The last two Influence People Monitoring Social Media events of 2010 are in London November 22nd and Paris December 10th.
Not in London or Paris? You could give yourself an early holiday gift and your business a tax write-off and learn tons too by attending either of these events.
“The event is currently touring around the country and I highly recommend it. It’s one of the only, or the only, event of its kind with concentrated focus on social media monitoring.” ~ Ken Polson, Product Marketing Manager, Marchex
Attendees have written some excellent reviews of Social Media Monitoring solutions offered by speakers:
- Marshall Sponder (@WebMetricsGuru) reviewed Synthesio’s new Influencer Dashboard
- Marshall described the new Glide Technologies “Super charged PR monitoring” using GlideIntelligence
- Marshall talks about several of the events including London, San Francisco and Monitoring Social Media New York
- Trisha Lyn Fawver’s four live blogging posts from the Monitoring Social Media event in San Francisco.
- Video of Marshall Sponder’s Social Media ROI presentation at the Boston event.
- Influence People Slideshow presentation slides from Monitoring Social Media events
“We were both impressed and surprised by the quality of the speakers and the information presented at the event. Sometimes you go to these events and hear nothing but a sales pitch. This conference happily, wasn’t that.” ~ Two of us from E3 European Agency Network … lucky enough to attend a Monitoring Social Media event presented by Influence People in Boston. ~
There are substantial Early Bird Discounts and you can save an additional 10% off any Influence People Social Media event by entering Discount Code iem7.