5 Tips for Turning Social Media Leads into Sales

5 Tips for Turning Social Media Leads into Sales

A total of 84% of B2B marketers use social media for finding leads. It’s no surprise considering how effective these platforms are for coming across leads. But once you have those leads you have to pass them to the sales team and turn them into sales. If this is a struggle for you, follow these five helpful tips.

5 Tips for Turning Social Media Leads into Sales

The Right Email Sequence

Email marketing is the most powerful form of marketing there is. It’s even more effective than social media. Once you have your lead, the chances are you have their email address. The biggest mistake companies make is that they simply add their social media leads to an email list filled with yet more sales messages.

Bombarding your social media leads with more sales pitches isn’t going to have much of an effect. Click To Tweet

They lack targeting and people are naturally trained to ignore them when they hit their email inbox. You have to find out what your customer’s objectives are and then fulfill them. Nurture that relationship through creating a dialogue. Only then can you think about how you are going to sell.

Follow-Up Training Event

Have you used video marketing on social media to attract potential leads?

You may be discouraged to find out that many of these people didn’t convert. This doesn’t mean that your chances of converting them are at an end, though. On the contrary, following up with a live webinar or another video in a series is a great way of giving value to your audience.

The way to convert social media leads into sales is to give them more and more value. Give people different things to learn and you’ll steadily start to see better and better results.

Direct Mailing Campaigns

Once your prospect is in your digital channels via social media, it’s time to take the conversation to a more personal level. Use a direct mailing campaign to take the relationship offline. This is part of your strategy of eventually meeting them in person.

Despite the benefits of the online world, nothing is more effective at turning a lead into a sale than face-to-face marketing.Click To Tweet

You do have to tread carefully when using direct mailing. Don’t send them anything that could be construed as spam or more sales pitches. Anything like an invitation to an event or an invitation to make an appointment is welcomed because it includes a call to action of real value for the prospect.

This may not work for every industry, but it’s worth trying.

Social Media Advertising on Facebook

The reason why Facebook advertising is recommended as something separate from the rest of social media is because this has been shown to be effective at getting people to make sales directly. The Facebook ad platform can send traffic to a landing page where they can make an immediate purchase.

Leverage this through uploading your email list and creating something called a lookalike audience. This is a tactic where Facebook takes the information from your list and uses it to compile an audience you can advertise to. You can choose to market just to your list or to everyone excluding your list.

This is perfect if you have emails that have yet to be converted. They may need one last push to convince them to make a purchase.

Follow-Up Call

The sales tactic you likely use the least is a direct phone call. Many people believe that the effectiveness of a phone call has been diminished as a direct result of the rise of the Internet. This couldn’t be further from the truth. All the Internet has done is remove the reliance on making phone calls to make a sale.

Companies that implement limited telemarketing campaigns tend to have a higher ROI than companies that don’t use phone calls at all.Click To Tweet

It’s true that there’s a significant time investment involved, which means you have to accept a higher risk of wasted resources, but there’s also a big chance you are going to make a lot of money from this. Remember that a voice over the phone makes you more human. It separates you from the crowd.

Ready to Turn Social Media Leads Into Sales?

Turning social media activity and tweets into converted leads is a big step to take. This is where organizations tend to experience the most trouble. But by using a range of tactics you can achieve your goals. Sometimes going back to more traditional techniques can have an immense boost on your ROI.

Many of the principles of sales from before still are true today. Telemarketing and direct mailing still have their place. How are you going to make sure that you convert your social media leads into sales?

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