Every worthwhile Small Business IS doing important work – How YOURS could go viral #smbiz

Don't plan to be viral. Plan to be awesome.
Image Credit @AskJamesHolmes Click image to read Gary Vaynerchuk and Guy Kawasaki on Brand Engagement

Why do influential,
social media savvy bloggers
share what they share?

Do they share YOUR blog posts about your business? Will they share your business Web site – and if not = why not?

What have I learned in 34 years in computers and 17 years online working with small businesses?

One fortunate small business is about to find out exactly what applied experience means to them – provided they are willing to let me share all their questions and what I recommended to them as a testimonial here on GrowMap.

Here’s your chance to share with my 22,956 Twitter followers plus the followers of all the influential bloggers – many who have 40,000+ followers – who will tweet what I write about your business.

When is the last time there were 99 tweets –
many by influential users – about just ONE
many posts that feature YOUR business?

Has that EVER happened for you?

As of Mar 7, 2012 99 tweets is now 362 tweets!!!
Click this link >>> TOPSY current Retweet count.

You don’t have to take my word for that. When I tell you something I SHOW YOU where and how to verify it.  Paste ANY url (web page address) from anything I have shared on Twitter into the search box on Topsy to see who else shared it.

Click the image below to see just one of many examples of
highly valuable, researched posts that feature a
deserving small business making a difference.

Use Topsy to see tweets about any specific post, page or site
Click the image to go to Topsy and see who tweeted that post. You can click though to Twitter and see how many followers they have.

Domino the Great offers much needed and highly recommended bullying prevention programs for schools and groups.  Because bullying has touched so many people’s lives, his message is of widespread interest.

How many influential bloggers do you know who would tweet about your business? Here are just the most influential of those who immediately come to mind who have shared about his:

  • @mmangen ~ 41,760 followers
  • @AskKim ~ 41,738 followers
  • @SeoSmarty ~ 21,290 followers – highly influential according to Topsy

Q: WHY would these bloggers be willing to share what I write?

A: Because I don’t write advertisements for businesses or publish canned press releases. I compile valuable research and statistics on important issues and include resources that benefit all who read them.

If Domino were just another magician, the only people really interested in his message on a random basis would be people who wanted to be magicians – which would only be his target audience if he were teaching magic or selling magic props.

Because he uses his talent to do something that benefits others
– beyond
just entertaining them –
his business makes a difference in people’s lives.

Before he started doing anti-bullying school assembly programs, he focused on creating in young people as passion for reading – what he calls his Read to Succeed programs.

Are you beginning to see a pattern here? Domino doesn’t do programs just to earn a living or simply for entertainment – he makes a difference in people’s lives and creates a better world.

That is why I am willing to devote far more hours to promoting what he does than I could possibly ever charge him – which in the beginning would be more than the increase in business what I do could generate for him – but in the long run will be more than he dreams of now.

What is YOUR business doing that makes a real difference?

Maybe you provide healthy food or are wise enough to sell only quality products people need instead of the useless junk big box stores are selling today. Perhaps you offer services that improve people’s lives.

Every worthwhile business IS doing important work –
they just haven’t highlighted it yet!

As I said at the beginning of this post, I am going to choose one fortunate business to do a complete free consultation – including creating a customized Content Marketing and Social Media plan –  provided they are willing to have that plan published.

This will be the same type of consultation ethical businesses can obtain through my Small Business Mentoring with one exception: actually making it happen.

The consultation is free: having unlimited access
to me to make it happen is not – but it is ridiculously priced.
A one-time flat fee of $570 which – if money were my God –
would be that much PER MONTH.
And if your ethical business working to create a better world
can’t even afford that – you can pay it out over time.

MAKING IT HAPPEN is where almost all ebooks, plans and goals fall down – you don’t ever actually ever get it done.

The reason so few get that far is because so much time and continual promotion is required that only the already wealthy can usually afford mentoring  so most people offer an affordable – but poor – substitute they can sell:

  • eBooks
  • White papers
  • eMail autoresponder series
  • Paid membership forums

IF the person offering those things is REALLY good at clearly laying out step-by-step how-to information (they rarely are) and IF you are REALLY committed to making it happen, those things CAN help the few who will struggle through and figure it out alone.

Commitment is necessary because
over and over you will get stuck.

If you had direct contact with someone you could immediately get the answers you need – but most of the time all you get is FAQs and forums that suck up your time where it takes far too long to get a straight answer – IF you ever get the answer you need at all.

The only solution is access to unlimited amounts of mentoring – and THAT is what the select few businesses I work with get from me. All the hours they need – every answer they must have (if I don’t know it I DO know someone who does who will help).

  • They have me to actually do whatever needs doing only once. It  is not worth your time to learn to do what only needs to be done once – and it would take me longer to teach you than to just do it. (Sometimes it is worth paying someone else to do a specific task.)
  • And they have me to teach them to do what they will need done over and over: like how to use WordPress or how to get the most out of using Twitter or how to recognize opportunities.
  • Most important of all they have the benefit of my connections. I can guide them in who and what to avoid at all costs and who can be trusted and is worth hiring. And to support what I write about how YOUR BUSINESS contributes to the greater good.

If you want to be considered as the chosen business, leave a comment or use my direct contact information found on the contact tab at the top of this blog.  Don’t waitDO IT NOWthere is no reason to delay.

Published by

Gail Gardner

Founder of GrowMap, Small Business Marketing Strategist, freelance writer and BizSugar Mastermind Community Manager.

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