This is a guest post about one of the sponsors of the FamousBloggers CommentLuv $3550 CASH PRIZES Blogging Contest by Donna Fontenot (aka DazzlinDonna) who says about herself, “I’m a near-dinosaur in the SEO world, but I don’t really consider myself an SEO. I’m an online entrepreneur, affiliate marketer, and ebusiness coach among other things. Mainly, I’m a geek making a living online.”.
Raise your hand if you know someone who is considering supplementing their income by making money online – or someone who is ready to ditch the cubicle completely by becoming an Internet entrepreneur. These days, very few people wouldn’t raise their hands. Starting an online business is both exciting and scary, so help your friend start right by showing her that you believe she’s got the right stuff to make it big.
Anyone starting a new business of any sort – on or offline – needs some business essentials. You can help show your support for your friend’s new venture by giving a gift that says “This is a gift for success!” and it can be a gift that fits right in with the essential business tools she needs. Want some examples?
Head on over to Executive Gift Shoppe to choose a stylish gift for your budding CEO such as a swanky money clip, a “green” gift like the bamboo cell phone / MP3 / PDA charging station, or a beautiful and useful padfolio that’s perfect for organizing all the new tasks she’ll be taking on.
Remember how exciting it used to be when you’d go to school on the first day of the new year? What was one of the most exciting parts of that experience? If you were like me and many others, it was the chance to buy all new accessories – pens, pencils, notebooks, etc. Business accessories are just an adult extension of that same excitement. Starting a new business is even more exciting, so give a gift that the new entrepreneur is sure to love. You’ll find something just right at Executive Gift Shoppe, I’m sure.
Speaking of gifts, you can give the gift of your thoughts at my contest entry 5 Steps To Impressing A Longtime Jaded Blogger With Your Comments. It’s free to share your knowledge gift, so please do. Everyone would love to know what you think. Or, if you’d prefer, tweet a link to my entry using the hashtag #FCBLcontest.