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After my previous guest post on Google trends, Gail was kind enough to ask me to introduce Rankpanel.
This post is intended to provide you with an overview of our new service and a quick example of how it can help you.
For all websites that get search engine traffic (basically all websites) it is necessary to track their rankings.
This is one thing Rankpanel – our powerful and free service – allows you to do.
In order to conduct search engine marketing in a professional
fashion you require information on keywords, positions, competition, keywords popularity and other factors. Rankpanel provides you with this data.
Up until now only big companies with the cash had access to these sorts of tools, but not anymore!
With Rankpanel you can gain access to all these things for free after a short registration (we don’t even ask for your credit card information).
Let’s say you would like to start selling coffee mugs online. Everybody loves coffee and you need a nice mug to drink it. Selling mugs is a nobrainer !
You need to think about whether or not you can compete
in a particular niche. So let’s look at competition.
Competitive Research
We can do that easily from with Rankpanel:
The coffee mug competition consists of over 40m results for a monthly US search volume of 5,400.
We see that discountmugs and overstock have changed positions while crateandbarrel has moved up in the rankings. This competitive situation is worth a look.
Rankpanel provides data going back to May 2010 on the keyword “coffee mug”.
When looking at the rank history for coffee mug we see that discountmugs kept losing positions while crateandbarrel improved its rankings from position 13 to an impressive position 2, just behind amazon.
Rankpanel provides data for the keyword “coffee mug” and many other key phrases.
RankPanel analyzes 500,000 of the most important keywords every week. We are certain that keywords that interest you
are included in our set as well.
Each week we collect a huge amount of data (~300 million data points per week) from 6 countries (US, UK, Germany, Spain, Italy, France) and present it to you in a fast and accessible fashion.
Rankpanel provides a comprehensive snapshot on a lot of aspects of everyday online marketing work.
As you can see in the coffee mug example above:
Rankpanel has an uncluttered UI to make SEO analysis as effortless and easy as making a sandwich for both, professional SEOs and novices.
We are using cutting edge technology to make our dynamic reports load fast, because your time is very precious to us.
Not only this, but as you can see all Rankpanel analyses are social and open – you can share them with everyone, whether registered Rankpanel user or not.
This helps illustrating arguments in blog posts and forums or when asking for link building or SEO advice.
But back to the coffee mug example: You might ask yourself, whether or not crateandbarrel.com only improved in the coffee mug niche or overall.
Rankpanel gives you the SEOscore of a domain, which reflects overall rankings in our keyword set.
In fact, crateandbarrel seems to be doing something quite right when it comes to SEO: Its SEOscore more than doubled over the last 2 years, the one of discountmugs only improved by 10%.
But what kind of keywords should you target besides coffee mug?
Rankpanel helps you with this as well: Just look at the organic keywords of your future competitors that contain the word mug:
- Overstock.com
- Crateandbarrel.com
- Discountmugs.com
And do also have a look at their paid keywords (e.g. discountmugs.com).
This should give you a nice first idea of a niche’s competition and keywords to include in your SEO strategy.
Unlike other free SEO tools Rankpanel is an online service
and not software that you have to download and install
on your personal computer.
This comes with a number of important advantages. First of all, you don’t risk installing any potential malware as Rankpanel does not access your files.
Because Rankpanel is a software as a service product, it is available from everywhere, always. You just need an Internet connection.
Another advantage is that all our data is available right away
because we have historical data on competition.
In contrast software that you have to download has to collect information before you can analyze it.
And the data pool is only growing, week for week. All for you for free.
So please head over to rankpanel.com, register and try it out for yourself. We are excited to hear your feedback.