UPDATE: Codex Alimentarius REQUIRES – MANDATES that ALL food be irradiated (even organic!!), that ALL animals be treated with antibiotics & BGH, and that vitamins and minerals will be ILLEGAL in the way heroin is illegal. It also legalizes the WORST banned chemicals and prevents their censure.
I started this post on October 16, 2011, planning to publish it on World Food Day. Locating this type of information in search engines has become so much more challenging since May 2011 that even with all my 2,961 saved notes and research, it has taken me four long days to compile this information.
Someone is bound to ask why I am writing this, so I’ll state up front:
Your business or blog WILL SUFFER
if you aren’t eating healthy – or at all.
October 16, 2011 is World Food Day and never have there been so many threats to our ability to feed ourselves – much less eat food that is actually healthy and nutritious.
Have you even HEARD about
the Food Safety Law?
Almost no one is aware of the Food Safety Bills that have already been made law in the U.S. – and I dare you to try searching for unbiased information about it written by those warning of what it does.
Do a search on YouTube or Google and you will find plenty of major media spin telling us how this bill will “protect us” from “dangerous food” but almost NOTHING about how it endangers us.
Have you seen anything on social media about how this
Food Safety Law can be used to make gardening illegal?Today it is clear to me how effectively what we see – and
more importantly – DO NOT SEE – is already being controlled.
If you judge by this PBS Newshour Food Safety Law coverage you would believe there was no controversy – except for that part where he admits they did NOT WANT TO but had to exempt small farmers (for now – expect scope creep) to get the bill passed.
This video shows Congressman Frank Lucas addressing the House floor on his concerns with the Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009, including its potentially negative impacts on American farmers and ranchers,
It mentions the flawed procedure that excluded the House Agriculture Committee from reviewing the bill HR2749 – later renamed the U.S. Food Safety Modernization Act of 2011.
[Changing the names is a common tactic that makes it harder for those who object to keep up with new versions of bills.]
While the major media distracted the public with coverage of Michelle Obama planting a Victory Garden, these laws to limit our food rights were secretly kept from being debated or amended or even considered by relevant committees before being voted into law.
These videos describe how this law could impact Farmer’s Markets, Organic Grocers, and even family gardens.
There are still people alive who remember how lives were different, food was healthy, almost no one was obese, and cancer was so rare that they actually thought it was CONTAGIOUS! I am not talking about generations ago – that was only forty years ago.
While the video quality is not very good, I encourage you to watch the video below from Carole who writes about REAL FOOD at RebelwithaFork. She shares how much different things were only a few decades ago.
What happened that caused all these weight and health issues?
I’ll tell you what happened! First came the propaganda to convince us that butter is bad, whole milk makes you fat, eggs cause high cholesterol and salt is bad for you.
Followed by advertising, “news” stories, and product placements to convince us that margarine is better for you, we should all be drinking skim milk, and limiting eggs to a couple a week and avoiding salt like the plague.
The best way to stay healthy is to eat REAL FOOD –
the kind that wasn’t created by scientists in a lab.
IF butter, whole milk, eggs, and salt are bad for us, WHY
are the people who ate bacon and eggs and drank whole milk
their whole lives still alive at 80-90 but their children are
dropping dead like flies in their 60s or 70s or even 50s or 40s?

WHY Should YOU
Believe ME?
How do I know what I know? Before the Internet existed and before search engines, searching databases was a complex process requiring boolean searches and writing queries.
Because I worked for IBM for 23 years I learned to do advanced searches.
I worked all those years diagnosing whether computer system failures were caused by hardware, software (operating system or application), user error or the communications network. Many of those problems were intermittent. The toughest ones to diagnose are those that exhibit overlapping symptoms from unrelated causes.
Before I chose to leave because IBM stole our pensions and was working me to death – literally – I managed the largest multi-CPU mainframe accounts using refrigerated, water-cooled, and RISC towers (similar to Big Blue used in the famous Chess matches) networked together with International remote telecommunications networks.
Determining which variables can be isolated to determine the most
likely cause or causes is what I did for a living – and that is also what
must be done to follow the evidence and arrive at the truth.
I’ve been researching nutrition since I started breeding Thoroughbreds to race in 1978. To excel as an athlete – horse or human – requires far higher levels of quality nutrition and health than a horse that is a pasture ornament or a person sitting behind a desk all day does.
All this propaganda was in full swing when I was a child:
- Margarine is better for you because butter causes heart attacks.
- We should limit how many eggs we eat – or better yet use egg substitutes!
- Whole milk makes you fat so you should drink skim milk.
- Salt causes high blood pressure.

Health problems caused by people following this conditioning about what is good for you to eat and what isn’t led to the new cash cow:
Big Pharma
By labeling symptoms with new “disease” names and selling miracle cures with side effects worse than what they are supposed to treat, they created their own gold mine!
Know any healthy elderly people?
ASK THEM if they take ANY prescription drugs.Ask people you know take prescription drugs
HOW MANY different drugs they’re taking.One prescription usually leads to another and another.
As more are added, side effect lead to more health issues until
health is something they only remember fondly.
I reject all of that nonsense, but the odds of most people ever figuring out the truth based on what they can find online are slim.
You can see this for yourself. Try searching on cholesterol or high pressure or any other health related or controversial subject.
This is what you are most likely to find:
Q: What appears on the first page at Google
no matter how many keyword phrases you try?A: Poor quality information that supports the
official position they WANT US TO BELIEVE!“They” are the wealthy elite who have corrupted governments
around the world by paying them off to get what they want.
One of their pet projects is to make tons of money off
Big Pharma “solutions” that are KILLING US!Another is “food” that has little nutritional value and is
laced with chemical substances that are known toxins.Whoever controls the food supply controls EVERYONE!
The way that I find studies, research, and links to support what I write is that I ALREADY KNOW THE ANSWERS so I can search over and over using keywords that contain the question AND the answer and dig deep into the search results until I FINALLY find worthwhile information to share with you.
Besides the official sites, there are always sites that APPEAR to offer either impartial analyses or even dissenting views that are, in fact, created to ensure you do not actually find credible sources to disprove what they want us to believe.
The problem is that it is extremely difficult to tell true sources
from groups that APPEAR to be FOR a cause or group –
but are actually well-funded disinformation sources
created by those AGAINST that cause or group.
Sourcewatch.org is published by the Center for Media and Democracy and claims to “profile the activities of front groups, PR spinners, industry-friendly experts, industry-funded organizations, and think tanks trying to manipulate public opinion on behalf of corporations or government”.

How can we tell whether they really are doing that or whether they ARE actually a front group of PR spinners – or since that site is a wiki – maybe they’re both? Even I haven’t figured out where their interests truly lie – at least not yet.
It is critical that we all understand that
the Pseudo truth
is being carefully manufactured,
manipulated and SEO -ed while
real truth is for now
buried in the search results.It will most likely totally DISAPPEAR from
the search results in the near future.
Google already has the perfect excuses for deleting sites from their index:
- Chrome block data to justify deleting sites because “their users” don’t like them (as I explained in my CrowdSourcing Failure post).
- Page load time – your site was “too slow” – sorry.
You do NOT have to take my word for it.
I have shared some perfect examples so
you can test for yourself!Do the searches yourself –
I want you to SEE with your own eyes!

We also have enormous amounts of greenwashing going on:
“The unjustified appropriation of environmental virtue by a company, an industry, a government, a politician or even a non-government organization to create a pro-environmental image, sell a product or a policy, or to try and rehabilitate their standing with the public and decision makers.” after being embroiled in controversy.
What Else You REALLY Need to Know:
This post is already so long that I created additional pages to share with you more of what I learned from raising horses and decades of research:
- NEW: Read What IS being sprayed on your produce BEFORE you eat EVEN ORGANIC store bought fruits or veggies
- How the USDA conspired with food manufacturers to boost their sales while totally disregarding your health
- Why Our Food is Nutritionally Deficient Because of Commercial Fertilizers ~ We Literally EAT OIL!
- Why CORN is Killing Us: HFCS and GMO FOOD
- Does Salt Cause High Blood Pressure
I implore you to take what I have written to heart. Do NOT automatically just believe me or anyone else. Most have figured out some pieces of the puzzle but have yet to question other aspects of their conditioning.
Many will have an instinctive desire
to just close their eyes to what is going on
because it is all so overwhelming.RESIST that urge and help us
stop this before it is too late.
If you believe I am incorrect about ANY of the above, I encourage you to share your best evidence including links in the comments – or even just your thoughts. A wise person always welcomes challenges to what they believe so that they may always be moving closer to the entire truth.