Android Security: 5 Tips to Keep YOUR Android Safe

Green Android robot with a wooden Trojan Horse inside
Image Credit: ~ Click image to read Android Antivirus Apps: Have We Reached The Point Where We Need Them?

Having an Android phone provides many benefits. They are the fastest smartphone devices available, the Android interface is generally hailed as simple to use and clear in its aesthetics, and you get to choose from a large array of apps from the Android Marketplace and other major Android App download sites to keep you constantly entertained.


Unfortunately, nothing is perfect in the world and the Android OS is no exception. It is the OS with the largest market share as well as the most number of malware and spyware incidences we must remember. And so in exchange for great connectivity, with Android comes security issues.

Google and Android set manufacturers do their level best to maintain some semblance of phone safety, but at the end of the day following these few steps on your own will be the real guarantee of a secure device. These are our tips to avoid Android security problems.

1) Use the Pattern Lock

If you own a smartphone, and especially an Android, then there is absolutely no reason for you to not make use of its pattern lock feature. It is simple to activate and is probably the best lock option available.

All you need to do is:

  1. Go to the settings menu
  2. Open Location and Security
  3. Go to ‘Set Unlock Pattern’

Here you can swipe your fingers across connecting dots that form a unique pattern known only to you. This pattern functions as your key and reduces chances of individuals accessing your phone through guessing your password.

2) Get an Android Locator

Misplaced phones are probably the bane of a hectic work and family routine. Without you realizing it, your Android probably ends up all over the house, your office, and sometimes even at restaurants or supermarkets.

Besides the risk that it may get stolen, there is always the
added risk that someone may install Android spyware or
malware when you don’t know where it is!

In order to always know where your phone is, you should get yourself an Android locator app that makes use of the built in GPS. These apps such as ‘Where’s My Droid’ are easy to use and ring out alarms or send you location data on email when you can’t find it.

3) Be Wary of Store Accesses

The Android Market has hundreds of thousands of apps to boast – and allows third party apps. This means that the probability of malware apps making it onto your device is much higher than you would like to believe.

Have Google Wallet synced with your credit cards?
Huge danger!

Do this to make sure no one can buy products they charge to you.

You can secure yourself from such threats by setting up a 4 digit pin through the ‘User Controls’ option that restricts someone other than you from accessing the store and making secretive or unwanted purchases.

4) Be Informed on Apps

As already stated, the marketplace has an abundance of apps, but because these apps may cause you harm if there is hacker play involved, it’s always better to show some abstinence.

Restrict yourself from downloading apps that look appealing
on first instance until you have read up on them.

If reviews indicate problems such as battery depletion, package plan depletion, slow speeds then as a security measure it is best to stay away from them.

5) Use App Permissions

Android users get an easy to understand menu which spells out what their apps are doing. This allows them to check whether something fishy is going on or not.

Regularly checking app permissions is a good idea as some apps may
initially be harmless but later on begin to tap into other sources.

If you see this happening you can take instant steps to ensure security then and there.

Author Bio: Natalia David writes tech blogs for average users and encourages a hands on approach to technology. She has written a number of posts regarding security, privacy, and cloud storage. Please check mobistealth website for details. She can be contacted on Twitter @NataliaDavid4.

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