Office Diplomacy: 7 Ways You Can Surprise Your Boss with an Unexpected Gift

Office Diplomacy: 7 Ways You Can Surprise Your Boss with an Unexpected Gift

While it is really important to maintain a cordial relation with your boss, it is equally important to express your gratitude towards him/her. One good way to do this is by gifting them on unexpected occasions.

Office Diplomacy: 7 Ways You Can Surprise Your Boss with an Unexpected Gift

A gift can be an abstract as well as materialistic. What matters is how thoughtful the gift is. Surprising your boss with an unexpected gift not only draws his/her attention towards you, but also helps you get in their good books while you do something for them to express your gratitude.

Ways to Surprise Your Boss

1. Get gifts which are unconventional.

When it comes to gifting your supervisor at the workplace, try to think out of the box. Dainty showpieces probably won’t be of much use to him/her. Perhaps get them a journal or a calendar? These would help them in keeping track of things as well as deadlines, and no one can deny their utility.

Or maybe get them a wall clock, it’s extremely useful too. You can even choose to present your boss with a private number plate for his car! That’s exclusive and unique, and your boss is bound to get bowled over. Buying an exclusive number plate for your boss will put you in a spot where you can be seen as a creative thinker.

2. Prepare a scrapbook.

You can put together a scrapbook showing your gratitude towards your supervisor. It need not be something super fancy, but try to add things in it that you have learned from your boss, which have ushered a positive influence on you.

These could be small and big things, try to keep your scrapbook illustrative and handwritten. A scrapbook is best done with colleagues wherein everyone shares something good about the boss. You can also inculcate the appreciation you would want to shower on your supervisor, for his/her hard work and integrity.

3. Get a souvenir while you travel.

If you have been on a leave for travel purposes, it is because your supervisor managed your part of the work with the other team members, so that you can have a stress-free trip. It is only obvious to get him/her a souvenir from the place you’ve been traveling to as an expression of gratitude. Just ensure it’s nothing very fancy, but a small token which is exclusive to that place.

It is even better if you can get small souvenirs for your entire team, who backed up for you while you were on leave! It also tells your supervisor about your gratefulness, humility, thoughtfulness and your faith in your team.

4. Cook for him/her.

This is extremely unconventional, and people seldom think of cooking and workplace in the same chord. But a cooked meal shows your efforts and dedication that you put in to express your gratitude for your supervisor.

For example, if you’re a great baker, you can get truffles and cupcakes for him/her and for the team, or even bake an entire cake for your boss on his/her special day.

If you are good at cooking, you can prepare a special dish once in a while and bring it to the office for your boss and your team. It certainly increases their respect for you, and their faith in your ability to manage time in a deft and efficient manner.

5. Get creative.

A traditional way to address a gift to someone is by the use of gift cards. You can choose to replace the gift card with a handwritten note. You can write about instances when your boss had a great influence on you, and helped you grow as a professional.

This certainly is a wonderful way to make your boss feel honored and respected. You can also choose to add a greeting card and write small notes of gratification for your supervisor.

6. Decorate the office.

It is always a good idea to decorate the workplace to cheer up the somber ambiance once in a while. Everybody enjoys a cheery décor for their vibes, and your boss is no exception.

You can choose to decorate your office during festive season, or on your boss’s birthday, which makes him/her feel special and happy. You can choose to add a tree made of crystal chips which helps to harmonize the workplace and help relieve stress to some extent.

7. Plan something exclusive.

Although it may sound a little too out of the box and perhaps even a bit exorbitant, it is a great idea to get a holiday planned for your boss and his/her family.

Yes! With the kind of stress they deal with everyday, it is not unsurprising if he/she can’t make time for family. You can arrange with the clients and stakeholders and distribute work amongst yourselves, then get tickets for your supervisor by sharing the expenses.

Or if it seems a bit too much for you, get him tickets of a sports match that your boss might be fond of. Your boss will not only be pleasantly surprised, but also a happy soul and filled with gratitude!

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