In many blogging circles, Eren McKay needs no introduction. She is known for her SEO skills and Embracing Home podcasts. Most of all she is known for her cheerful disposition and giving heart.
Lately she has been sharing what she has learned about achieving goals so I asked her to share some thoughts with us in this post.
Achieving Your Business Goals
If you’re struggling to reach your business goals, you might need to change the way you interpret and do things. A simple shift in your perspective can make a really big difference down the road. In this article I’ll give you the keys that have helped me keep going and achieve several business and personal goals.
Focus on the process a lot more than on the outcome.
Avoid discouragement by focusing more on the journey than on the end goal.
I’m a total believer in writing down your goals, making them precise and visualizing them. However, I’ve also noticed that many people are so focused on the end results, that they don’t appreciate the effort that they put into things unless they clearly see a positive outcome.
Celebrate the small steps.
You need to feel good about every step you take in the right direction and celebrate those small steps. If your goal is to get new customers to purchase your services, then focus on the actions that you’ll need to take in order to make that happen.
Brainstorm ideas with a partner or a close friend that could help you reach your goals. Could you publish content in order to gain more visibility for your brand? Maybe you could put together a really cool press release with a free offer that will get people socializing your content. Another idea would be to advertise your services in an influential newsletter.
The fact of the matter is that you’ll never know which of the methods work the best for your specific niche until you actually start implementing them. So pick one or two ideas and sketch out a plan for your business. If you haven’t started yet, you may need to find ways to stop procrastinating and then just go for it!
Going for it:
So let’s say you brainstorm and create a plan. Then you go out and perform all of the tasks in that plan. After all of that work, you only got 2 customers to purchase your services when your goal was to get 15. Even though the outcome wasn’t what you expected, you still achieved a great deal. You got some success and you also gained a perfect learning situation. Reading and studying about business through books can only take you so far.
Taking action and having real life situations for you to evaluate
and dissect will give you a lot more experience and know-how.
The key is to acknowledge your efforts every step of the way. If the outcome isn’t what you intended, you can always take the time to analyze what you could have done better. Then the next time you take action, you can apply the lessons that you learned and measure the results again. Every time you take action, you learn something new.
Keep your inspiration level high.
The point I’m making is that when you focus too much on the results at first, you’re putting your energy into something you truly can’t control. You can’t make anyone buy anything. What if after all of your work, you don’t get the results that you want? The fact is that you’ll get very discouraged. And if you feel unmotivated, you won’t keep going. Inspiration is a huge factor for success. You need to guard yourself from negative feelings that can only pull you and your business down. The best way to do this is to focus on the process and not on the outcome.
Your role is to create the best environment possible for conversions,
measure your efforts, and then improve upon whatever you learn.
Get a lot more accomplished in less time by delegating.
Now that you’ve understood the first big principle in achieving success in your business, let’s focus on another key aspect: delegating. One of the biggest problems that business owners go through is trying to take on every single aspect of the business themselves. Many will find that they get stuck or just frazzled because they’ve decided to micro manage every little task that needs to get done. If you want to have a thriving business, you need to give up some control and trust other professionals to do some of the work. I know this is a hard thing to do, but doing this will give you the freedom to concentrate on improving and growing your business.
Learn to delegate so you can concentrate on growing your business!
A competent team can get a lot more done than one person.
It may take a bit of time to find people that are competent. Sometimes you might even think that they don’t exist. The fact is that they’re out there and once you find them, they’ll take a lot of the workload off of your back. If you’ve ever moved, you know just how important it is to have a team working together. The time and effort that it takes to move from one house to another is overwhelming if you have to do it all by yourself. If you hire a great moving company, you’ll have a lot less stress and a lot more time on your hands. The exact same principle applies to business.
So take the time to sit down and write out the steps that you need to
implement in order to move towards delegating more of your business.
I’ve achieved several goals that I set for myself in my personal and business life. One of my health goals was to lose 72 pounds and I reached it even while having a very slow metabolism. I knew that in order to lose that much weight, I would need to delegate several aspects of my life so that I could have more time to work on my health. Once I got the systems in place and delegated, I was able to reach the success that I wanted.
I truly want to help others understand how to reach their goals, which is why I wrote a 30 page ebook about it with 5 easy to follow lessons and worksheets. I also painted some watercolor artwork since I believe that inspiration is an essential aspect of reaching any goal. I’m giving this ebook away for free to anyone who signs up to my newsletter. So if you haven’t gotten your copy yet, just click on this link to find out more about it and sign up.
I decided to put a before and after picture here just to help you visualize the difference 72 pounds off can make .

I hope these tips help you move forward in your business! Let me know what you think in the comment section!
All the best,
Eren Mckay
P.S. Let’s be friends on Facebook
MESSAGE from GAIL: Don’t forget to download your FREE copy
of Eren’s popular Embracing Your Goals ebook.