So picture this: you’re strolling along in a major department store, cold drink in hand, on one of the hottest days of the year.
All of a sudden, from out of nowhere, in walk two extremely large males, wearing trench coats and ski masks!
Does that particular image breed confidence and trust on your part, or do you think it might be safer if you just got the heck out of there asap?
I’m definitely with you on that! Then again, maybe they just have a thing for wearing trench coats and ski masks on extremely hot days. Who knows?
You’re probably wondering what, if anything, these two particular shoppers have to do with successful online marketing. The answer is quite simple: your potential online customers will not buy a thing from you until they get to know, like, and trust you.
So How Do You Build Unshakable Trust Online?
Here are five proven ways to help you develop this trust. None of these market-tested strategies are expensive or very time-consuming. But if you continue to ignore these proven trust-building tactics, your online ventures will definitely continue to struggle!
Trust-Building Strategy 1
Ladies and gentlemen, please bear in mind that whenever someone first lands on your site, be it your blog or website, the two of you are strangers.
You have at most three to five seconds to try to convince them to take the action you prefer most.
So it’s best that you try to set up some type of opt in form (especially on your blog) in order to build your opt in email list. You should also offer some type of market-tested, free, “how to,” problem-solving lead generating giveaway. This giveaway should help your target audience members solve one of their major problems or concerns.
Then you can use your follow up email sequence to build trust and credibility with your subscribers.
Trust-Building Strategy 2
Here’s another big one. It’s an all too common online marketing mistake that you see lots of local, offline marketers making with their websites.
For some odd reason, lots of local, offline small business owners fail to place their phone numbers prominently on the home pages of their websites or blogs.
Don’t make your online visitors have to search for your local number! Instead, place it prominently in either your header or in your home page’s footer section.
Trust-Building Strategy 3
This next tip might seem like good old-fashioned online marketing common sense, but apparently it’s not as common as it ought to be. Technically, every sales page, website, and blog is required by law to have some sort of contact page so your online visitors can get ahold of you.
Ladies and gentlemen, believe it or not, I know some rather popular bloggers whose blogs have no separate contact page! So if their visitors aren’t following them on social media and are not one of their email subscribers, it’s virtually impossible for a stranger to contact them!
This situation definitely does not bode well for building and developing unshakable trust, correct?
Trust-Building Strategy 4
If you do have a blog component to your website, or if you just have a mobile responsive WordPress blog in general, be sure there is a picture of you. That way, your visitors can begin to associate your face with your business or service.
By the same token, in order for your blog commenting strategy to be effective, be sure you get an avatar at
With Gravatar, each time you leave a comment, your actual picture appears with your comment, rather than the default (impersonal) image. Remember, the very first thing your visitors buy into is you—or your major competitors!
Trust-Building Strategy 5
Finally, once prospects join your opt in email lists, they want more than a series of thinly disguised sales pitches. If you are doing little or no actual educating of your customers, it will be almost impossible for you to build any type of long-term credibility with them. Then you’ll end up working a lot harder than you actually need to work.
There’s nothing earth-shattering about any of these five tactics. My friend, are you currently marketing online or planning to do so in the not-so-distant future? Then do yourself a favor and stop ignoring these five proven online fundamentals.
Otherwise, you’ll continue to struggle to build long-term trust. Don’t you agree?
Please share your extremely valuable comments in the comments section below. What are strategies people can apply to their businesses, products, or services in the next 30 days or less?
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