfare: History’s Most Notorious Black-Hats and Cyber Attacks

No site is immune from hackers or attack. Many bloggers realize this when they get some popularity. Most will end up using a plugin like Wordfence and protecting their login page. Prevention is always best as cleaning up the mess a hacker can make can require multiple experts.

I’ve seen sites that have been hit multiple ways. Often hackers add links to other sites that you would never link to yourself. Finding and removing all those links can be a nightmare.

Black-Hats and Cyber Attacks

Some sites are turned into the means of ordering illegal items or infect your visitors’ computers. It is up to every site owner to minimize their risk. I’ve been considering using a CDN to keep out hackers.

Famous Cyber Attacks

Attacks on major sites end up as front page news and cost people their jobs. Businesses that allow their customers’ credit card numbers and other personal information to be compromised suffer major losses.

This infographic shows many of the more infamous cyber attacks:

cyber security infographic

Do you know of other major attacks not listed on the infographic?
What methods are you using to keep your sites safe?
If you use a CDN, which one do you use?

If your site is self-hosted WordPress, which security plugins and methods are you using? We have an additional username and password protecting our log-in page.

Published by

Gail Gardner

Founder of GrowMap, Small Business Marketing Strategist, freelance writer and BizSugar Mastermind Community Manager.

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