Buddy Can You Spare a Dime to Help My Friends?

Horse and kitten
Horses are like puppies and kittens - there aren't enough homes for them all

Some of my collaborators already know about all the emergencies and drama last month and my regular readers may have noticed I mention horses once in a while.

Today I am going to do something I have never done before – ask for your help.

Truth truly is stranger than fiction and if I wrote a novel about what happened to my closest friend in the offline world last month it would not be believable enough to get published.

If you have the time, you can read all about it in the saga of 11 missing horses and an ambulance? WHAT in the world?

Here’s the short version. My friend who works full time as a nurse in a hospital and does home health care too is part of an official non-profit pet rescue, but also rescues horses on her own because she can’t bear to see pregnant mares and foals end up at killer plants.

She can’t save them all, but she saves some of them – and during a drought when hay prices are 4 times normal and hay is hard to find – is not the best time to be supporting a lot of horses.

Few realize that horses are like puppies and kittens. There are about 138,000 more born each year in the U.S. than there are homes for them. They die a horrible death because horse sites and magazines rarely cover the grizzly truth about horse slaughter.

Some know that last week 11 of the horses went missing and between her having to make two trips from Texas to Indiana to bury both of her parents, the horses disappearing while she was gone, and what it cost to bail them back out again there just isn’t any cushion left.

Hay Needed in Texas
Alfalfa Timothy Orchard Grass Square Bales in Canada

The horses need hay and grain TODAY which is why I am resorting to what I have never done before. I’m asking for help. Almost every day for the past three years I have given away most of my time to do what needs doing and to help others.

I am counting on some being able to help at least a little so I created a Chipin to feed the horses.

If each of my 22,646 followers could spare just 10 cents
the horses would be doing great and my friend would be back on track
in spite of everything that has happened to her in the past month.

(No she doesn’t know I’m doing this so I hope she will forgive me if she doesn’t like it.)

For those that sweat the small stuff, the Chipin donations go directly to her PayPal account and the Chipin account is in my email address. The post with the long version includes links to the official non-profit’s site and Facebook page so you can check it out.

I have the receipt for the $795 the county charged to bail the horses out and can provide documentation and references or you could even call the county for any who question why I am doing this.

We all know there is no way for me to actually reach all of my followers and even if I could only some would be willing to do what they could. So this is to those who can lend a helping hand and spare a few bills or even a few coins.

I just hope that SOME of the people I have encouraged, mentored,
assisted, retweeted
or linked to might have a few spare bills
or even some spare change – you will have our eternal gratitude
and I will assist you in any way I can as I always have –
but that is not a tax-deductible donation.

  • If you want to donate to the official PawsPatrol animal rescue they accept donations – but only apparently by snail mail – and can provide tax deductible receipts.
  • Maybe you have been planning to buy one of the few things I recommend that I use and believe in – such as:
  • Now would be a great help to us and eventually we would have the commission (usually in a month or so) – and you would have something you wanted to get anyway. Remember that there are direct links to each of the above recommended products in the top center sidebar in case you want to come back later and check them out.
  • You could buy magazine subscriptions as gifts that keep on giving all year long or buy some of those important books you’ve been meaning to buy. Those are tall affiliate banners in the center column.
  • Or maybe you or someone you know could use my local search directory listings or blog outreach services. Or my best offer, my Small Business Internet Marketing Starter Package.
  • Want to advertise on GrowMap or our Golf Store and Blog, our Gifts Blog = the perfect place for guest posting or links to your own store, or on the new Horse Blog or the Healthy Living Blog I’ll be launching? You’ll get the best price you’ll ever get if you step up to the plate as soon as possible this month.
  • Would you like a guest post written by me on a topic of your choice (something I have expertise in please)? I usually charge $75 per post and I’ll throw in keyword research, incoming links from other blogs, and promoting it across social networks.
  • Or maybe you would like business coaching or mentoring? Contact me and let me know how I can assist you.
Cute puppies and kittens
Baby horses are as cute as puppies and kittens ~ They need homes, too.

Do you know anyone
who could adopt a horse?

Young, healthy horses here could use a loving home with someone who can afford to care for them. There would be a small adoption fee to ensure that adoptees do not send them to the killer plants.

Maybe I should launch an adopt-a-horse program where you “pick” a horse and contribute to that horse’s expenses but it stays here for people who always wanted a horse but don’t have a place to keep one?

Finally, the purpose of the new horse blog I just launched includes:

  1. My intention to offer to post photos and details of horses that need homes
  2. Wanted requests from those who are seeking a horse to adopt,
  3. To connect those who so desperately need hay with those who have hay to spare here on this blog.

Anyone have other suggestions? The drought is predicted to continue and horse owners are in desperate straights. They are giving horses away to anyone who will take them.

One horse trader tells me he went to look at fifty plus free horses expecting a rescue situation. They were fat and healthy and the owner just wanted to find them homes before he ran out of money to keep importing hay.

Thank you to the generous people who have donated already!


For those who understood the reference in the title of this post (and no I’m not THAT old – even my parents weren’t born when this was recorded – but I do remember hearing it):

Published by

Gail Gardner

Founder of GrowMap, Small Business Marketing Strategist, freelance writer and BizSugar Mastermind Community Manager.

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