How You as an Entrepreneur Can Benefit from WOMM

How You as an Entrepreneur Can Benefit from WOMM

Have you noticed how most severely cash-starved small business owners, startups and or service providers routinely settle for some rather dismal rates of returns (ROI’s) when it comes to their conventional, advertising/marketing campaigns?

How You as an Entrepreneur Can Benefit from WOMM

On the other hand, some extremely savvy entrepreneurs, seem to consistently generate a ton of online buzz. And they systematically do so for literally pennies on the dollar.

So the $64,000 dollar question is, what is it they both know and consistently do that the vast majority of the major competition does not?

Or to ask the “burning question” another way, would you like to discover five ways the ultimate insiders hire some of the best local marketing/advertising agencies for pennies on the dollar? And would you like to know how you can do so too?

How to Market Your Product for Pennies on the Dollar

Let’s be crystal clear right out of the gate. This particular post (thank goodness) is not about using high-priced traditional advertising/marketing agencies of any kind. Say what? No way!

Nor is it about trying to hire any of those outrageously expensive, glitzy Madison Avenue type ad/marketing agencies, either on a temporary or a trial basis.

Aren’t you relieved? You just saved your business a ton of money!

Instead, you’re an extremely cash-conscious, maximum profit-seeking entrepreneur, right? You’re going to implement one of business’s oldest proven marketing strategies ever.

What I’m suggesting is nothing more than some good old-fashioned, bank account filling, word of mouth and mouse advertising/marketing strategies.

Sound good? By strategically using word-of-mouth-marketing (WOMM), you’ll gain a bare bones minimum of the five following, potentially profitable benefits.

Five Low-Cost Ways to Consistently Earn Some Big Profits

The following five bare bones, potentially profitable benefits are a direct result of strategically using some form of evergreen, word of mouth, and/or mouse marketing campaigns.

The examples given will amply demonstrate how your resource-challenged small business, service, or startup, can and will make out (potentially very well) when your advertising/marketing campaigns provide the five following extremely measurable benefits.

Benefit #1: WOMM causes your very best customers to enthusiastically tell their closet friends, family members, co-workers, and colleagues about the positive experiences they’ve had and are currently having by being one of your clients!

Plus, they’ll sometimes even forward your opt in email offers to their immediate circle of influence without being asked to do so.

Benefit #2: When done correctly, WOMM causes your clients to constantly bombard their social media accounts, talking about their good fortune. And they’ll gladly do so 24/7!

This means they become some of your (or your major competitors) greatest goodwill ambassadors.

Benefit #3: When properly implemented, your positive word of mouth and mouse marketing strategies can and will cause some of your best customers, in-laws, neighbors, live-in significant others, and business acquaintances to aggressively seek your business, and they’ll do so sooner rather than later.

You will therefore dramatically lower your “brand new,” first-time customer acquisition costs.

Don’t Just Rely on Outrageously Expensive Ad Campaigns

Benefit #4: WOMM systematically increases your normal referral business opportunities by at least 25-40%! It could possibly increase your opportunities even more—it just depends on how aggressive your ongoing follow-up tactics are.

Benefit #5: Depending on which proven word of mouth or mouse marketing strategies you consistently implement, you can help other local vendors grow their businesses and services too!

Now let’s tie all of these marketing benefits together, using a simple marketing template example.

Your Best Lead Generation Strategies Should Be Effective, Not Fancy

Let’s suppose you run a fairly successful, upscale, single location, up-and-coming retail jewelry store. And you’re constantly looking for some effective, non-traditional, low-cost, creative ways to strategically get the word out without having to spend a fortune on outrageously expensive TV, radio, or local newspaper ads.

After careful consideration, one of your associates strongly suggests you approach two upscale salon owners, one of a hair salon and the other of a nail salon. You’re going to get their help so you can grow your own business.

Here’s how you’re going to do it. You or an associate get your hair and nails done in each owner’s shop in order to get a feel of how they service their clientele.

Once you’re satisfied and get on a first name basis with them, you approach the owners with the following “you simply can’t refuse” offer.

You offer to let the owners of the hair and nail salons purchase pieces of high-demand jewelry at your actual hard cost, plus any applicable taxes and fees.

They can purchase a beautiful, eye-catching, diamond studded necklace, worth up to $1,000 dollars. They can also get a really cool bracelet, up to $250 dollars. And just to to top things off, they also get to purchase a beautiful pair of diamond studded earrings, which typically retail for $400 dollars each!

They get all three of these eye-catching items for your actual cost.

Your Strategies Will Lead to Some Big Pay Days

Follow the bouncing ball here. Each salon owner has a local, thriving upscale business with a total of six chairs, including hers.

And she and the other five styling associates typically work six days a week. They average about twelve hour days, servicing 10 local female customers each per day. The customers are from all walks of life, income levels, and professions.

This means they average 360 patrons a week, 52 weeks a year. That’s a grand total of 18,720 local, influential women who will hear and see the owners’ (extremely eye-catching) jewelry! 10 x 6 = 60 x 6 = 360 x 52 = 18,720 x 2 = 37,440 potential first-time customers.

What do you think each salon owner’s female customers will definitely want to know? Bingo! Where did the owners get that eye catching bling, and how much did they pay for it?

But here’s the real kicker! Each time those owners gladly tell their stories, and those potential first-time customers go back to their particular inner circles, they will gladly repeat their stories to a portion of their inner circles, will they not? You’d better believe it!

And everywhere the salon owners go locally, do you think some of the women they encounter on a daily basis will want to know the inside scoop as well? You’d better believe it!

Developing Effective Lead Generation Strategies Is a Must

So here’s the point, entrepreneur. Would you rather continually spend an outrageous fortune on dismally performing, traditional ad campaigns?

Or would you prefer to hire some local marketing agencies by allowing some highly influential service providers to gladly show off some of your very best products and not have to pay them an additional nickel to get them to do so?

In Part Two, you’ll discover even more proven ways of marketing your products by word of mouth. But for now, hopefully you are starting to appreciate the five proven ways savvy entrepreneurs hire some of the very best local marketing agencies for literally pennies on the dollar!

In the comments section below, please share your extremely valuable comments that people can apply to their businesses, products or services in the next 30 days or less!

As always, if you got any value out of this post, please Google Plus or tweet this. Thanks!

And be sure you grab your explosive, free 22-step small business marketing idea kit series because it will help you increase your profits by as much as 25% in the next 90 days or less.

It will also help you master your effective communication in marketing skills, no matter what your particular niche market is. It’s a $97 dollar value and it’s free!

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