Brand Yourself

5 Principles for Becoming a Master Blogger

Anyone who runs across you online sees you as just another blogger in the wide world of the internet. So how do you influence that person’s opinion about you through one simple encounter? How do you go about becoming a master blogger?

Brand Yourself

The key to growing your skill as a blogger is taking steps to turn your introverted website presence into an extroverted one. While these steps include developing your brand and networking with other bloggers, being a webmaster boils down to being professional.

I believe that people who aspire to be professional, whether they are bloggers or not, should recognize that everything they do, down to the smallest detail, matters. With this in mind, my company, Adam Joshua Clarke Professional, provides educational, actionable approaches to internal and external website promotion. By following these 5 steps, you will be well on your way to becoming a master blogger.

1) Recognize Your Blog Is a Business

When you have your own blog, you are not merely offering your opinions online to anyone who is interested. By becoming a blogger, you’ve essentially signed up to represent an online company.

It is impossible to separate yourself from the business world when you are utilizing a medium that allows you to generate an income through your work.

Even if making money through blogging isn't your goal, your blog is still something by which people will identify you and your values. Click To Tweet

Therefore, if you are truly going to put in the effort needed to promote your blog, you will be tying your identity to your brand.

You represent your blog, and your blog brand represents you.Click To Tweet

2) Branding is Part of Your Identity as a Blogger

Your ultimate goal in marketing yourself online should be tying your brand to your personal identity.

In my case, I am trying to show people that with the right strategies, even an amateur can present himself as a professional. My brand isn’t just Adam Joshua Clarke; it is Adam Joshua Clarke Professional. “Professional” is the defining characteristic of my brand and my online identity.

A great example of the two-sided nature of branding is how Gail Gardner promotes herself online. Although she uses a suitable logo to represent her brand, GrowMap, she still lets people know she is both Gail and GrowMap. The two are interchangeable and part of her dual identity as a blogger.

Do Bloggers Need To Use Logos And Branding

Because you embody the values of your blog, it is important that your branding is clear and that you are communicating  your values powerfully and directly to others. A logo is a tool that symbolizes and communicates your values.

When you as an individual unite yourself with a symbol, you participate in something greater than yourself.Click To Tweet

In contrast, there are people in the blogosphere who represent themselves solely with their names. These people are making a limited effort at branding and will, therefore, have less success.

I’ve actually had to go without a logo at times because now and then I choose to move in a new direction and have to redesign my color schemes and layouts. At such times, it became evident to me that, even though I was receiving traffic, I was still missing an essential ingredient of an effective blog.

You should ask yourself whether or not people have a clear idea in their minds of the values with which you identify and, if they don’t, what you need to do to fix that problem. Gail shared what she learned about logo design here.

4) Are We Working or Pursuing a Hobby?

People can tell the difference.

Keep in mind that at some point you might have to rebrand yourself. Even quite successful companies have to change their branding at times, so it’s not surprising that you might need to do the same for your company.

Whether or not you are willing to put in the effort required to rebrand your website is one indicator of whether you are dedicated to or are merely dabbling in blogging.

You've Got It Going On For You With Logo, Brand, And Power As A Blogger

5) Networking

In today’s online world, we have to build relationships with influencers outside of our own spheres. We can’t just look inward for our success. One helpful post on this topic is Jeff Foster’s article, How To Build Great Relationships With Bloggers.

Networking with other bloggers will help people to be more aware of your brand and your perspective. You don’t necessarily have to talk about your products to sell them; you simply need to focus on engaging and collaborating with online influencers.

Sometimes you will be able to sell your products as a result of the connections you’ve made – especially when the people with whom you’re networking are in your niche. But sometimes you won’t get a sale until further down the line as word spreads about you.

Nevertheless, there is a lot to gain by having other people stand behind your brand.Click To Tweet

Put These Principles into Action

I take every opportunity I have to associate myself with my brand. For example, I have included my poetic art with one of the branding signatures I sometimes use, and I create images using a similar style to my branding efforts.

I create my own content. I come up with my own designs, and I do my own outreach. I also make sure to talk to people about my passion for helping others.

I want to leave my mark with every chance I get, so I waste no time or energy in my pursuit of being a professional.

Being a Professional Means:











Hard Working





Adam Joshua Clarke Signature






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