What Does Privacy Have to Do With Being Middle Class? What You Need to Know Now!

Be honest. How fast would debts consume whatever savings or property you own? Our fairy-tale middle class is one life-line away from living in the street. To truly be middle class now in the U.S. would require at least a six figure income and a net worth of over a million dollars. The United States is now the land of the great imaginary middle-class.

If you lose your job or have a medical emergency your credit is very likely to be damaged. Once that happens you can forget about getting insurance, or a corporate position (or any other employer who uses credit screening), or even renting to put a roof over your head!

This is a systematic intentional move toward increasing poverty and planned homelessness!

A recent AOL Internet online privacy survey proves that most people simply do not understand the dangers of providing information. The risk is not in the one question you answered today (or the additional information you offered in email, chat, or on social networking). The issue is that what you think is anonymous is not. It can all be tracked back to you to build a huge personal profile on each one of us.

Most computer users are unaware of the awesome power of data mining and how deeply it may already be affecting their lives. Each of us already uses data mining whenever we use a search engine such as Google or Yahoo to locate information. We type in what we wish to know and the search engine presents everything it can find on that subject in the databases it can access.

Like all things useful, data mining is a double-edged sword. Whether it is good for us or bad all depends on who is swinging that sword. Read on about how to protect your privacy.


  • NEW Struggling To Get By On $100,000 A Year (Sep 3, 2008)
  • How Living Standards Slid After the 1990s (Sep 1, 2008)
  • How to Conceal Massive Economic Collapse (Sep 1, 2008)
  • Middle Class In Decline; Radical Change Not Likely (Aug 21, 2008)
  • New Signs of a Middle Class Collapse (Aug 15, 2008)
  • Shrinking Middle Class (Aug 11, 2008)
  • Reality Check – Is Six Figures Really That Much? Or Even Enough?
  • How Do You Define Middle Class?
  • Rich is Relative – Why Do You Think You’re Middle Class?
  • Middle Class = Making $5 Million a Year or Less
  • Trickle Down… R.I.P
  • Making Ends Meet on $300,000 a Year


  • The Bankruptcy of America
  • The Promise of America (While this is related to politics, I include it here for the background information included and not to endorse any particular political stance.)


See also: other posts in this blog about Privacy and Data Mining

Published by

Gail Gardner

Founder of GrowMap, Small Business Marketing Strategist, freelance writer and BizSugar Mastermind Community Manager.

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