Chrome SEO Site Tools Plugin

If you have been using FireFox because you don’t want to lose your SEOBook or SEOMoz Toolbar (among other things) you will definitely want to know about the SEO Site Tools for Chrome.

Special thanks to Ileane who walked me through many great tips including this one yesterday on the phone.

Search Engine Journal called this addon The SEO Tool That May Make You Switch to Chrome.

Their post goes into great detail on what it does.

The developer’s guest post on Using SEO Site Tools at SEOMoz provides additional details and was promoted to their main site because “it provides great value and interest”.

Install the plugin, go to your site, click in the icon on the top right corner of Chrome as shown in this image:

SEO Site Tools Icon

Check out all the information you will have at your fingertips!

We have Ileane to thank for my knowing about this nifty SEO tool.

Every blogger needs to know Ileane because she is an early adopter who is always helping other bloggers learn new skills.

Ileane popped in to let me know she has a post that includes a Chrome SEO Site Tools video:

Be sure to read her blog offering Blogging Tutorials and watch for her many how-to videos.

She has a video channel on YouTube under MsIleaneSpeaks.


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Blog Outreach: Garden Bloggers Reach Audiences Beneficial to Related Small Businesses

Beautiful flowers: Small Yellow Viola
Click the image to visit Stephanie’s Gardening Blog

This post is by Gardening Blogger and Master Gardener Stephanie Suesan Smith, author of “Preparing a Vegetable Garden From the Ground Up”.

Stephanie is the extremely talented writer with specialized knowledge she shares on her garden site.

Garden Writers Reach a Broad Audience

Garden writers are becoming an increasingly important segment of the internet.  However, they are virtually ignored by PR firms and companies that produce items for the lawn or garden.

When Victory Gardens are once more in vogue and even the White House has a kitchen garden, marketers are missing a golden opportunity to influence first time gardeners to purchase their products.

Who are garden writers? Continue reading Blog Outreach: Garden Bloggers Reach Audiences Beneficial to Related Small Businesses

5 Modern Business Solutions

This is by Joshua Bitton, a freelance writer for Echo Sign online digital signatures.

Modern technology has opened up so many doors for entrepreneurs and sole proprietors, making it easier than ever to start and run a business. With the ability to get email, phone calls, and even credit card payments on the go, and with Internet tools such as shopping carts and e-signatures, business owners today have fewer logistics to worry about when it comes to running their companies — leaving you more time to do the stuff you got into business to do, in the first place.

Online Store, Shopping Cart, Etc.

The Internet has been a favorite business solution for years, but today its capabilities are better than ever. Even more than simple business websites with “About Us” and “Contact Us” pages, company websites these days have sophisticated tools such as online stores, shopping carts, and the ability to accept payment online. In addition, many software programs for businesses now allow your customers to make appointments or fill out a request for service online, saving you time and money from having to pay an employee to do that for you. Continue reading 5 Modern Business Solutions