Getting a Response from Email Marketing

How to Get Responses to Your Email MarketingSome people feel like email marketing is not a worthwhile investment because they assume that they are not going to get any response, but the facts do not support that position. Think about how many times you have gotten an email from one of the big online sellers and then gone back to the site to check out more items or even to make a purchase. This is something that most people do many times over; each purchase that they make then makes it easier for these follow-up emails to be created around relevant topics, which helps to get even more responses.

The key is to use email marketing campaign services for follow-up
purposes more than you use them for modern cold calling.

The problem with sending out messages to people who have never bought anything from you or expressed an interest in what you sell is that these people will probably delete the emails without ever reading a word that they say. They won’t recognize the subject or the sender, and they’ll send the messages to the trash without giving you a chance. They may even block you so that you cannot send them any more of these messages in the future.

When you use the emails to create repeat customers, though, it is far easier. They have already bought items from you, so they theoretically enjoyed the experience and liked the products that they bought; it is very important to do a good job in these areas so that they like your company. You can then put information in the email that directly relates to what they bought before, knowing that they will be intrigued, which goes a long way toward making another sale. For example, if you are selling propane grills online, a follow-up email could advertise grilling utensils or grill covers, both things that you already know that they need if they bought a grill.

The best thing about this is that creating these repeat customers is always going to be your top goal anyway. Getting new people to buy things is fine, but repeat customers help you grow. They will buy things for months and perhaps years to come. You can count on their purchases. The email marketing should be geared toward this far more than anything. Not only will it be more successful, but it will give you the type of customers that you want.

Published by

Gail Gardner

Founder of GrowMap, Small Business Marketing Strategist, freelance writer and BizSugar Mastermind Community Manager.

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