Social Media Marketing Event San Francisco

Social Media Marketing Integrated with Email Marketing

Here is what really works: building relationships with your potential readers and customers through email marketing and Social Media. The better you do both the more successful you will be.

The fast path to learning how is to attend this Social Email Marketing Event. The event is being held in San Francisco, California on September 17, 2010. Read the full details on the official Social Media and Integrated Email Marketing site.

Save 10% when registering by using this discount code: iem7

If you are interested in promoting this event, contact me for your unique discount code to receive 10% commission based on registers using your code.

Attendees: support your favorite Social Media bloggers by using their code.

Event Registration Online for EMAIL MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA – SAN FRANCISCO powered by Eventbrite

Published by

Gail Gardner

Founder of GrowMap, Small Business Marketing Strategist, freelance writer and BizSugar Mastermind Community Manager.

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