Yes You CAN Work for Yourself!

It wasn’t so very long ago that most people worked for themselves. There is no reason we can not start again. Some may do it for additional income; others may choose to earn all of their income the old-fashioned way – either by choice or because they have been laid off or can no longer find work.

There is no special magic required to do this. There are infinite ways to make money online or off. Here are just a few with many more to come. We will even provide you with step-by-step instructions for many ways to make money so you don’t have to do it alone. If you get stuck do not give up. We can help you or find someone who will.

Key to increasing your income is getting the word out. One way is through free online listings. We have already posted statistics on how people find businesses and links to the major Local Search Directories. We have provides everything someone needs to offer this as a service or use it to promote their own business. Many can use what is already posted and get started now.

Anyone can make money even if they do not know how to use the Internet. If any ideas you find here would be perfect for friends, family or acquaintances, print it out and give it to them. If they run with the idea you can help them with fliers or listings. Those who help others are always rewarded.

Here are the first of many EXTRA INCOME IDEAS to come:

  1. Offer to help existing businesses to get listed in Local Search Directories – see Special Offer which explains why someone would want to do this and has reasonable prices to charge for this service. In the future we will create fliers you can edit and downloadable spreadsheets to track your work. We will also teach how to research keywords and the basics of copywriting. We can provide free tutoring and assistance to get you started.
  2. Love to sew or know someone who does? Here is the perfect idea that requires only the tiniest of start-up funds. Read Oklahoma Prairie Mom’s post on Sewing Clothing for Free and Recycled Flannel Bed Sheets to get that idea. Expand that to making patterns from your favorite clothing that is too worn to wear. There are used clothing places, swap meets, and yard sales most everywhere. You can often buy whole sacks of material for a few dollars or even less. Watch for discarded clothing or anything else made of a beautiful fabric and turn it into a copy of your favorite clothes or needed household items (pot holders, hand towels, etc.). [NOTE: If you don’t sew hire someone else to do it.]
  3. Share your knowledge with others. Do you realize how many people never learned how to sew, or bake, or cook from scratch? Many are just now getting into gardening. Some people have always wanted to learn to play an instrument. Many more could use additional computer skills. While not everyone is cut out for teaching, many have the skills and would love the work.
  4. Start a co-op to share the work. If you don’t have time to do everything neither do the other people you know. Instead of everyone working outside the home some could stay home and provide meals, housekeeping, gardening, yard work – anything others need. This benefits both those who are still working and those who elect to stay home.
  5. Quit your job if the cost of working exceeds your take-home pay. I am absolutely positive that many people are actually going into debt because of their job. Have you calculated the cost of commuting, clothing, eating out, packaged and fast food for home consumption, taxes, and anything else you spend money on because you work? As much as these costs have risen there are bound to be many who are actually losing money by working! If this is you, you’re better off giving notice right now. Keep working and you’re just digging a deeper hole!
  6. Don’t know how to figure out if you’re losing money by working? There is a perfect service for someone to offer to those who don’t know how!

Use your imagination. Follow your passion. Ask for help getting started. Learn to cook from scratch, sew your own clothing, or plant a garden. Learning to grow food is especially important. With the falling value of the dollar income is not keeping pace with increases in food costs. Remember this: you can’t eat money! Food equals security and freedom – and most importantly – health.


  • More on the Fierce Urgency of Now – Francine Hardaway

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Published by

Gail Gardner

Founder of GrowMap, Small Business Marketing Strategist, freelance writer and BizSugar Mastermind Community Manager.

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