TwtPoll: Do You Answer Your @YourUserName Tweets?

Have you ever noticed that many people never answer the @theirusername Tweets you send them? It occurred to me today that maybe they never think to look for them. A huge percentage (possibly 50-60%) of Twitter accounts are not interactive (i.e., they feed content but don’t actually talk to others on Twitter), but what about the rest?

Except for the people who have so many thousands of followers they can’t possibly answer them all, I hope that most Twitter users actually look for and answer @theirusername Tweets. I just passed 13,000 followers and I have no trouble answering all the @GrowMap tweets I get. The only ones I don’t answer are trying to sell me something – and I even answer some of those.

What do YOU think? Do you answer? Do you know for sure you see your Tweets? Please answer this poll (multiple answers are fine) – it only takes a minute and it will give us all insight into whether it is productive to @Tweet at others Twitter users or not.

NOTE: Anyone reading the responses to this poll should know that it will be skewed in favor of those who DO answer because my regular readers and Twitter followers are predominantly bloggers and effective users of Social Media including many Social Media influencers. This poll will NOT be representative of the general public or what those who manage business Twitter accounts do.

IMPORTANT: Twitter Search does not bring up all the Tweets that have your username in them. Click on the link for @yourusername provided by Twitter and compare what you see there to what you find when you do a search for your username without the @ in front of it. Doing both will show you more of the tweets that mention you.

Published by

Gail Gardner

Founder of GrowMap, Small Business Marketing Strategist, freelance writer and BizSugar Mastermind Community Manager.

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